Interact SDK

This page is for developers to implement Interact in other products. Please refer to the following related pages for further guidance:


SDK Documentation

Nimbus Interact SDK Documentation - v0.0.21183

Nimbus Interact SDK Documentation - v0.0.21183

Interact SDK


  • To use Web Interaction SDK on your site:

Add link to Web Interaction SDK .js file to the page

<script src="{path to scripts folder}/luware.Interact.sdkInstance.js">
  • The following steps should be done to use Interact SDK in compressioned state with IIS on your Web site:
    • Add link to Interact SDK .js.gz file to the page
<script src="{path to scripts folder}/luware.Interact.sdkInstance.js.gz">
  • Assign custom header 'Content-encoding: gzip' to response for Interact.sdkInstance.js.gz
  • Add to global config system.webServer > staticContent
<mimeMap fileExtension=".js.gz" mimeType="application/javascript" />
  • IIS Compression can be disabled
<urlCompression doStaticCompression="false" doDynamicCompression="false" dynamicCompressionBeforeCache="false" />

 Usage for several contacts

  1. Provide a valid token if the token authorization is enabled on the tenant
  1. Initialize the presence before starting the conversation

 let initPresence = {
 widgetKey: "A3A38323F038F9O1DB0B25BF3158F5490",
 apiUrl: "https://ui.interact.stage.nimbdev/v1",
 type: "signalR",
 interactSDK.presence.init(initPresence).then(() => {
 // sdk was inited to work with presences
  1. Check availability
    • Contact
    • Service
  2. Start conversation with modalities (more info can be found in Samples of usage section)

Usage per tenant

  1. Init sdk
let initSettings = {
 widgetKey: "A3A38926G067411DB0B25BF3158F5490",
 apiUrl: "https://ui.interact.stage.nimbdev/v1",
const sdkInstance_tenantA = new interactSDK(initSettings);
  1. Provide authorization token. Token could be updated later

  1. Init presence and subscribe on it

await sdkInstance_tenantA.initPresence("signalR");
  1. Check contact availability
const contactId="21d8b07c-b6bf-480d-bae8-9b17915084e1";
const contactDetails = await sdkInstance_tenantA.getContactStatus(contactId)
  1. Start conversation with modalities (more info can be found in Samples of usage section)

Samples of usage

Presence for several contacts

Subscribe to presences

async function subscribeToPresence() { 
   await interactSDK.presence.on([
       { publicUserId: '21d8b07c-b6bf-480d-bae8-9b17915084e1', 
           callbacks: { onChanged: onPresenceChanged }},
       { publicUserId: 'ec7ceef7-d114-4f46-af0b-9eb9cf5161c5', 
           callbacks: { onChanged: onPresenceChanged }}
function onPresenceChanged(presence) { }

Unsubscribe to presences

async function unsubscribeToPresence() {
       {publicUserId: '21d8b07c-b6bf-480d-bae8-9b17915084e1'},
       {publicUserId: 'ec7ceef7-d114-4f46-af0b-9eb9cf5161c5'},

Get presence status without Subscription

let initSettings = {
   widgetKey: "A3A38926G067411DB0B25BF3158F5490",            
   apiUrl: "https://ui.interact.stage.nimbdev/v1",
await interactSDK.getContactPresence(initSettings);

Presence for several contacts from one tenant

Subscribe to presences

async function subscribeToPresence() { 
   await sdkInstance_tenantA.presence.on([
       { publicUserId: '21d8b07c-b6bf-480d-bae8-9b17915084e1', 
           callbacks: { onChanged: onPresenceChanged }},
       { publicUserId: 'ec7ceef7-d114-4f46-af0b-9eb9cf5161c5', 
           callbacks: { onChanged: onPresenceChanged }},
       { publicServiceId: '6fbcf3a8-f390-43b5-9566-9c95ef7e0d31', 
           callbacks: { onChanged: onPresenceChanged }}
       { publicServiceId: '211b64a9-8b27-4ba2-9598-e9f3cad388ad', 
           callbacks: { onChanged: onPresenceChanged }}
function onPresenceChanged(presence) { }

Unsubscribe to presences

async function unsubscribeToPresence() {
       {publicUserId: '21d8b07c-b6bf-480d-bae8-9b17915084e1'},
       {publicUserId: 'ec7ceef7-d114-4f46-af0b-9eb9cf5161c5'},
       {publicServiceId: '6fbcf3a8-f390-43b5-9566-9c95ef7e0d31'},
       {publicServiceId: '211b64a9-8b27-4ba2-9598-e9f3cad388ad'},

Get presence status without Subscription

await sdkInstance_tenantA.getContactPresence('21d8b07c-b6bf-480d-bae8-9b17915084e1');

Audio & Video calls

Init sdk instance to work with conversation.
Use this instance in all other steps

let initSettings = {
   widgetKey: "A3A38926G067411DB0B25BF3158F5490",            
   apiUrl: "https://ui.interact.stage.nimbdev/v1" 
let sdkInstance_tenantA = new interactSDK(initSettings);

Provide authorization token
Token could be updated later


Start conversation and subscribe to conversation events

let userDetails = {
   userName: userName,
   email: email,
   disclaimer: true
const contactId = "21d8b07c-b6bf-480d-bae8-9b17915084e1";
const sessionId = await sdkInstance_tenantA.startConversation(userDetails, contactId);
{ onMessageReceived, onTypingParticipantAdded, onTypingParticipantRemoved });
   onStart: () => startCallback(first), 
   onStop: stopCallback, 
   onRemoteVideo: onRemoteParticipantVideChanged, 
   inLobby: onClientJoinLobby });
sdkInstance_tenantA.conversation.participantsChanged.on({ onAdded, onRemoved });
sdkInstance_tenantA.conversation.screenSharing.on({ onScreenSharing, onRemoteScreenSharing });

Start call as Audio (muted self video)

Call could be extended to video with calling unmute video

let options = {
   devices: {
       audioId: audio != 0 ? audio : 'default'
   selfVideoId: "self-video-id",
   videoId: ""remote-video-id",
   screenSharingId: "screensharing-id"
await sdkInstance_tenantA.startCall(options);

Start call as video

let options = {
   devices: {
       videoId: video != 0 ? video : 'default',
       audioId: audio != 0 ? audio : 'default',
   selfVideoId: "self-video-id",
   videoId: "remote-video-id",
   screenSharingId: "screensharing-id"
await sdkInstance_tenantA.startCall(options);

Stop call and unsubscribe from all conversation events

await sdkInstance_tenantA.stopCall();;;;;;

Mute/unmute audio

await sdkInstance_tenantA.toggleMute(muted);

Mute/unmute video

await sdkInstance_tenantA.toggleVideo();

Change camera to the next available

await sdkInstance_tenantA.changeCamera();

Update media devices which are used for a call

let options = {
   devices: {
           videoId: video != 0 ? video : 'default',
           audioId: audio != 0 ? audio : 'default',
await sdkInstance_tenantA.updateDevices(options);

Chat in Audio/Video call

Subscribe to chat events{ onTypingParticipantAdded, onTypingParticipantRemoved });

Start call, then send message

//returns id of sent Message
let id = await sdkInstance_tenantA.sendMessage({ text: message });

Chat only conversation

Init sdk instance to work with conversation.
Use this instance in all other steps

let initSettings = {
   widgetKey: "A3A38926G067411DB0B25BF3158F5490",
   apiUrl: "https://ui.interact.stage.nimbdev/v1" 
let sdkInstance_tenantA = new interactSDK(initSettings);

Provide authorization token
Token could be updated later


Start conversation and subscribe to conversation events

let userDetails = {
   userName: userName,
   email: email,
   disclaimer: true
const contactId = "21d8b07c-b6bf-480d-bae8-9b17915084e1";
const sessionId = await sdkInstance_tenantA.startChatConversation(userDetails, contactId);{ onMessageReceived, onStopChat });          

//returns id of sent Message
let id = await sdkInstance_tenantA.sendMessage({ text: message });

Stop chat and unsubscribe from all conversation events

await sdkInstance_tenantA.stopChat();


Subscribe to conversation participants changes

sdkInstance_tenantA.conversation.participantsChanged.on({ onAdded, onRemoved });

Screen sharing

Subscribe to screen sharing events

interactSDK.conversation.screenSharing.on({ onSelfScreenSharing, onRemoteScreenSharing });

With starting call options provide the id of the element where incoming screen sharing stream will be placed. Screen sharing stream will be automatically added/removed to the div.

toggleScreenSharing to start/stop self screen or application sharing

let isActiveSharing = true;
await sdkInstance_tenantA.toggleScreenSharing(!activeScreenSharing);

Restore conversation

Restore conversation on the page reloading

Conversation could be restored in time configured in the Tenant settings (20 sec by default)

On reload:

Provide a valid token if it is necessary


Initialize the presence before starting the conversation

interactSDK.presence.init(initPresence).then(() => { 
       // sdk was inited to work with presences

Get contact status

const contactStatus = await interactSDK.getContactStatus(initSettings);

Table of Contents