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04 Aug 2024 - 1.97 Release Notes

🔖 This is a major update, bringing new changes and options into Nimbus.

Cluster Update on
United Kingdom 01 04/08/2024
Switzerland 02 / Germany 02 05/08/2024
Switzerland 01 06/08/2024
Germany 01 07/08/2024

Deprecated “Pickup (through transfer)” Distribution Type Removed

The Distribution TypePickup (through transfer)” was removed from the Workflow Activities Queue and Queue Activity. “Pickup” (through transfer) will not be available anymore. In existing Workflows and Workflow Templates, “Pickup” is replaced with the distribution type “Pickup Conference”.

Added category “Skill-based” on My Services widget in My Overview

Introduced a new category “Skill-based” on the My Services widget in My Overview. This category displays the user's skill-based services count. Being on duty / off duty doesn't influence this count.

Renamed Areas in Nimbus UI

To improve the usability of Nimbus, the following areas have been renamed in Nimbus Portal:

Power BI

  • User States page: Dates and timings are now being converted to local time as per time zone selected in parameters.
  • Fixed the sorting for date objects. Day of the week in Service Overview and User Overview are now sorting chronologically instead of alphabetically.
  • Fixed15Min column in ServiceSessions and UserSessions now set to type time and will sorts chronologically.

Other Changes and Improvements

  • Added direction to Service Supervisor Tabular Widget - The Service Supervisor Tabular Widget was extended by direction (Inbound Call, Outbound Call, Call On Behalf). It is now also possible to filter by direction:
  • Adjusted the length limitation of the fields in Configuration > Parameters  to match them with the limitations in Power Automate. The following limits apply:
    • Name: 64 characters
    • Default Value: 5120 characters
    • ID: 64 characters

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