Microsoft Graph PowerShell Permissions

Permissions for the Powershell script

The Microsoft.Graph.* modules which are used by the Provisioning Script require the user to have the permissions that need to be granted for the Microsoft Graph PowerShell Enterprise application:




Granted By Purpose
Application.ReadWrite.All Delegated Tenant Admin Read and write all applications
AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All Delegated Tenant Admin Manage app permission grants and app role assignments
DelegatePermissionGrant.ReadWrite.All Delegated Tenant Admin Manage all delegated permission grants
Domain.Read.All Delegated Tenant Admin Read domains
Organization.Read.All Delegated Tenant Admin Read organization information
User.ReadWrite.All Delegated Tenant Admin Read and write all users' full profiles
openid Delegated Tenant Admin Sign users in
profile Delegated Tenant Admin View user's basic profile
offline_access Delegated Tenant Admin Maintain access to data you have given it access 


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