FAQ and Troubleshooting

Support Contact, Common issues and solutions

We regularly update this section with common use cases and answers to frequently asked questions based on feedback we receive. If your issue is not covered here and can't be found anywhere else in the Knowledge Base, please contact our support team.

Nimbus Support Address

Luware Support Address

 Luware Website https://luware.com/support/
Luware Helpdesk https://helpdesk.luware.cloud 
Cloud Service Status https://status.luware.cloud/
Luware support contact details

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

This section covers frequently asked questions, and will be expanded over time. You can also check out the Nimbus Glossary, or explore the Introduction to Nimbus for an explanation of the thoughts and concepts behind Nimbus.

Getting Started

I'm new to Nimbus. Where do I start?

Some more pointers to get started, sorted by User role

Nimbus primarily uses the following Portal Roles to grant access to the UI. Here are a few recommended first pages to read, depending on your role:

Users Recommended topics to read
  • We strongly recommend that team administrators and leaders refer to the Nimbus Installation guide for some excellent first pointers on setting up the system effectively.
  • Admin UI: Learn how to manage multiple teams within the Administration Overview.
  • Nimbus Features: You might want to familiarize yourself with all Nimbus features and addons, as well as the License Management to stay up-to-date on your usage.
  • Operations is where you can check on how your services are performing. You can also monitor changes made to the configuration via the Change History.


(& Nimbus Service Owners)


(& Nimbus Service Users)

  • Terminology: Get familiar with technical terms in the Nimbus Glossary.
  • UI differences: Learn the difference between the Nimbus Personal App and the Nimbus Teams Tab. Both display incoming calls and other daily metrics.
  • After your first login, we also recommend heading to your User Preferences (Portal) to change the language as needed.
  • Visit our Usage of Nimbus page, which explains general UI/UX concepts and leads you into other topics to explore.
  • You may also find it helpful to learn about additional applications like Attendant Console and Assistant that may be enabled for your service.
Power Users and Call Center Specialists
(Concepts and Technical Details)
💡 This table is an excerpt. For an overview of available topics, you can also visit our Page Index.

How can I stay informed about Nimbus updates and maintenance? 

If you are an administrator and you'd like to stay ahead of system maintenance and outages, please head over to https://status.luware.cloud and subscribe to status updates via email. We'll keep you informed about any pending maintenance tasks and (un)expected system downtime.

If you'd like to stay informed about our latest feature updates, you can always check the Release Notes.


Nimbus Features and Licensing

For general guidance, please see our Knowledge Base articles on Nimbus Features and License Management

What's the difference between Enterprise Routing and Contact Center for configuration and functionality?

Depending on your Service License, User assignment and available Features differ slightly. In a nutshell:

  • Enterprise Routing - Configured by the Team owner, via Service Administration, Teams and in the Teams Nimbus client. Agents are assigned and synched as team members with MS Teams.
  • Contact Center - Configured via Service Administration. Users are defined as “Agents” with assigned Skills as members of (one or multiple) Contact Center Services.

🔍 You can read more about this on our our Service Types page and the User Assignment Types.

🔍 Applied (or removed) Licenses directly impact your available Nimbus settings. For a direct comparison of all features, visit our Nimbus Features page. 


Do you have guaranteed SLAs?

Yes. All our SLAs are defined in the Luware Cloud Service Description, available in our Documents section.

🔍 You can also check service uptime via https://status.luware.cloud/


Setup and Provisioning

If you're setting up Nimbus and are looking for an installation guide or provisioning information, please check our Initial Setup category, which contains guides on Nimbus Installation and Service Provisioning as well as common Installation Prerequisites.

What does the Service Provisioning Script do?

In a nutshell: Automate Service provisioning and setting changes for Tenant Administrators.

When Provisioning new Services or adjusting some of your Service Settings, related changes (e.g. PSTN licensing) need to be propagated on your local Azure and Teams tenant. The script automates, unifies and simplifies this process by rolling out these changes in a step-by-step procedure, ensuring that any (missing, new or changed) Nimbus App Permissions are granted as well.

🔍 For technical specifics on the script, refer to Provisioning via Microsoft PowerShell for more information.


Why is my Nimbus Tab missing in Teams?

The Nimbus Teams Tab can be removed by any team owner. If this happened unintentionally, the tab can be re-added by following the Steps mentioned in Nimbus Installation > Service Provisioning 

💡Hint: You can also access Nimbus at any time by installing and using the Nimbus Personal App in your Teams client. Alternatively, you can open Nimbus in your browser via the following Portal URLs:

INC Nimbus Portal URLs

Switzerland 01 https://portal.ch-01.luware.cloud/
Switzerland 02 https://portal.ch-02.luware.cloud/
Germany 01 https://portal.dewe-01.luware.cloud/
Germany 02 https://portal.dewe-02.luware.cloud/
United Kingdom 01 https://portal.ukso-01.luware.cloud/
Australia 01 https://portal.aue-01.luware.cloud/
West Europe 01 https://portal.euwe-01.luware.cloud/
East United States 01 https://portal.use-01.luware.cloud/
Nimbus Portal URLs

Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete *.luware.cloud domain.


Why does Nimbus need external access and guest Users?

UPDATE: Guest Users are a legacy method to track extended user presence and are only supported for legacy reasons. More on this below.

For anyone else we now provide Use Case - Tracking Extended User Presence via Application Permission.


Nimbus can use the following means to query the presence of your users:

  • Via App Permissions (default, recommended): Nimbus can use its application permissions to see the full presence details of your users and even work if you have the “Presence Privacy Mode” enabled in your Teams tenant. See Use Case - Tracking Extended User Presence via Application Permission.
  • Guest Users (legacy): Nimbus can use Guest Users added to your tenant to query the extended presence details. This is only supported for legacy reasons and for tenants which had already added these Guest Users. This feature cannot be configured for new tenants anymore, but we use an internal Use Case - Tracking Extended User Presence via Azure Guest Accounts. If querying presence via App Permissions isn't possible for any reason, Nimbus will fall back to using these Guest Users if available and functional.
  • External Access (fallback): If neither App Permissions nor Guest Users are available for querying the full extended presence, Nimbus can fall back to using Teams External Access to see basic, incomplete presence information, as granted during Installation Prerequisites > Communication Settings.

Nimbus requires at least one of these methods to be functional for targeted call distribution and updating availability in the frontend UI. Without accurate presence information, calls may arrive on your services and go through their defined workflows, but may never be distributed to actual users.


Can I use Runbooks to automate Service provisioning?

At this time, there is no supported way to automate the execution of the provisioning script. We can only support manual execution by a Global Admin. This is partly also due to Microsoft technical limitations. We continue to monitor this situation and will provide improvements to the provisioning process however possible.


Can I set my agents' availability within Nimbus?

Nimbus can only read agents' Teams presence states for the purposes of call distribution. Nimbus does not have the ability to alter Teams User states. Agent availability is always controlled from the Microsoft Teams side.

On the Nimbus side, however, you can control whether users should be enabled or disabled for Teams-based routing services. Additionally, you can control their assigned duty profiles, which determine their responsibilities for Skill-based call distribution.



For general guidance on setup and configuration, including workflows and resources, please refer to Luware Nimbus - Configuration.

What are the best practices when creating a workflow? 

Please see Luware Nimbus - Avoiding Workflow Issues for a list of best practices, as well as troubleshooting guidelines in the case of any workflow issues. 


What limitations are there for Audio Files / Playlists?

An excerpt from our Playlists and Resources pages:

INC Playlist / Audio File Resource limitations


  • Recommended file format: .wav, single-channel, 16-bit samples with a 16,000 (16KHz) sampling rate
  • Supported File formats: wma, wav, mp3 
  • Allowed file size / length1: Maximum of 20 MB size or 10 min length. 
    💡If you need to chain multiple files, please resort to using multiple Announcement, Play Music activities or use Playlists.

Limitations and Checks:

  • Upload duration: Please note that uploads may fail when they take longer than 30 sec.
  • Max Playlist items: There is no limit to max items in a playlist.
    💡We recommend a maximum number of 15 resources (songs, audio cues) in a playlist. Alternatively, consider using multiple “Playlist / Announcement" Workflow Activities in your Workflow.
  • Timeout dependency: Keep in mind that your workflow elements may have a timeout configured. Depending on that the playlist may be cut short or repeat.

1 Fair use - Storage Capacity: There is currently no total storage limit for Audio files in place. Luware Support may contact you when your instance exceeds regular storage capacity quotas.


Can we use SIP phones with Nimbus?

You can use SIP phones in Teams with Nimbus and Attendant Console. Nimbus uses the Teams bot for incoming and outgoing calls.

🔍 More about the SIP Phone support in Teams can be found here: here Plan SIP Gateway - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs and here Configure SIP Gateway - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs

Usage of SIP Gateways requires configuration on your organization's firewall, e.g. to open ports and bypass of the proxy for Teams traffic.



Below are the most common questions on Nimbus Reporting. For more in-depth documentation on our OData Feed, refer to Nimbus Reporting Model or Statistics

Where can I find the number of transfer attempts?

We currently do not track transfer attempts in the reporting. In Nimbus, a transfer is always considered as successful (handled) as per Static Dimensions in the Nimbus Reporting Model.

If a transfer comes back, then the call is not considered transferred and thus will have a different outcome. 


What do the KPIs mean on my reports?

For detailed definitions of the KPIs available in your Power BI reports, please see Luware Nimbus - Nimbus KPI Calculations.


Where can I find abandoned calls?

"Abandoned" can be interpreted in different ways. In Nimbus there are multiple outcomes for calls: Nimbus Reporting Model.

💡 Based on this, a Customer can pick the necessary outcomes that constitute "Abandoned" for him. The sum of the calls in these outcomes represents the abandoned calls. 


Where can I find the SLA configuration value for the service?

Certain SLA values can be changed via General Service Settings. Related to this, you might be interested in the Nimbus KPI Calculations.

💡 Note that SLA are is not part of the historical Power BI. The configuration is only used for real-time reporting dashboards


Technical Issues - Troubleshooting

Technical issues can arise for many reasons. Particularly on issues happening shortly after onboarding we strongly recommend reviewing Luware Nimbus - Installation Prerequisites, which outlines several considerations (e.g. platform limitations and compatibility issues) that can interfere with the Nimbus experience. You can also check https://status.luware.cloud/ first to see if there are any general platform impediments, maintenance.

My Nimbus teams / services aren't showing in the Teams client 

  • Check for "Hidden Teams" at the bottom of your list.
  • Check which Azure Account is currently logged into Teams. Your account needs Team Member- or Ownership to display the team.
  • If you still cannot find your Nimbus team, contact your Tenant administrator to check which teams your user is a part of.

💡If your Nimbus tab within a MS Teams team is missing, you can re-add it by following Service Provisioning steps.


My Nimbus App won't load

  • Switch away from the app to another MS Teams view and then retry.
  • When using Nimbus Portal in your browser, try emptying your cache.
  • Try the same login within a different browser.

🤔I tried this, but Nimbus still doesn't load?

  • Nimbus runs on Azure Cloud services. Check https://status.luware.cloud for maintenance and (un)expected system outages.
  • When your Nimbus remains unresponsive for several minutes but other Teams applications work normally, check https://status.luware.cloud first. Contact your Support Partner or Luware Support directly if the problem persists.

My Nimbus App loads but behaves unexpectedly

When using Nimbus in your browser, try clearing your browser cache, then refresh Nimbus with CTRL+F5 to force a reload.

If you're still experiencing issues after following all of the above steps, reach out to the Luware Support team. Please be sure to describe the issue thoroughly, and provide screenshots if possible. Organization units 


Incoming calls are sometimes shown with a cryptic ID instead of the Nimbus service name

This is a Microsoft Teams issue that cannot be resolved on the Luware side.

Nimbus sends the Service name to establish the call; however, it's not always resolved correctly.


My service is not reachable 

Service Owner:

  • Check that your Workflow is configured correctly within the Service Settings.
  • Check that you are using the exact Service UPN / Phone Number as defined in the Service Settings. Try placing a call using the "Test Call" option, which is using the UPN and your local Teams Client to make the call.

Tenant Administrator:

  • Confirm the service has been provisioned correctly as described in Nimbus Installation
  • With access to Administration, you can check if the affected Service appears as "SUSPENDED" or otherwise inactive.
  • Remember that the Provisioning Microsoft PowerShell script needs to run for certain changes, e.g. to assign PSTN licenses. Check via the script if there are any pending changes on the affected service.
  • If you still cannot reach out to your local Service Partner / Luware Support.

Even with my native language selected, I still see some translations in English. 

We're frequently updating Nimbus with new features, which can occasionally result in some translation keys (individual UI elements) initially being left in baseline English as a fallback.

Please note:

  • Some key terms and concepts - mainly those in our Glossary - may be left in English to unify search terms in our Knowledge Base and make discussion easier with our Support team.
  • If you still identify incorrect translations or grammatically wrong sentences, please contact Luware Support and attach a screenshot if possible.

🔎Relates to: User Preferences (Portal) 


I'm experiencing poor audio quality

Nimbus is not directly involved in the media stream. Audio is entirely handled between the Microsoft Teams Media Services, local Teams clients, and any direct routing SBC involved in the call. Nimbus only receives text information about the call session; we don't actively receive media, or add anything to the audio stream that could affect call quality. 

To troubleshoot audio quality issues, please have your IT team review the logs from other call components such as Teams, your network and firewalls, the SBC, and your PSTN provider. You may also need to test hardware such as headsets. 


My service is experiencing stuck tasks

Stuck tasks are calls which do not terminate correctly. This can occur for a number of reasons. If you have an Administrator role, you can remove stuck tasks via the following steps: 

  1. In the Nimbus Admin Portal, click Services on the left. → See Service Administration
  2. For each service affected:
    1. Click on the Tasks icon () to the right of the service name.
    2. If you see the affected User's name in the Users column, and an unrealistically high Time In State value, you can click the trashcan icon () next to the task to delete it.

💡Stuck tasks should be the exception, not the norm. If you notice frequent or multiple stuck tasks, please contact Luware Support.


My call transfers are failing

The following An excerpt from Luware Nimbus - Attendant Console

INC Transfer to Teams Auto Attendant and Call Queues Limitation

☝Transfers towards the UPNs of Teams-native Auto Attendants’ or Call Queues’ Resource Accounts will fail. Based on the PSTN connectivity option used, transfers towards the Resource Accounts' assigned phone numbers will work as summarized in the table below.

Transfer Type Direct Routing Calling Plan Operator Connect
Attendant - Safe Transfer  🛠
Attendant - Blind Transfer 
Attendant - Consultation Call  🛠

Workflow Conversation Handling Activities  > Transfer > “Leave Nimbus”  disabled


Workflow Conversation Handling Activities  > Transfer > “Leave Nimbus”  enabled

🤔 Why are transfers failing? Is there a workaround?

🔎Analysis: This is caused by Microsoft Teams limitations on what voice applications (such as Call Queues, Auto Attendants, and Nimbus) are allowed to do. This cannot be circumvented by Nimbus.

🛠 Workaround: For these transfer types to work, Reverse Number Lookup (RNL) has to be disabled in the Resource Account's Phone Number Assignment. RNL can be disabled by executing the following Teams PowerShell command:

Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -PhoneNumber <phone number assigned to the CQ/AA resource account> -ReverseNumberLookup SkipInternalVoip

⮑ After disabling RNL for a Phone Number Assignment, Teams will automatically forward the call to the Direct Routing SBC, which then needs to redirect it toward the Resource Account of the Call Queue or Auto Attendant.



At what stage can a call recording be started?

When a call is handled by an Agent who is a “Recorded User,” it can be recorded for this Agent as soon as they accept the call.


When does recording end for a call?

A recording terminates when:

  • The call terminates
  • The call is transferred

As an Attendant Console operator, can I manually record calls?

Yes, but not through Nimbus. You can record calls via the Recording App. 


Use Case Listings


As Nimbus gets more features and complexity added, our Knowledge Base will steadily expand with Use Cases that cover various aspects in a "step-by-step" fashion. Follow them to get a good understanding of the structure and concept behind Nimbus.


INC Use Case Support Disclaimer


Use Cases are intended to serve as examples of capabilities of Nimbus. Luware only provides limited support for these Use Cases. Restrictions on being up-to-date in their contents apply.

🤔 On which topics can I get support on?

Luware provides support only for its product's inherent capabilities and features. This includes:


🤔 What does this mean for 3rd party products?

Luware does not provide support on, nor guarantee the executability of 3rd-party product Use Cases in your environment.

  • Use Cases were created within specific versions of 3rd party products (e.g. Salesforce, Zendesk, or other business applications). Your personal version or licensing type of these 3rd party products may differ or change over time. This may result in limited or missing functionality. 
  • Our support cannot guarantee that the example scenarios will work in every (future) customer scenario. Please consult your 3rd party manufacturer to determine whether your product version supports the functions and interfaces mentioned in the Use Cases. 
  • Luware and Nimbus Support does not cover integration setup and administrative scenarios with any external systems mentioned in the documentation (e.g. Salesforce, Zendesk, Microsoft Dynamics, and other 3rd party manufacturers).

For the reasons above:

✅ Please ensure that you run your own internal testing before rolling out any large-scale integration into productive systems.

✅ If you need further support for your Nimbus integration, please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Success Specialist.


🤔 What about AI model service integrations?

While Nimbus offers built-in AI capabilities, leveraging external AI services through integrations can be beneficial, but also introduce errors and intransparent system behavior, as AI outputs are non-deterministic by nature.

You may want to implement additional AI Use Cases IF:

  • …you want to use your existing AI models you've already paid for.
  • …you want to unlock a wider range of Use Cases.
  • …you are aware that the underlying models can lead to changes in response quality.

Many AI capabilities are still based on frequently changing models and beta functionality. For these reasons only limited support is available.



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