Nimbus App Permissions

App permissions required to enable Nimbus features on your Tenant

Tenant Admins: Please read carefully

Permissions described on this page are needed for daily operation of Nimbus and affiliated apps and components. Before you start your Nimbus Installation, please read the following page carefully to get a clear understanding on which delegated / app permissions are used to establish Nimbus functionality on your tenant.

🔎 Nimbus uses Microsoft Graph to authenticate users and retrieve data via user-delegated and direct app-only permissions. You can learn more about this principle within the official Microsoft Graph Documentation.


Permissions for Service provisioning

When Provisioning new services via our PowerShell script, the following components get permissions granted automatically

Component When are permissions granted Purpose
Nimbus App on each run of the script Retrieves information about MS Teams users, their team memberships and roles, group memberships, and presence states
Calling Bot on each run of the script  Responsible for the team calls (regardless of team/workflow configuration)
Media Bot on each run of the script Allows to make voice message recordings
Chat  Bot in User Preferences (Portal) once by the user to register with the bot. No additional permissions are needed. Relays service-related chat messages via adaptive cards. 
Interact App on each run of the script, but only when Interact is enabled Needed for Interact.

Microsoft Graph PowerShell Permissions

The Microsoft.Graph.* modules which are used by the Provisioning Script require the user to have the permissions that need to be granted for the Microsoft Graph PowerShell Enterprise application:




Granted By Purpose
Application.ReadWrite.All Delegated Tenant Admin Read and write all applications
AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All Delegated Tenant Admin Manage app permission grants and app role assignments
DelegatePermissionGrant.ReadWrite.All Delegated Tenant Admin Manage all delegated permission grants
Domain.Read.All Delegated Tenant Admin Read domains
Organization.Read.All Delegated Tenant Admin Read organization information
User.ReadWrite.All Delegated Tenant Admin Read and write all users' full profiles
openid Delegated Tenant Admin Sign users in
profile Delegated Tenant Admin View user's basic profile
offline_access Delegated Tenant Admin Maintain access to data you have given it access 


Permissions by Products/Features

Nimbus App

Permission Permission Type Granted By Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center Attendant Console Interact Assistant Purpose / Usage Scenario
Channel.ReadBasic.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - - - Nimbus App - Get channels to post Adaptive (Voice Message) Cards.
GroupMember.Read.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - - -

Nimbus App  - Get Team Members 
Nimbus App  - Read Security Groups

Allows the app to list groups, read basic group properties and read membership of all groups that the signed-in user has access to.

Mail.ReadWrite Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - - - Nimbus App - Optional permission required for Mailboxes in order to enable Email Handling for services.
Mail.Send Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - - - Nimbus App - Optional permission required for Mailboxes in order to enable Email Handling for services.
Presence.Read.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - - -

Nimbus App - Required permission for extended presence tracking, granted via Tenant Administration > “Presence Tracking” or by running the provisioning script as a Tenant Administrator.

The presence status of MS Teams users is also determined this way, which is used for call distribution.

User.Read Delegated User yes yes yes - - - Nimbus App - Get user information (from logged-in user)
User.Read.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - yes -

Nimbus App - Get CallerInformation         
Nimbus UI - Full Search Users         

🤔 Why is this necessary? Nimbus reads the complete profile of all users to determine group memberships within the organization. Nimbus needs this information to correctly identify users via search (→ also see "User Search Permissions" section below).         

🔍 Note: Nimbus does not store any of the exchanged data. The permissions are primarily used to display live data during the daily usage of the product. 

User.ReadBasic.All Delegated User yes yes yes - - - Nimbus App - Limited user search. Nimbus needs to know the channels of the logged-in user. 

Calling Bot

Permission Permission Type Granted By Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center Attendant Console Interact Assistant Purpose / Usage Scenario
Calls.AccessMedia.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - - - Calling Bot - DTMF tones
Calls.Initiate.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - - - Calling Bot - Contact users (distribute calls)
Calls.InitiateGroupCall.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - yes - Calling Bot - Contact users (distribute calls)
Calls.JoinGroupCall.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - yes - Calling Bot - Join an escalated

Media Bot

Permission Permission Type Granted By Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center Attendant Console Interact Assistant Purpose / Usage Scenario
Calls.AccessMedia.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - - - Media Bot - Record voice messages
Calls.JoinGroupCall.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - yes - Media Bot - Join an escalated call

Interact App

Permission Permission Type Granted By Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center Attendant Console Interact Assistant Purpose / Usage Scenario
Calls.InitiateGroupCall.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - yes - Interact App - Contact users (distribute calls)
Calls.JoinGroupCall.All Application Tenant Admin yes yes yes - yes - Interact App - Join a meeting call
OnlineMeetingArtifact.Read.All Application Tenant Admin - - - - yes - Interact App - Fetch online meeting artifacts
OnlineMeetings.Read.All Application Tenant Admin - - - - yes - Interact App - Read online meeting details
OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All Application Tenant Admin - - - - yes - Interact App - Read and create online meetings

Assistant App

Permission Permission Type Granted By Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center Attendant Console Interact Assistant Purpose / Usage Scenario
Teams.ManageCalls Delegated User - - - - - yes Assistant App - Manage calls in Teams through ACS
Teams.ManageChat Delegated User - - - - - yes Assistant App - Manage chat in Teams through ACS
User.Read.All Delegated Tenant Admin - - - - - yes Assistant App - Read all users' full profile
Presence.Read Delegated User - - - - - yes Assistant App - Read users' presence information

Attendant Console

Permission Permission Type Granted By Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center Attendant Console Interact Assistant Purpose / Usage Scenario
Calendars.Read Delegated User - - - yes - - Attendant Console - Read calendar of the logged-in user show calendar with appointments
Calendars.Read.Shared Delegated User - - - yes - - Attendant Console - Read shared calendars to show calendar with appointments
Contacts.Read Delegated User - - - yes - - Attendant Console -  Search in the exchange contacts of the logged-in user
Contacts.Read.Shared Delegated User - - - yes - - Attendant Console -  Search in the shared exchange contacts
Presence.Read.All Delegated Tenant Admin - - - yes - - Attendant Console - Show presence in contact search on Attendant Console page

User Search Permissions


INC Supported User Search Fields

Required Permissions

User.Read.All permissions must be granted to use this feature. As a Tenant Admin, head to the Nimbus Portal > User Preferences > Permissions "Tab" > Advanced Search and manage consent for your entire tenant. Read Required User Permissions for more details.



✅ Fields are supported by search.
🔍 Fields additionally support "CONTAINS" as search operator. Example: Searching for 'cha' will not only find 'Chadwick' but also 'Michael' 
➕ These fields support Filter capabilities which can be used to narrow down a contact search in Attendant Console.

☝ KNOWN LIMITATION: The search covers the predefined Nimbus Address Books fields, but no custom-fields can currently be searched. We are working to gradually alleviate this situation and make the search experience more consistent.

Searchable Field Nimbus   
Address Books
Tenant Directory
(User Address Book)
Id       Nimbus internal entity ID
External.Id       ID the system where the entry was imported from.
Display Name ✅ 🔍 ✅  ✅ 🔍 Firstname / Lastname combination
Given Name   ✅    First name
First Name ✅ 🔍     First name
Last Name ✅ 🔍     Last / Family name
Initials ✅ 🔍     Initials (e.g. "JK")
Surname   ✅    Surname
Mail ✅ 🔍 ✅  Email Address
User Principal Name ✅ 🔍 ✅    Consists of: user name (logon name), separator (the @ symbol) and domain name (UPN suffix)
Job Title ✅ 🔍 ➕  ✅ ➕ ✅ 🔍 ➕ Job Title
Business Phones ✅ 🔍     Business Phone
Home Phones ✅ 🔍      Home Phone
Mobile Phones ✅ 🔍     Mobile Phone
IM Address ✅ 🔍     IM SIP Address
Street ✅ 🔍     Streed Address
City ✅ 🔍 ✅ ✅ ➕   Code and City
Company ✅ 🔍 ✅   ✅ ➕ ☝ Company 
Country ✅ 🔍 ➕ ✅ ➕   Country of Origin
Department ✅ 🔍 ➕ ✅ ➕ ✅ ➕ ☝ Department
State ✅ 🔍 ➕ ✅ ➕   State
Postal Code ✅ 🔍     Postal Code
Picture, binary       User Picture
External.CustomField1-10       Custom Field







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