Attendant Console 2.0 - Contact Groups

  1. Head to Attendant Settings.
  2. Within the “Contact Groups” section, click on “Create”  to start a new group, or “Edit” an existing one (including your Favorites).
  3. Define / Change your Group Name as it will appear in your Attendant later.
  4. Click “Add” to define contacts. 
  5. Start typing to search for users and click on their names to add them
    💡 The search triggers as you enter 3 letters or more.
  6. Rearrange the order of users via the handles as you want them to appear within your group. 
  7. Order your new Group as you would like it to appear.
  8. Optionally turn groups invisible to keep for later.
  9. When satisfied with your groups, close your settings. 
    ⮑ Your new Contact Group will now appear in your defined order.

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