Use Case - Connecting to Azure Table Storage Inside a Flow

Replace Excel sheets with Azure Table Storage inside a flow to enhance performance.

The Problem: Iterating through excel rows inside a Power Automate flow can become time-consuming when the sheet exceeds a certain amount of rows.

→ Improving performance can only be done by a replacing the excel sheet with a better performing data source. An Azure Table Storage is such a powerful data source

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How-To Steps

Create Table Storage in Azure

  1. Log into the Azure portal
  2. Create a Table - you can follow the instructions on Quickstart - Create an Azure Storage table in the Azure portal | Microsoft Docs.
    🔍 By default rowKey is a string. It is important that your rowKey holds the phone number, because this column is indexed and thus efficient to search.
  3. Next, insert some example data for testing purpose. You can use the Storage browser → Tables → (your table name) → Add entity
    🔍 Note, that the phone number holds the complete string with country prefix, in the same format as MicrosoftCallerID holds it in our Power AutomateConnector.

✅ Once the table is created and has at least one entry to query on, you can use it inside your Power Automate flow.

Create the flow

✅ Ensure that your service's workflow has a "Accept ConversationWorkflow Activity which starts the "GetOnNewTasksTrigger Event.

  1. Start your flow with the a "GetOnNewTasks" Nimbus activity.
  2. Add a Azure Table Storage element and filter on the CallerID inside the rowKey column:
  3. Add an Nimbus "UpdateTask" action. Update the fields according to your table data for instance:
    • Customer.FirstName = outputs('Get_entity')?['body/additionalProperties/Firstname']

Fill the Azure Table with Excel Data

✅ Now that everything works, we just need to fill the Excel data into the Azure Storage Table.

You can easily upload a csv using the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer (Download at

Or you write a script for PowerShell. Here is the code snippet for adding a new row:

$cloudTable = 'crm'
$callerNumber = '+44786536774'
$item = @{Firstname="Mathias"; Lastname="Meier"; Company= "Big Dreams"; PreferedCoulour= "Red"}
Add-AzTableRow -table $cloudTable -PartitionKey 'byCallerId' -rowKey $callerNumber -proper

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