Performance Overview Reports

Paginated reports offer performance overview reports, compared per period (month, week, date):

  • Service Performance shows multiple performance KPI in context of Services: total calls, handled calls, %SLA etc.
  • User Performance show multiple performance KPI in context of Users: total calls, handled, missed ,declined etc.
Parameter Data type Description
Service Text, allow multi select List of services, in report
Users Text, allow multi select List of users, in report
Group by Text, single select

Determine report grouping Month/week/date

In scope with group by parameter this determines report data start date.

Group count Integer

Count of full “group by” periods added prior to current.

🔍 The Current period (marked with *) is added implicitly, so group count "0" is still valid.

Example: group by = “Month”, Group count = “2”, today is “September 23”.

→ 3 months will be shown: July, August, September*

Green zone Integer %Threshold of green/yellow color of the KPI indicator
Yellow zone Integer %Threshold of yellow/red color of the KPI indicator

Example of a performance overview report


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