Use Case - Connecting to OData via Postman

Connect to Odata via Postman.

You can connect to the OData API with various clients. Postman is very handy when it comes to exploring the API's methods and data. By default, explicit login is forbidden. Your tenant admin needs to grant this type of access first.


  • You completed onboarding with Luware Nimbus
  • You have tenant admin rights in your tenant
  • You have a reporting user (a user with Role "Tenant Admin, User Supervisor, Team Owner or Service Owner")
  • You know which cluster you are using within Luware (Germany, Switzerland, UK, etc…)

🔍 Note: Read more about how to grant global tenant wide consent to an app documentation here


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Register Enterprise Application "Nimbus Odata Login" in your tenant

Open the following URL in a browser and login with your tenant admin to accept the permissions.


Replace the tenant_id with your TenantId

Open and verify that the Nimbus Odata Login enterprise application is available. 

Verify the permissions are globally granted 

Click on the Grant admin consent button. This should add another entry into the permissions “Nimbus Odata Login access_odata”

💡 Now users should be able to login with an Oauth token.


Open the postman collection

Download the postman collection here and open it in your postman client: Luware Postman Collection JSON File


Update the variables according to your environment: 

Variable Purpose Value
ODataAPI The URL of the OData API

Nimbus API URLs:

  • Switzerland: or
  • Germany:
  • UK:
ODataScope The scope of the access request api://898a7352-9216-4ca8-a485-7d8f3903f598/access_odata
ClientId  Nimbus OData application ID 898a7352-9216-4ca8-a485-7d8f3903f598

Verify access to the Nimbus OData application

Navigate down to the folder “Nimbus.OData.API” and open the Authorization tab. The authorization type should be OAuth 2.0. 

Scroll down to “Configure New Token”.

Configure implicit access

Request GET https:// {{ODataAPI}} /v1/odata or
Token Name Luware Odata Implicit OAuth2 Token
Grant Type Implicit
Callback URL
Auth URL
Client ID {{ClientId}} or 898a7352-9216-4ca8-a485-7d8f3903f598
Scope {{ODataScope}} or api://898a7352-9216-4ca8-a485-7d8f3903f598/access_odata
Client Authentication Send client credentials in body

Send the response that opens an implicit login window. Login with your tenant admin. You should get an access token.

Configure explicit access

For explicit access using a username and password, create two additional variables for Username and Password and configure the values as below:

Request GET https:// {{ODataAPI}} /v1/odata or
Token Name Luware Odata User-Pass OAuth2 Token
Grant Type Password Credentials
Auth URL
Client ID {{ClientId}} or 898a7352-9216-4ca8-a485-7d8f3903f598
Username {{Username}}
Password {{Password}}
Scope {{ODataScope}} or api://898a7352-9216-4ca8-a485-7d8f3903f598/access_odata
Client Authentication Send client credentials in body

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