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Available Documents

Service and Security Whitepapers

Topic / KB Links German Papers English Papers
Cloud Service Description Not available Luware Nimbus Cloud Service Description Whitepaper_en.pdf

Nimbus Data Security


Not available Luware Nimbus Data Security and Privacy White Paper_en.pdf
Recording Data Security Not available  
Luware Recording Security Whitepaper_en.pdf

General Nimbus Whitepapers

Topic / KB Links German Papers English Papers



Not available  
Luware Nimbus Architecture Whitepaper_en.pdf
Application Permissions Not available Luware Nimbus Application Permissions Security Whitepaper_en.pdf
Features  Not available

Logic Apps vs Power Automate._en.pdf

Restrict Access to Mailboxes_en.pdf

How to Configure a Speech Recognizer in Azure Portal and Register it in Luware Nimbus_en.pdf

Create a Trained Speech Recognizer for Luware Nimbus_en.pdf

3rd-Party and Integration Whitepapers

Topic / KB Links German Papers English Papers

Integrated Contact Centers 

(Connect, Extend, Power)

Luware Nimbus Integrated Contact Centers Connect Extend Power Whitepaper_de.pdf Luware Nimbus Integrated Contact Centers Connect Extend Power Whitepaper_en.pdf

Native Applications Whitepaper


Luware Nimbus Cloud Native Applications Whitepaper_de.pdf Luware Nimbus Cloud Native Applications Whitepaper_en.pdf
Microsoft Teams Whitepaper

Luware Nimbus Cloud Telephony Microsoft Teams Whitepaper_de.pdf

Luware Nimbus User Presence In Microsoft Teams Whitepaper_de.pdf

Luware Nimbus Cloud Telephony Microsoft Teams Whitepaper_en.pdf

Luware Nimbus User Presence In Microsoft Teams Whitepaper_en.pdf

Mobile Devices



Not available  
Mobile Devices Whitepaper_en.pdf

Luware Service Licence Agreements

Refer to the following locations for the latest versions of our Service Agreements

On-Prem Products Luware.com Agreements
Cloud Products (Software as a Service) Luware.com SaaS Agreement


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