Setting Up Power BI

First connection via Power BI Template using the OData interface

🔍 This page covers the initial connection and configuration of the the Luware Power BI Template, allowing you to retrieve Nimbus call data (via OData interface) from your data cluster. If you already connected your template before and want to learn more about the individual parts of the template itself, head to the Power BI Template Usage section 


✅ Nimbus Reporting - Roles and Licensing

  • Out of box, only users with specific (Service Admin, Supervisors Admin User Roles) have access to the BI OData Interface.
    • General Reporting queries work with any Tenant / Service admin role.
  • Contact Center Optional Nimbus Features: 
    • Extended User States reporting, require an additional Contact Center license in order to apply the User Role“User Supervisor” to your service account.
    • Access to BI User / Service Session data can also be granted to Contact Center licensed users. A specific User Role“Service Supervisor”  enables access to the Odata interface, while also granting Supervision features in the Nimbus Frontend.
 Admin > User Settings > Roles UI to grant additional roles with OData access.

☝ Important Licensing Notes

Each additional user to access Reporting data can result in additional costs, as the required Contact Center licences are subject to a charge. Get in touch with Customer Success to discuss your needs on roles and licensing.

Without the according user role, the tabs User States and Service / User Session data on the Nimbus Power BI Report Template may remain blank, or not update anymore after a data query.     

✅ Please ensure to hold the according Admin / Supervisor O365 user credentials ready when connecting via Power BI desktop. The detailed connection steps are explained below


✅Power BI and PC Requirements:

Nimbus uses Power BI to connect to your tenant via OData Feed and retrieve the necessary KPI facts and dimensions according to the Nimbus Reporting Model. Since the BI Report File is stored locally on your PC, no Power BI Pro account is needed to use this feature.

  • The Power BI Desktop App, Version 2.87.xor higher is required to use all Nimbus features. We always recommend keeping your Power BI Desktop version up to date.
  • Note that querying and displaying large call session volumes in BI Desktop requires substantial amounts of RAM and hard drive space, leading to errors if either is insufficient on your PC. Even on high-speed internet connections a query with millions of entries can take several minutes. Refer to our “Known Issues and Solutions” section below when you encounter issues.
  • We recommend you to always use our latest BI template files, downloaded to the PC on which you inspect Nimbus retrieved data. 

INC Nimbus Power BI Files

✅Luware provides the following Power BI Files. Contact Luware Support or your Customer Success Specialist to get the latest version.

Description Filenames
Power BI Template / Report

Nimbus.pbit / Nimbus.pbix

✅ When using a Template (.pbit), please add your connection parameters and credentials and perform a basic query. Afterwards, save it as a .pbix report, as it will use considerably lower RAM/CPU than a template.

Paginated Reports
  • Nimbus_ServicePerformanceOverview.rdl
  • Nimbus_UserPerformancePerMonth.rdl
  • Nimbus_LostCallDetails.rdl
Legacy Template


💡 A special variant to support users coming from our existing LUCS/TM products → As newcomer to "Nimbus" you can skip this info and refer to the "Power BI Template" instead.

 Learn more...

Legacy Template Use cases

Legacy support is available for LUCS/TM versions 3.5+

  • DB versions:
  • 6.13.0007

Example BI Template with both Nimbus and legacy data combined

💡 Note: Service names from legacy data sources have original GUIDs and "legacy_"  prefix names, as shown highlighted here.

You may need this template in 3 scenarios:

  1. Two active Systems - You have a working legacy system (LUCS/TM) and a new Nimbus tenant. You want see legacy and Nimbus reporting services side-by-side.
  2. Completed Migration - You've recently migrated all your services from legacy system to Nimbus tenant. You want see reporting collected by LUCS/TM and Nimbus side by side.
  3. Using just the Template - You have only Nimbus services, but you want to continue using the Nimbus Power BI template with Legacy adapters.

🔍 Refer to the → Parameters below for further notes on each scenario.

Report parameters

The legacy template contains a set of additional parameters for connecting to the LUCS or Team Manager SQL Server database.

Parameter Data Type Description
Append_Legacy boolean if TRUE legacy data is appended, if False legacy data isn't appended
Legacy_MonthLimit integer Number of Month back from today to be imported from legacy database
Legacy_ServerName text SQL Server FQDN including instance
Legacy_DatabaseName     text Database name

Please note in regards to the 3 scenarios above:

  • For Scenarios 1 and 2 (Legacy and Nimbus still active) your Power BI needs unrestricted access to the SQL Server database of a legacy system.
  • For Scenario 2 (DB access only) active communication services (ICH, PS, CIC etc.) can be stopped. Only the SQL Server is required. The Connection string to a legacy system is based on report parameters Legacy_ServerName and Legacy_Database. The Append_Legacy parameter should be TRUE.
  • For Scenario 3 (Nimbus only, but keeping the legacy Template) the Append_Legacy parameter should be to FALSE. Other parameters are not considered and can be left blank.

Parameter settings in Power BI


Configure Connection

  1. Open Power BI Desktop.
  2. Open the Nimbus report file (Nimbus.pbit).        
    💡 You may immediately abort any update process as it will fail without proper connection details. When opening the Template for the first time, you will be requested to enter the connection details and other parameters (see next step).
  3. As the report connects you will be requested to enter the connection details and other parameters.
    1. Determine the URL below, depending on your Tenant data cluster location, as specified during Nimbus Installation.         
      In most cases, this region is selected by your tenant administrator when provisioning the first Nimbus service.        
      🤔 I'm not an admin. How can I find out my data cluster location?        
      When you log in to, keep track of the URL shown in your browser. Depending on the cluster you are on, the URL will change:
    2. Example: The UK data cluster uses a "UK" subdomain while Germany uses a "DE" prefix.
    3. The base subdomain does not change as you remain in Switzerland.
    4. Depending on your cluster, copy the URL from the list below:        

INC Nimbus OData Connector URLs

Switzerland 01
Switzerland 02 
Germany 01
Germany 02
United Kingdom 01
Australia 01
West Europe 01
East United States 01
Nimbus Power BI data cluster OData connector URLs

✅ Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete * domain.

  1. Paste the Connection URL into the "ConnectionLink" field.
  2. Adjust template parameters as needed.   
    ☝ Note that “RangeStart” and “RangeEnd” directly affect how much data is being downloaded when you refresh the report. This value has a great impact on Power BI's processing.        
    🤔 Not seeing this dialog? It might have been closed on accident. Please reopen the report file as this dialog opens as default when the parameters are missing. 
For a description of the fields see section “Customize Template Parameters” below.

💡 After the connection dialog was confirmed, values can be changed again later. See section "Customize Template Parameters" below. 


Provide your Connection Details

✅ Your Nimbus team owner credentials must be held ready for this. Nimbus uses impersonation permissions to connect to the data source.

  1. On the OData Feed Login Window, switch to the tab "Organizational account".

  1. Sign in by providing your team owner O365 credentials (the same you would use within Nimbus).
    💡 You will be asked for permissions to impersonate your user to access Nimbus data on your Tenant

Learn more...

✅ Connecting to your reporting data via the Nimbus API will request delegated user impersonation permissions from a user with tenant administrator privileges. The permission will be requested by either the Power BI Desktop application or by Power BI Online when trying to access your Tenant data for the first time

Requested Permission:

user_impersonation for the Luware Nimbus application

Application Uses Enterprise App Application ID
Power BI Desktop Microsoft Power Query for Excel a672d62c-fc7b-4e81-a576-e60dc46e951d
Power BI Online Power BI Data Refresh b52893c8-bc2e-47fc-918b-77022b299bbc
Power BI Application Information

💡 TENANT ADMIN This permission can be requested by individual users, or granted by a Global Administrator on-behalf of the whole organization (recommended).

Managing permissions for the "Power BI Data Refresh" Application
  1. Read and confirm the necessary permissions requested by this app.        
    → You will be brought back to the OData feed dialog with your used shown as "Signed in ". 
  2. Click on "Connect" and allow for up to 1 minute to establish a connection.   

    Note: Depending on your parameter and call volume on your Nimbus Tenant the data retrieval process can take >10 min, as Power BI also needs to build the Reporting Model around your data. → As long as no error is shown you can leave the "Refresh" running, even if it appears stagnant for a while.

  3. Once the refresh is done, inspect the BI Report       
    → your O365 Tenant Nimbus Session Data should now be loaded into the template.
Allow for several minutes untily our BI Report is updated.

At this point you can go and learn about the Power BI Template Usage or carry on with the steps below to adjust further parameters. 

☝ Please note that nearly each parameter change requires a data query refresh within the entire template.


Customize Template Parameters


  • Certain parameters in the BI Template can be adjusted to your liking. To do so, make sure the BI Template is opened, then go to Home Ribbon > Transform Data > Edit Parameters.      
  • On parameter changes we recommend to update via "Apply changes" (yellow bar) instead of pressing the "Refresh" button from the ribbon bar. This saves time as "Apply changes" only queries the actually needed data instead of the whole set.
Parameter Notes
Connection URL

Connects your template to the data repository. This parameter usually doesn't need changing once you've configured it for your Template at first startup. However if you're having problems connecting – or need to connect to a different source – you can check and adjust the parameter at any time. → Also refer to the "Configure Connection" step above. Here are the connector links again for reference:

INC Nimbus OData Connector URLs

Switzerland 01
Switzerland 02 
Germany 01
Germany 02
United Kingdom 01
Australia 01
West Europe 01
East United States 01
Nimbus Power BI data cluster OData connector URLs

✅ Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete * domain.

💡 If you need to connect to multiple tenants and their data, we recommend saving multiple reports, each with their individual connection parameters.

🤔 Connection Problems? → Read our “Known Issues and Solutions” section below.

RangeStart The date from when to start retrieving the date.

The date until when to retrieve the data.
💡Note that the dates entered here are only important for refreshing manually. Once incremental refresh is set up, these dates will no longer be taken into consideration since the system will use the incremental refresh policy to decide what date range to keep and update.

Notable changes with Incremental Refresh

If you want to refresh manually in Power BI desktop and retrieve the latest data until the refresh time, you may enter a future date in the RangeEnd (e.g. beginning of the next year). 

☝ The field X last number of days is no longer offered. This is because it is incompatible with Incremental Refresh. If you need to retrieve data for the x number of days on a regular basis, please use incremental refresh instead of refreshing manually.

Generate Unified Sessions

Unified Sessions consolidate Caller (Customer) data like PSTN or Name, the Caller Path (Transfers, Customer Journey, Services Called) and indivdual call Session Times with a Final Session Outcome as a new lookup table.

🔍 This option loads and processes data for the "Unified Sessions" Tab for drilldown purposes. Also see  Power BI Template Usage  > "Unified Sessions" tab.

Enabling this parameter (EnableUnifiedSessionLoad = TRUE) can have a significant impact on your data queries. If you do not need session outcomes in your report, consider disabling this. On errors during your query refer to our “Known Issues and Solutions” section below.

Load User States

🔍 This option loads and processes data for the "User States" Tab for drilldown purposes. Also see  Power BI Template Usage  > "User States" tab.

✅ In order to generate data this feature needs to be enabled. → See  Tenant Administration > "Data Privacy" > "Show User Time in State".

Enabling this parameter (Enable UserStatesLoad = TRUE) can have an impact on your data queries. Learn more about User States to determine if this option is needed for your reporting needs, as it also conserns personal data (GDPR) protection laws. On errors during your query refer to our “Known Issues and Solutions” section below.


The Nimbus report supports the list of Windows OS time zones. See 🔎 


All "datetime" values in the data source are in UTC encoded. In order to switch from UTC to your local time zone you can use the "Timezone " parameter as UTC +/- offset.


The Daylight Saving Time (DST) period in Europe runs from 01:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) on the last Sunday of March to 01:00 UTC on the last Sunday of October every year.


Daylight Saving Time (DST) in the USA starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November



Calendar Language

To configure the language in Power BI Desktop:

  1. Go to the the Home Tab > "Transform Data"
  2. Select "Edit Parameters" 
  3. Change Language to your desired option.
  4. The parameter will now be applied to calendar days and months.
Adjusting the language parameter

Setting Up Incremental Refresh

Learn more about Incremental Refresh and how to set it up…

PBI Incremental Refresh

Starting with template version 1.96, the Nimbus Power BI Template enables users to set up the report so that it can be refreshed incrementally. This page shows specific aspects of the Incremental Refresh functionality applicable to the Nimbus template.

About Incremental Refresh in Power BI

Incremental Refresh is a functionality in the Power BI software that partitions the semantic model and enables incremental loading of new data instead of the entire dataset at each refresh.

This new Power BI feature that can be enabled optionally, if needed to regularly refresh the report for rolling updates (e.g. you need to refresh the report for the last x number of days, months etc.).

💡 The template can continue to be used also for ad-hoc refresh operations, without incremental refresh. If not making use of incremental refresh, users must remember to set the required date range in the parameters before each refresh to ensure that the desired date range is loaded into the report

🔍 For additional information on what it is and how it works, refer to the Incremental Refresh documentation on the Microsoft website. 


Although incremental refresh policy is set up on Power BI desktop, it comes into force only once the report is exported to the Power BI Services (online). In order to take advantage of the incremental refresh functionality, after the initial set up, the report must be uploaded and distributed via Power BI Services. This is how the Incremental Refresh functionality is designed to work by Microsoft. 


Setting Up Incremental Refresh on the Template


Note the prerequisites below before setting up incremental refresh:

Licensing plans

Incremental refresh is supported for Power BI Premium, Premium per user, Power BI Pro, and Power BI Embedded models. To understand what your Power BI license allows, please refer to the Microsoft Power BI plans or contact your Microsoft representative.


Downloads to .pbix format

Incremental refresh is set up in Power BI desktop, however, it is only activated once the report is loaded and refreshed once in Power BI online. Once the Incremental Refresh is set up and running on Power BI Online, the download to *.pbix to Power BI desktop is disabled. This is by design by Microsoft.  


Nimbus Template version updates

Once the template is set up and running with incremental refresh, a semantic model is saved in Power BI online and the data will be incrementally refreshed. From then on, changes to the template can only be done in the Power BI online environment and the model cannot be edited easily.  

If a new template is loaded with the same name, a warning will be displayed asking if you want to replace it.  

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

When overwriting the model, the data archived will be lost and the incremental refresh will have to be started again (incremental refresh will have to be set up again from scratch). This needs to be considered when deciding about uploading a new template version with the latest changes.

Advanced techniques for managing the partitions and model changes can be explored using external tools. It is recommended that those who intend to use these advanced techniques and tools have some minimum technical knowledge of data management to understand the concepts and that they familiarize themselves with the Microsoft documentation on advanced incremental refresh as well as other sources available online. 


Initial refresh time limits

When setting up the Incremental Refresh, the report will need to be refreshed once to retrieve the initial archive. Depending on the size of your data and the length of the archive you set in the incremental refresh policy this could take some time.  

Regardless of whether incremental refresh is enabled or not, Power BI Pro models have a refresh time limit of two hours. For models in a Premium capacity, the time limit is five hours. If the initial refresh for your tenant hits these limits, advanced incremental refresh techniques for loading the initial archive will have to be adopted. For more information refer the following Microsoft documentation and guidelines:  


Memory size and capacity

Depending on the incremental refresh policy set, the number of sessions generated by your tenant and the amount of data you intend to archive in the report, the semantic model may grow into large sizes.  

Irrespective of whether you decide to take advantage of the incremental refresh or not, your Power BI license and Power BI environment settings will impact the amount of data you can load into your semantic model. When limits are reached, errors may occur.  

As explained by Microsoft, what you can do in the Power BI service depends on three things:

  1. The type of license and subscription you are using.
  2. The type of workspace that stores the content.
  3. The roles and permissions you are assigned in a workspace.

If you are not familiar with the license and capabilities of your Power BI deployment, please consult with your IT department. If you need advice on which Power BI license is best to fulfil your business requirements, please contact Microsoft.  


Set up the Incremental Refresh policy

The Power BI Template is set up. If you have not set it up yet, go through the steps in Setting Up Power BI, then return to this page once you have the template saved as Nimbus.pbix.

  1.  Navigate to the model view in the Nimbus template in Power BI desktop.
  2.  Go to the tab “Inc Refresh Facts”.
  3.  Each of the tables visible in this tab can be set for incremental refresh. To do so, start by clicking on the 3 dots on the right-hand corner of the first table
  4. Select Incremental Refresh from the dropdown menu.
    ⮑ The window will open to show the incremental refresh policy window and the selected table. 
  5.  Toggle on “Incrementally refresh this table”.
     ⮑ The options to incrementally refresh the table appear.
  6. Toggle on the “Set import and refresh ranges”:
    ⮑ You can now define the policy to incrementally refresh this table. 
  7. Repeat all these steps for each of the fact tables shown in this tab and save the  Nimbus.pbix report.  

Incremental Refresh policy options

All the steps for setting the incremental refresh policy are explained in the Microsoft documentation Define Policy.

💡 We recommend you to set the policy accordingly to your requirements. However, when selecting the archive data range, consider the capacity and memory allocated to your environment, based on the licensing and Power BI deployed by your organization. At the moment, Incremental refresh is supported for Power BI Premium, Premium per user, Power BI Pro, and Power BI Embedded models. In case of doubts about what license is required for your organization's needs, consult your IT department or your Microsoft support contact. 

💡Optional settings are not possible with the Nimbus OData connection/data model. You can ignore these.

Learn about the initial messages…

  • You can ignore the warning about being unable to fold the M query. 
  •  Direct query is not applicable with OData connections. This option is not available. 
  •  Follow the “Learn more” link provided by Microsoft in this window to learn more about Incremental Refresh.

Publish the report to Power BI Services

Save the report and publish to a Power BI workspace. If you are not sure about this step, refer to our KB page Publish to Power BI Service.

Activate the incremental Refresh policy

  1. Once publishing to Power BI service is complete, go to the semantic model settings.
  2. Ensure that the connection credentials are correct.  
  3. Check if the parameters are set as required (enable optional tables if needed).
    💡 Notice that RangeStart and RangeEnd are no longer visible. This is because Power BI will automatically set the dates based on the Incremental Refresh policy you have set.
  4. Set the Large semantic model storage format to ON if you have a premium license.

    💡 This must be done before the first refresh. It is required if your tenant generates huge amount of data and you are loading an extensive range of dates into your archive which may grow your semantic model beyond 1GB. This setting can improve refresh operation performance and ensure the model does not max out size limits.
    🔍 Refer to the Microsoft documentation about large semantic models in Power BI premium for more information.
  5. Once the above is set, perform an initial refresh operation on the model. This refresh should be an individual (manual) refresh so that you can monitor the progress. This will load the initial archive based on the set incremental refresh policy.
    💡The initial refresh operation can take quite a while to complete. Partitions must be created, historical data loaded, objects such as relationships and hierarchies built or rebuilt, and calculated objects recalculated.

Subsequent Data Refresh 

At this point, you can set a scheduled refresh or you can refresh the report manually when you need it. 

From now on, each time the report is refreshed, Power BI will follow the original Incremental Refresh policy and will incrementally refresh the data since the previous refresh.


Known Issues and Solutions

Connection Problems

🤔 Connection Problems: If your connection to the Odata source fails outright, there are a few steps you can follow.

✅ Try these steps:

  • Ensure that your connecting user fulfills the role criteria described in the prerequirements. Also see Portal Roles  > Reporting / Odata
  • If for any reason the connection window does not appear or errors occur, go to File > Options and Settings > Data Source Settings and revoke any user permissions / login data specified in your Nimbus reports.    
    ⮑ The next time you open the Nimbus BI report or trigger a data refresh you should be asked for new credentials again.    
    ⮑ In case of a wrong OData URL you can also change the template parameters.
  • Also ensure that the "ConnectionLink" parameter in your template was set to the correct Nimbus cluster. Your user credentials will not work on a different data cluster URL. To identify your cluster, log into the Nimbus Admin UI and check the URL redirect in your browser.

INC Nimbus OData Connector URLs

Switzerland 01
Switzerland 02 
Germany 01
Germany 02
United Kingdom 01
Australia 01
West Europe 01
East United States 01
Nimbus Power BI data cluster OData connector URLs

✅ Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete * domain.


Data Privacy Firewall causing query errors

🤔 High volume query errors: Particularly on high data volume queries, we currently get issues reported that relate to the BI Data Privacy firewall. We continue to investigate this case to make further improvements to our query and templates as needed.

Learn more…

✅ Current workaround → If you encounter problems with your version of Power BI, please follow these steps.

 💡 Do not load the template file or data yet. Close any report files, but leave Power BI open.

Head to Power BI Options and Settings > Options > Global > Privacy

  • Ensure "Always ignore Privacy Level settings" is selected

Next, head to Power BI Options and Settings > Options > Global >  Security

  • Select "Allow any extention to load without validation or warning"

Finally, open your Nimbus Report file and provide the connection details, starting with a small time-range test query.

💡 If everything works as required, continue to expand your query sizes. However, consider the known BI Performance Issues warning below in mind.

💡 If there still are issues: Head to Power BI Options and Settings > Options > Global >  Security

Verify that "Ignore the Privacy Levels and potentially improve performance" is selected. If it is not, check the previous steps first, then and follow the linked Microsoft documentation for more details.


Unable to read transport connection (on WiFi)

🤔 When trying to connect “OData" the following error is shown:

Unable to read data from the transport connection. A existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host”. 

This error can occur due to the Wifi network protocol being set to IPv6.

✅ Try these steps: 

Microsoft advises that changing the network protocol as follows, solves the issue: 

  1. Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings 
  2. Double Click Wifi
  3. In General Tab, click properties
  4. Uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)
  5. Click “OK”

Query aborted with unspecific errors

🤔 Query abort issues or errors? 

Sometimes BI is not building the tables properly or conflicted with data from a previous query. Try another data refresh, as it can sometimes resolve the issue.

✅Try the following:

  • Ensure to save, close and re-open your template prior to a refresh to ensure no other queries are hanging.
  • Depending on your session data amount, queries can take up several minutes. If timeout-errors are returned from the OData API, try decreasing your date range and/or remove taxing session / user state parameters to improve loading speed.
  • Power BI Desktop can struggle as report files reach several gigabytes in size. Ensure your PC has sufficient hard drive space and RAM to manage large amounts of data.

Performance issues and long query times (>10 minutes)

🤔 Performance Issues: On recent BI Versions – running on Windows 11 in particular – we have noticed considerable CPU and RAM usage spikes both during BI queries. The high frequency data access can lead to query errors (e.g. out of memory, connection forcibly closed) as your computer hits CPU and RAM boundaries.

Learn more…

💡 The Report parameters Unified Sessions and User States greatly increase the data load on Power BI and thus can increase the occurrence of query errors and connection aborts.

  • Even on a powerful PC with good internet connection you must still expect overall query and calculation times of ~10-15 minutes. → We recommend using a workstation equipped with Core i7 CPU or newer and at least 16 GB RAM to keep processing speeds acceptable.
  • Our BI template has been tested with up to 2 million call sessions. → With additional data parameters (Unified Sessions, User States) enabled we recommend querying your date range in smaller ranges and increments. This is especially applicable when you are running services with high call volumes >1 million monthly sessions.

✅ Recommended workarounds         
→ If you got a Nimbus .pbit template file successfully connected and used for queries, save it as a .pbix report file for continued work. We have noticed considerably lower resource usage on pbix file extensions.          
→ Consider decreasing your reporting range and/or deactivate unneeded parameters to strike a balance between query times and data reported.


Invalid Resource Error

🤔 “Invalid Resource” Error: New tenants setting up Power BI template connecting to the Nimbus historic data via the OData URL no longer get the message to grant permission but are faced with the error: 

access_denied: STS650057 : Invalid resource.

Learn more…

🔎 This is a problem with MS app permission management issue, not specific to Power BI. We suspect that this issue is due to some recent changes made by Microsoft in its app permission management system.


Create the application as a Global Admin for the 'Microsoft Power Query for Excel' default app (Power BI Desktop). 

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'Application.ReadWrite.All'
                                                New-MgServicePrincipal -AppId 'a672d62c-fc7b-4e81-a576-e60dc46e951d'

Copy and execute the following API consent link as a Global Tenant Admin:[cluster_uri]/user_impersonation

☝IMPORTANT: Replace [cluster_uri] with the API URL relevant to your cluster. You can find your cluster by logging into the Nimbus Admin UI, then check the browser address bar for the redirected URL that indicates your cluster location. Below is a list of all our cluster URLs:

INC Nimbus API Connector URLs

Switzerland 01
Switzerland 02
Germany 01
Germany 02
United Kingdom 01
Australia 01
West Europe 01
East United States 01
Nimbus API connector URLs

✅ Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete * domain.



🤔 Still having Issues?

  • When encountering frequent errors, ensure you test-run the latest “clean” template provided by your Luware Support or Customer Success. This helps to narrow down and exclude any errors caused by leftover data structures, old queries, deprecated features or “hidden”manual changes.
  • Especially after major reporting feature or parameter changes (see Nimbus BI Template Release Notes) we recommend starting on a fresh template (Nimbus.pbit / .pbix).
  • If your problem still persists on a new template, don't hesitate to contact us to analyze the issue.

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