Use Case - Scheduling a Callback Task in Nimbus for Missed Calls on Demand
Show notification on missed calls and enable the service team to interact with adaptive cards in order to schedule a callback task.
When a service misses a call, we want that the whole Nimbus service team gets a notification, and any agent in that team can interact with an adaptive card to schedule a callback task.
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Create the Flow
Start with the GetOnUpdatedTasks element from the Nimbus Connector and set the Session event to "QueueLeft".
Add a Initialize Variable element to the flow.
Name = DisplayName
Type = String
Add a Initialize Variable element to the flow.
Name = DisplayName
Type = String
Value = The Url to the list or table, holding the callback entries
In our case the Url is the shared list in Teams. We can find its url from the Teams tab "Copy link to tab"
Add a Condition element to the flow and check if the customer is known or not.
In our case we check on the Customer.Firstname value. If it is euqal to EMPTY, then the customer is unknown as we could not map the Firstname during the caller identification flow.
Add a Set variable element to each outcome.
Set the DisplayName variable accordingly.
Add a "Post adaptive card and wait for a response" element to the flow.
We want to send the card in the Channel using the flow bot.
In SharePoint, time values are stored in UTC and displayed according to the timezone regional settings. You can find them in the Site Settings of your SharePoint instance:
When someone interacts with an adaptive card in Teams and sets the date time, we need to convert the input to UTC before storing the values into the list or table.
To do so, add aConvert time zone element to the flow and set the values to
Base time = @{outputs('Submitted_Data_2')?['date']}T@{outputs('Submitted_Data_2')?['time']}:00.0000000+02:00
Source Time zone = The timezone regional settings in SharePoint
Destination time zone = UTC
Add a Create Item element to the flow. Set the values to
Site Address = Your SharePoint site
List Name = Your List
Title = Callback scheduled via Missed Call Adaptive Card - @{formatDateTime(utcNow(), 'dd-MM-yyyy')}
Number = @{triggerOutputs()?['body/callerTelNumber']}
Customer Name = @{variables('DisplayName')}
Datetime = @{body('Convert_time_zone_2')}
Status = No
Comments = Call back for missed call
Finally, add a "Reply with adaptive card in channel" element to the flow. Post as Flow bot in a Channel and set the other values to
Message Id = @{outputs('Post_adaptive_card_and_wait_for_a_response_2')?['body/messageid']}