Administration Overview


Access to the Admin Panel is granted via the following links:

Nimbus Admin URLs

Switzerland 01
Switzerland 02
Germany 01
Germany 02
United Kingdom 01
Australia 01
West Europe 01
East United States 01
Nimbus Admin Panel URL

✅ Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete * domain.

Special user permissions are required to administrate Nimbus. Please refer to the following chapters:

  • Read about Role Access Concept to know how Nimbus syncs to your user directory and grants user access.
  • As Administrator you might also want to know about Required App Permissions for Nimbus services and features.


The Nimbus administration opens the "Overview" by default for all users of the Administrator Group.

Tenant Admin Overview - Statistics on Services users

💡 Note: This view differs slightly depending on your administration role. Multi-Tenant Admins get a prior Tenant selection while Single-Tenant Admins will directly be presented with the list of services within their Tenant.

Top Area Widgets


Sum of all services currently provisioned.

🔍 Learn more about this by visiting Nimbus Installation.

Total Services

Lists all services under the provisioned tenants and their respective provisioning state. 

Learn more…

You can think of this widget as describing as a service's lifetime jourey, which starts with "Uncompleted" and ends with "Pending deletion" of a service.

The states (from top to bottom) are as follows: 

INC Service Provisioning Status


The new service has been created and Service Settings can be accessed for further configuration. They exist in the Nimbus database. but still needs to be registered in Microsoft Azure using the provisioning script. Doing so will create a resource account / application instance.

🔍 Also see: Nimbus Installation and Provisioning via Microsoft PowerShell

☝ Note: Any services remaining in this state for 30 days will be removed automatically.

SERVICES APPLIED The provisioning is completed and the service is ready to be called. Nimbus will distribute calls among the service and log them for reporting statistics.
SERVICES RUNNING The service has been called and calls have been recorded in the Nimbus database.
PSTN APPLIED The service is now reachable via PSTN.  
✅ Numbers require a PSTN phone license to operate. Also see Installation Prerequisites > PSTN licensing.
PSTN RUNNING The service has been called via PSTN and calls have been recorded in the Nimbus reporting database.

A service user has opted to "Remove Nimbus completely" from the services tab

🔍 Also see: Uninstalling Nimbus.

☝ Note: After 30 days in this state the service will be → "Pending deletion".


When any admin clicks and confirms “Delete” on a service. Further processing depends on the service provisioning state:

  • A not yet provisioned service is automatically removed within one hour.
  • A provisioned service will be removed with the next run of the Provisioning script. This will remove the resource account and any assigned licenses.

☝ Note: Once de-registered from Azure the affected services and their settings are removed permanently.

💡 Good to know: A service that pending for deletion can still be restored by Luware IF it has not yet been completely de-registered from Azure OR completely removed from your local services instance.



Total Sessions

Aggregated volume of call sessions all services.

💡 Mouse over the diagram to get additional infos.

Total Users

Lists users which have been set "Active" at least once during the shown period.

How to set the "Active" state?

🔍 A user's "Active" state can be set to enabled via either of the following means: 

  • Via each user's own Dashboard in any Nimbus service-enabled channel.
  • Via the Nimbus personal app > Services Overview view, where service members can manage the active state for multiple services simultaneously.

💡 Good to know:

  • Each service has an individual Service Settings where new users can be set "Active" by default. This may contribute to the statistics even if the (new) service members haven't set themselves active on their own.
  • Even if users just set themselves "Active" - without taking any calls or handling other Nimbus tasks - they will still count towards this metric.
  • Service owners can also manage the "Active" state of their members.

Tenant / Service Entry Listings

In a Multi-Tenants setup, entries are unfolded in a drill-down fashion:

Tenant > Service > Service Users

🔍 The details of each level are explained below.


On "Tenant" level a list with the following details is shown:

Description / Purpose
Domain Base level domain under which the service (and service members) are registered under
Number of services

Amount # of services under the respective tenants, also displayed as graph.

🔍 Their state and the graphical representation is described under "Total Service" above.

Sessions Last 14 days

Aggregated calls under that tenant in a small relative view. 

🔍 Detailed call metrics can be inspected for each service → See table entry below

Monthly Active Users Users under the current tenant that have been set active at least once this month (either by themselves or their supervisors)
Daily Active Users Users under the current tenant that been set active at least once on this day (either by themselves or their supervisors)
Since Date when tenant was first registered with Nimbus.


Unfolding a Tenant entry via the > arrow reveals the "services" under that tenant.

Description / Purpose
Service service clear name as defined in Microsoft services Client-
State See status overview as described above.
Users Assigned total service team members  
💡 Summarized from the according Microsoft Teams channel, regardless of their "Active" state
Total Sessions Overall total sessions on that service.
Last 14 days

Sessions over the last 14 days.

💡 Mouse over details provided for each day.

Provisioned Since Date when service was first provisioned for Nimbus.

Service Users

Unfolding a service entry via the > arrow reveals the Users of that particular service.

💡 This equals the Team Members

Description / Purpose
Name User Name as defined in MS services
UPN User Principal Name (unique) under the current domain
Memberships  Amount of (other) services that the user is part of, including the current viewed service.

Indicates if the user is available to take calls or inactive (e.g. Offline).

🔍 Also see User States.

Time in State

Time since last state change (Available / Inactive) occurred.

💡 Note that this is a Nimbus exclusive state and not tied to the to Microsoft Teams IM presence. 


Displays if the user is set to active to take calls for the corresponding service.

🔍 A user can have a different active state when part of multiple services and toggle his states accordingly. Refer to the My services page explaining this concept further.


Signals the user role (member or owner) of the respective service.

🔍 Roles can be assigned via User Administration or get automatically granted from being Team Owner in a MS Teams-based team.

Administration Use Cases

As Nimbus gets more features and complexity added, our Knowledge Base will provide Administration Use Cases with that cover various aspects in a "step-by-step" fashion. 

💡Follow these Use Cases to get a good understanding of the UI structure and administrative concepts behind Nimbus.


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