Nimbus Teams Tab

The Nimbus teams tab is added as part of Nimbus Installation when a new Nimbus team is created based upon any existing Teams channel. The tab adds the following features

  • Dashboard that displays daily call metrics, team member presence status and incoming tasks.
  • Reporting that displays aggregated KPI and call metrics for the whole team.
  • Workflows that allows team owners to configure the call distribution in full detail.

Nimbus freshly installed in a Teams Tab


In order to see the Nimbus Team Dashboard the following requirements must be met:

  • Nimbus be installed by a tenant administrator for your Teams Server. 🔍 See → Nimbus Installation.
  • If not already done during a first-time installation, the Nimbus Tab can be added by team owner, as described in Service Provisioning. This will allow all team members to become Nimbus users, with access to detail functionality as described in the sub-chapters below.

 Recommended on your first visit:


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