Use Case - Storing the Luware Recording Link in a CRM

Store and find Luware Recording links in your CRM.

We want to store the Luware Recording link with the customer in the CRM. The Nimbus Power Automate Connector has access to a field called CallChainId which can be used to find the recording of a call in Luware Recording.


  • A Nimbus service is set up
  • Luware Recording is set up
  • You have access to the Luware Recording (Verba) portal

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To get to the link, you need to get a value called CallChainId . This value is unique for each Nimbus call. You can access it in Power Automate using the Nimbus Connector and the GetOnNewTasks and GetOnUpdatedTask triggers.

Its value looks like this string:


With that id, you can easily create the recording link of the call. The Recording URL to the Conversation View in Luware Recording is as follows:  

This URL opens the following screen for a logged in User in Luware Recording:

💡 We want to log calls and add the recording automatically when a handled call was terminated. In Nimbus , we cannot determine if the call was recorded or not in Luware Recording. This variant works well if you record every call on a service.

✅ We need to create a Power Automate flow which listens to the Terminated event in Nimbus . Using a condition, we check that an agent has handled the call. We know that recording data is potentially available in Luware Recording. In the IF YES branch after the condition, we create the recording link using the call chain id from the Nimbus trigger. 

Start with the GetOnUpdatedTask trigger and Terminated event

Add a Condition element to the flow. Check on:

  • triggerOutputs()?['body/lastConnectedUserId']
  • is not equal to 

In the IF YES branch, add a Compose element and create the RecordingLink using:

✅ You can now use the RecordingLink variable further in the the IF yes branch of your flow and store it to your CRM.

✅ Now for each call that terminates and where an agent has been involved, the flow gets triggered and creates the recording link.

This variant is the go-to way for use cases where tickets are involved. In this example we've implemented this with Zendesk as our ticketing system. We simply add the Nimbus  CallChainId to the ticket when the call ends. In another flow we use that id and create the corresponding link.


Prepare Zendesk

In Zendesk, you need to add the following new fields to the ticket object:

    • A boolean field "Add Call Record" unchecked by default.
    • A text field "Call Recording Link".
    • A text field "Call Chain Id".

In your ticket view, add the new fields. You can decorate the field Call Recording Link to be shown as a link. The field Call Chain Id should be hidden.

a hidden field will hold the CallChainId

Power Automate

Flow 1

✅ Implement the Use Case - Creating an IVR Ticket Service with Zendesk to log the call at the ticket in the CRM.

Additionally, add the CallChainId from the Nimbus triggerto the Zendesk ticket in steps 5 (Existing ticket) or 6 (Create new ticket).

  • callchainId= triggerOutputs()?['body/callChainId']

Power Automate

Flow 2

✅ Now implement another Power Automate Flow which listens on the ticket record change event in the CRM. W henever an agent is on a call with a customer and works on a specific ticket, the agent checks the "Add Call Record "checkbox which will trigger the flow to add the Recording URL.

The Recording URL to the Conversation View looks like...

....where CallChainId is the Nimbus Call chain id.

Testing ✅ Now, whenever an agent clicks on that "Add Call Record" checkbox, the flow triggers and adds the recording link which is then visible on the ticket in Zendesk

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