In order to see the Nimbus Team Dashboard the following requirements must be met:
- Nimbus Installation - This must be completed by your Tenant Administrator, which is then applicable for your Teams Server instance.
Adding the Nimbus Tab - If not already done during Installation procedures, a Nimbus Tab can be added by any team owner, as described in Service Provisioning. This will allow all team members to become Nimbus users, with access to detail functionality as described in the sub-chapters below.
💡Note that adding of new Nimbus teams can be disabled via Provisioning Tenant Settings. If you need to provision a new team, -
Note: Running MS Teams in your web browser: Opening the Nimbus Tab in the web-based MS Teams Client (instead of a locally installed MS Teams App) bears a risk that 3rd-party cookie policies configured in the browser may cause Nimbus login issues. This is due to the fact that Nimbus re-uses the Teams login token for its internal authentication (Single-Sign-On).
Learn more…
INC Third-Party Cookie Restriction Workaround
☝ Note of third-party cookie restriction: In 2024 Google Chrome started restricting third-party cookies “by default for 1% of Chrome users to facilitate testing, and then plans to ramp up to 100% of users in H2 2024.” Other browser vendors are likely to follow suit with similar policies.
✅For Tenant Administrators: Most Enterprise users should be excluded from the 1% experiment group. However, Luware recommends that admins proactively use theBlockThirdPartyCookies
policies in Chrome to avoid sign-in issues, as described in this MS “Teams doesn't load” help article reference.Add the following sites to the third party cookie exception list:
[*.] [*.] [*.] [*.] [*.] [*.] [*.]
🤔 What are the risk scenarios?
Not following the recommendations by Google involves a risk that Nimbus stops working in Chrome (or other default browsers) when the Nimbus App is launched embedded via MS Teams.
- MS Teams client in your browser: A likely cookie-related risk scenario occurs as you launch launch the Nimbus App or Nimbus Teams Tabs. This triggers a user authentication using 3rd party cookies.
- MS Teams standalone client: Microsoft claims that Nimbus should continue working in the client. Furthermore, Nimbus standalone tab will open and work when "Open app in browser tab" link is used.
To avoid either scenario, we recommend whitelisting cookie-exceptions in your browsers so that Teams can continue continue working with Nimbus. To allow (whitelist) specific URLs in your browser, refer to the steps described in this MS “Teams doesn't load” help article reference.
🤔 What are the effects/problems?
We identified the following issues in regards to cookie-related authentication:
- Warning at startup - A warning message is shown every time when the user start Nimbus in Teams. It seems it's a general error in case of the third party cookies are blocked.
- Authentication popup issue - Returns a Cancelled By User error even if the authentication was not cancelled by user.
The Nimbus teams tab is added as part of Nimbus Installation when a new Nimbus team is created based upon any existing Teams channel. The tab is focused on team-oriented metrics and grants access to Nimbus features, such as:
- A Live View that displays daily call metrics, team member presence status and incoming tasks.
- Statistics that display aggregated KPI and call metrics for the whole service team.
- Access to Configuration items such as Workflows to define the service distribution in full detail.

Related Topics
As a team owner you can configure your Nimbus service to your liking. For example:
- Check the Configuration and add elements to be used in your services, such as Workflows, Opening Hours or Audio Resources
- Adjust Service Settings to fine tune Reporting SLA or other parameters of your service.
💡Please Note: The frontend configuration and settins are limited. A full set of options is only available to Administrators.
Tab Removal
Whenever you remove the Nimbus Tab, you can either just remove the tab or start Uninstalling Nimbus from your team.
💡Good to know: When the tab was removed by accident your Nimbus service and task distribution continues to run in the background. You can decide to…
- … simply re-add the Tab (search for “Nimbus”)
- … use the Nimbus Personal App in the Teams Sidebar or …
- … simply open the respective Admin / Portal URLs in your browser to access Nimbus.