
Playlists are created from previously uploaded Resources and are used as part of certain Workflow Activities (e.g. as a predefined Series of Announcements or Wait Music).

Playlist Management

Add / Edit Playlist

INC Playlist / Audio File Resource limitations


  • Recommended file format: .wav, single-channel, 16-bit samples with a 16,000 (16KHz) sampling rate
  • Supported File formats: wma, wav, mp3 
  • Allowed file size / length1: Maximum of 20 MB size or 10 min length. 
    💡If you need to chain multiple files, please resort to using multiple Announcement, Play Music activities or use Playlists.

Limitations and Checks:

  • Upload duration: Please note that uploads may fail when they take longer than 30 sec.
  • Max Playlist items: There is no limit to max items in a playlist.
    💡We recommend a maximum number of 15 resources (songs, audio cues) in a playlist. Alternatively, consider using multiple “Playlist / Announcement" Workflow Activities in your Workflow.
  • Timeout dependency: Keep in mind that your workflow elements may have a timeout configured. Depending on that the playlist may be cut short or repeat.

1 Fair use - Storage Capacity: There is currently no total storage limit for Audio files in place. Luware Support may contact you when your instance exceeds regular storage capacity quotas.


✅ Make sure that you have Resources uploaded first.

🔍 Resources used in Playlists are Organization Unit specific, so you only see resources available on the tenant or your assigned teams.

The Add or Edit a playlist dialog and procedure is identical: 

  1. Add or change a name in the "Name" text field 
  2. Assign an Organization Units - e.g. Services / Workflows in which this playlist should be available for selection.
  3. +Add audio files to your playlist. (→ see "Resources" for uploading new files) 
  4. Optionally you can adjust the sort order of existing entries by dragging and dropping them at their handle.

    💡 When checking on your Playlist durations, keep in mind that Workflow Activities using playlists can also have a timeout. The playlist preview is generated as one long consecutive audio file consisting of all your selected resource audio files played back-to-back. The process of rendering this audio file may take a bit of time depending on the amount of tracks added to your playlist.



Deleting a Playlist

Existing playlists can only be deleted when currently NOT being used in any Workflows or Workflow Templates. Otherwise the Delete button will be inactive (grey) and show a mouseover-tooltip instead.

Deletion prevention: Check the “Used in Workflow” column to see where a playlist is used. Only when those references are gone the playlist can be safely deleted.


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