🔎 Good to know: Below are some common Regular Expressions (RegEx) we recommend to use. Nimbus uses .NET Regular Expressions - you can refer to the Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference for a quick overview of the allowed expressions.
💡Tip: Test your regular expressions using online tools such as RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx. Using AI-assisted tools like ChatGPT can also prove quite effective in finding your desired outcome.
Intended Regex Goal / Description |
Regular expression |
Check perform on System Fields and Parameters |
Incoming Call is from an external PSTN number | ^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$ |
Incoming call is from an internal Teams account (UPN) | ^[^@]+@.+$ |
Check country code - Incoming number is from Germany or UK
Caller is anonymous | ^Anonymous |
The incoming call is from Switzerland OR Germany | ^([+]49)|^([+]41)\d+ |
The value equals 1 | ^[1]$ |
The value equals 2 | ^[2]$ |
The value equals or is greater than 3 | ^[3-9]$|^([1-9]\d|[1-9]\d{2,})$ |
No user is available | ^[0]$ |
One or more users available | ^[1-9]$|^([1-9]\d|[1-9]\d{2,})$ |
The value is true | ^(true|True|1)$ |
The value is not Empty | ^. |
The length of the string is in between 5 or 10 and not less or more | ^.{5,10}$ |
The length of the string equals 3 | ^.{3}$ |