Slowly Changing Dimensions

Static data which can change slowly but unpredictably

In the context of data warehousing, "Slowly Changing Dimensions" (SCDs) change over time, but do so unpredictably rather than according to a regular schedule. These dimensions are used to track changes in data that are not constant but evolve gradually.


  • An Administrator restructures some Organization Units, which also impacts various Users and their parent OU.
  • A Customer with an already known Identifier calls from a different PSTN number than last time.
  • A Service owner changes the Opening Hours calendar, leading to different task routing within the Workflows
  • A User (Agent) selects a random choice of Tags for his call.

💡Note: Description columns in the tables below are generally not part of the dataset.



A Service is a Endpoint acting for the service tasks as a middle layer between Users and Customers (or other task initiators). 


Data Type


Id  guid Primary key 
Name  text Service name 
OrganizationUnitId guid References Organization unit of the service
ServiceOrganizationUnitId guid Contains service Organization Unit for permission purposes

🔍 Services are managed via Nimbus Service Administration.



Users are the persons who interact with Nimbus e.g. to accept calls. 


Data Type


Id  guid Primary key 
O365Id guid Nimbus User O365 identifier
Upn text Nimbus Caller User Principal Name
UserName text Display name of the Nimbus User First name + Last Name 
OrganizationUnitId guid Reference User's organization

🔍 Users are synced from your Microsoft Entra ID and added via Nimbus User Administration.



Callers are the Customers that contact the service.


Data Type


Id integer Primary key
O365Id guid Caller O365 identifier
Upn text Caller User Principal Name
TelNumber text Caller telephone number
TenantId guid Tenant Id
CustomerIdentifier text Caller's UPN, telephone or O365 id (depending on origin type)

Organization Units

Organization units are used to describe hierarchal structure of the organization.

Attribute  Data Type Description 
Id  guid Primary key 
Name  text Organization name 
ParentId guid References parent Organization unit
🔍 Fields below are not provided by OData feed, but calculated in Power BI template
OU_PATH text Represents path to OU from root level
OULevel1 text Name of OU at level 1 of the hierarchy
OULevel2 text Name of OU at level 2 of the hierarchy
OULevel...7 text Name of OU at level 7 of the hierarchy

🔍 Visit Organization Units to learn more about the concept and its configuration.


Opening Hours

Opening Hours are applied as part of General Service Settings and added to the session at the point of an incoming task.

Attribute  Data Type Description 
Id  guid Primary key 
Name  text
  • None
  • Open
  • Closed
  • Holiday
  • 1 Special
  • 2 Special
  • 3 Special
  • 4 Special

🔍 Visit Opening Hours to learn more about the concept and its configuration.



connected with the FirstPrimaryCodeId field of Service Sessions table.


Data Type


Id guid Primary key
PrimaryCode text primary code name
Description text primary code description

connected with the FirstSecondaryCodeId field of Service Sessions table.


Data Type


Id guid Primary key
SecondaryCode text secondary code name
Description text secondary code description

🔍 Visit Codes to learn how the codes are defined and used.



connected with the TagId field of Service Session Tags table.


Data Type


Id guid Primary key
Tag text tag description

🔍 Tags are used in the My Sessions view to complete open task as part of "After Call Work" (ACW). They are freely User-definable.



DistributionPriorityTypes is connected with the DistributionPriority field of Service Sessions table.


Data Type


Id int Primary key
Name text Distribution name

UserSessionDistributionPriority isconnected with the DistributionPriority field of User Sessions table.


Data Type


Id int Primary key
Name text Distribution name

🔍Both DistributionPriorityTypes and UserSessionDistributionPriority are sharing the same OData endpoint.



TaskDirections are connected with the TaskType dataset and Service Sessions table.


Data Type


Id int Primary key
Name text Distribution name

TaskTypeGroups are connected with the TaskTypeGroupId field of TaskType table.


Data Type


Id int Primary key
Name text Distribution name

TaskTypes are connected with the TaskTypeGroupId field of TaskType table.


Data Type


Id int Primary key
Name text Distribution name
IsService bool Flag true or false
TaskDirectionId int Reference to Task direction table
TaskGroupId int Reference to Task group table


NotAvailableReasons are used with UserStates table.


Data Type


Id guid Primary key
Name text NAR name
TenantId guid Reference to Tenant
OrganizationUnitId guid Reference to Organization unit in which particular NAR is used.

Row-level security (RLS)

Row-level-security datasets. ServiceDataPermissions are used to create Row-level Security rules in Power BI Desktop. This data is available via OData Feed, but it is not represented as a dataset in Power BI and must be added manually.

🔍Also see our related Use Case - Publishing the Power BI Report with Row-level Security.


Data Type


UserId guid UserId who has permission to Organization Unit
OrganizationUnitId guid Organization Unit which is mapped to User.

UserDataPermissions areused to create Row-level security rules in Power BI Desktop. This data is available via OData, but it is not represented as a dataset in Power BI and must be added manually.


Data Type


UserId guid UserId who has permission to Organization Unit
OrganizationUnitId guid Organization Unit which is mapped to User.


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