My Sessions

Daily personal interaction with Nimbus services

The "My Sessions" tab provides information on both your current and past user sessions. In here you can do the following:

  • Interact with the “Sessions” area, which lists tasks and their result Accepted, Declined, Cancelled (by caller), RONA in order of occurrence.
  • Add Codes or descriptive Tags on session entries are marked with (ℹ)
  • Via Extensions Service Settings (✅ shown when enabled):
    • Conversation Context during a call – either as embedded widget – or opened in separate tabs, when Nimbus "My Sessions" is opened in your browser.
    • Live Caption and Transcription features for ongoing calls.
    • Caller Map Location and Session Details (if provided by an external CRM, User Directory).
    • Handle Emails in the Email widget.

Preconditions and Dependencies

✅ Licensing: Features listed on this page are enabled via Extensions Service Settings – e.g. additional widgets for Codes, Search, Google Maps and Conversation Context. Some of extended features like Transcription require a license on services and users. Consult the Nimbus Features page for a full overview.

✅Configuration: In a similar fashion, embedded Conversation Context, Codes and Tags individual items as part of the (Admin-side) Configuration. They may not show as options in service settings until previously provided by a Tenant Admin.

✅Integration: "Session Details" widget contents shown during ongoing sessions will only be retrieved when you have the Nimbus Power Automate Connector configured to retrieve caller details from a user directory (e.g. CRM, O365, SharePoint List, etc.). When an incoming caller is recognized, only a PSTN/UPN will be shown and other fields are left blank. Refer to our List of Use Cases for various integration scenarios and the chapter on the bottom of this page relating to (historical) data storage.

✅ Individual Service Settings: Service Owners may freely disable or enable (licensed) features of “My Sessions” within the Service Settings > Extensions tab.

💡 As a result: The per-user personal view of “My Sessions” may vary from the screenshots shown below, and can also vary per service, if settings were individualized.


Details and Widgets

Your "My Sessions" view can greatly vary from the mockup:

  • The "My Sessions" Tab will remain dormant when you are not part of any ongoing Nimbus task.
  •  You can always inspect previous sessions  by clicking on them. When a customer is calling any of your service teams, “My Sessions” will show new content.
  • Names of services you see in the list depend on whether you're a "user" (team member) of that service. Incoming tasks will be listed across all your services in order of their occurrence.
  • The Task type (Modality and Inbound or Outbound direction) each shown as entry in the "Sessions" widget.
  • Available caller context, e.g. details, are provided via available Address Books, your Tenant User Directory and the Microsoft Power Automate Connector. Refer to our List of Use Cases for various integration scenarios.
  • Your current User State such as RONA, After Call Work as well as a task status on any previously concluded task. See Areas and Widgets section below for details.
“Sessions” widget overview

Note: Widgets listed in the table below might not be shown in your view unless enabled in your Extensions Service Settings. See Preconditions above.

Widget Name Details Description
Sessions Listing and Search

A list of your most recent interactions.

Each entry shows: 

  • The call resolution (outcome), as indicated by color of the border
  • The call direction (inbound, outbound, call-as)
  • The modality (Audio/Video call, Instant Messaging, or Email)
  • The service called
  • Date and Time of the interaction

Good to know

💡 Use the search on top to narrow entries down.

💡 You can click on open sessions marked with an (ℹ) to conclude work on them, e.g. by adding Codes, Tags.

💡 Searching for previous email sessions is also supported.



Pulsing Icon

Indicates incoming/ live call session:

  • Yellow pulsing icon - Incoming Calls
  • Green pulsing icon - Connected Calls
Task Result   
(colored border on Session entry)

Indicates the session outcome:

  • Green - Call was accepted by user
  • Red - Call was actively declined by user
  • Yellow RONA (Call was returned to queue as target user did not answer in time)
  • Grey - Abandoned by customer (before user was able to accept)

💡 Tip: When clicking on the session, the “Result” widgt also updates accordingly.

(ℹ) Info Icon

Indicates that the call session interaction is still "open" and can be resolved. You can complete the session by adding Codes and/or Tags. → See Codes / Tags in table below.

Please note that an entry can only be saved onceSaving concludes Sessions as historical entry with a final timestamp. This is by reporting model design and cannot be changed. 


To complete an interaction:

  1. Click on a "(ℹ) "-marked entry in the Interactions list
  2. Do necessary updates (e.g. add Codes and Tags to mark sales or call conclusions) .

Click on "Save" → The info icon disappears to indicate that the task is done. 

Session Details   
(Info Area) 

Caller Information (1)

Will display additional details about the caller, based the following sources:

  • Your Tenant User Directory. 💡Note that this only identifies internal users via UserID, not PSTN numbers.
  • Additional fields of information retrieved via Microsoft Power Automate Connector, which can also read and update existing Address Books defined within Nimbus. 

 Learn more about integration scenarios...

The Nimbus Power Automate Connector allows to retrieve additional details / context on an incoming task / customer. This is done via the following methods:

  • Internal Address Books - via the "GetContacts" Flow Action the customer details can be retrieved. This method is limited to a default set of fields like Name, Address, Phone.
  • External sources - via the connector you can retrieve details (e.g. your own CRM or an Excel Sheet) and greatly expand the fields shown. 🔎 Refer to our Power Automate Use Cases for various integration scenarios.



If neither an external or internal match is found, a caller is shown as anonymous and without additional information. 

Google Maps Location (1)

If available, a Google Maps location will be shown based on either the address or IP information of the caller. Depending on the available info, this map will provide more specific or general details.

Portal Context (1)
  • Context can consist of dynamically generated URLS, e.g. from caller and session details, e.g. for usage of a 3rd-party CRM or Ticketing system.
  • When running Nimbus in your browser, tabs with context should open automatically. When clicked the "Portal Context" link opens all configured Context tabs simultaneously.

✅ Preconditions:

  • Note that Portal Conversation Context needs to be configured and applied via Extensions Service Settings in order to be visible in My Sessions. Tabs will be opened in the order specified.
  • To ensure that this feature works as intended, make sure that Microsoft Teams and Nimbus URLs are excempt from any pop-up blockers.   

🔍 Context can be greatly expanded by using the Microsoft Power Automate Connector. Read our related Use Case - Defining and using Conversation Context for a simple hands-on example and check out our List of Use Cases for more inspiration.

Task Status / Time Display widgets

Top row of Widgets

(Result, Connected time)

Information widgets on top change based on on the state of the conversation and entry clicked in "Interactions":

  • Result (call session conclusion)
  • Connected Time for accepted calls
  • Queue Time for incoming calls
  • Ring Time for Declined, User-Aborted or Unanswered (RONA) calls
  • Service being called / Used for Outbound Calls

For Outbound Calls sessions widgets show:

  • Dial Out Time / Ringing Time /Connected Time
  • Service (on behalf of) the user is calling.

Results shown after call termination:

  • Not Accepted (user declines, timeout, or other error codes sent by Microsoft, e.g. busy, offline)
  • User available but didn't pick up in time → RONA status
  • User-Aborted (call terminated by Agent during dialout)
  • Destination Accepted
  • Destination Declined
  • Destination Not Reached

Widget with Website content (1)

Enterprise Routing - Used to display Conversation Context during an incoming or ongoing call. Examples include: 

  • Opening a CRM or user database which attempts to retrieve caller information based on incoming caller System Fields and Call Parameters.
  • Showing a ticketing system that automatically creates a new entry for each call.
  • Open a helpful website for item lookup, translations, search etc.

💡 This widget will only show contents during an ongoing interaction with a caller.

✅ Note that configured Conversation Context needs to be available to the respective service's Organization Unit and be applied in the Extensions Service Settings in order to appear in this widget.

🔍 Context can be greatly expanded by using the Microsoft Power Automate Connector. Read our related Use Case - Defining and using Conversation Context for a simple hands-on example and check out our List of Use Cases for more inspiration.

Pulldown Selector

Enterprise Routing - Allows you to select from a pre-defined list of Primary and Secondary Codes:


🤔 What are Codes?

  • Codes are defined via Extensions Service Settings by any Service Owner. You can agree on and define the codes as you want within your team.
  • Primary / Secondary codes are just for your own distinguishment. These Codes are also separated in Power BI reporting. 

Note: Codes are required to be filled out before you can save an "Interaction". → This will remove the the "🔍" Icon from the Interaction entry and conclude the session result for Reporting.

✅ Codes might not be saved until Extensions Service Settings > "Codes & Tags" feature is enabled. This setting also makes the Context area visible in the UI.

Free text entry field for Tags

Enterprise Routing - Allows you to add descriptive tags to this customer which can act as either reminder or notes for future conversations. 

  • Tags have no functional dependency in Nimbus so you can use them as you like.
  • Tag suggestions will be made as you type, based on existing tags stored from previous calls sessions.

🔍 Tags will be reflected in Power BI reporting templates, allowing you to use them as filter criteria.

Transcription Live Caption during calls, Transcripts of calls

Transcribes and displays voice during calls (Live Caption) and shows the transcript of made and transcribed call sessions (Transcription).

💡If you have ACW configured, a loading indicator shows the saving process of your session's transcription after after call is ended. Once the final transcript is available, it appears in the Transcription widget and you can use it for your after call work.

💡Note that Live Caption is only shown during ongoing calls. Transcripts can be displayed by clicking on a transcribed session.

(1) Caller details and task context are retrieved for ongoing tasks only. 
⮑ In consequence, any historical entries in the "Interactions" list may show no caller information at all. Live context data is removed from and concluded Historical Sessions unless context data storage is explicitly opted-in via the service's Extensions Service Settings.

Learn more about this…

INC Store Context Data

GDPR After a service task has concluded, any historic session and customer context data – e.g. as shown in the My Sessions widgets – will not be stored by Nimbus.

As a result:  
⮑ the "Session Details" of any historic task records will show “Not Available” instead within My Sessions and Historical Sessions. 
⮑ Previous custom Parameters  / and  Conversation Context items (e.g. Customer details or URLs dynamically retrieved via Nimbus Power Automate Connector) may not resolve or open correctly anymore.

This storage behavior can be changed by enabling the “Store Conversation Context Data” in Extensions Service Settings:

Historical storage of Context Data

☝ Note that the “Store Conversation Context Data” option is disabled by default as potentially sensitive caller data can appear in historical records and seen by Administrators (e.g. via Historical Sessions). The setting must therefore be enabled by a service owner (Opt-in).  
💡Enabling this setting has no retroactive effect, meaning that only data after enabling this setting will get stored.


🤔What happens when I enable this?

☝ Task information / Session detail data is stored per service session on call termination (transfer by workflow or user).

  • The following is stored per session in both My Sessions and Historical Sessions 
  • On historical (concluded) sessions within My Sessions  
    • ... the "Embedded Context widget" will resolve the currently configured URL with a previously saved call information. This means that also historic sessions will use the link currently configured in the Extensions Service Settings .
    • ... the separate "Open Context" link remains clickable if at least one Conversation Context URL is currently configured.
    • ... the "Session Details" widget will still show Custom and Customer parameters if available.

☝ Default "My Session Parameters" user data is not stored as it is retrieved dynamically from the internal user directly of your Tenant. 


🤔What happens in service transfer scenarios?

Nimbus always stores live context on transfer to services (either initiated by workflow or user). The "Store Conversation Context Data" option will have no impact there. 

☝ However, enabling the "Store Conversation Context Data" setting will cause such live context data to be stored as historical record after call termination. This also applies on each transfer between services, creating a historical record entry for each service that has the setting enabled. 

In an example transfer scenario this may cause historical data to “accumulate” between services, as data gets updated and appended.

Example - Transfer from Service A to B to C:

Parameter Service A  ► transfer to Service B ► transfer to Service C
Customer Name John Doe John Doe John Doe
Spoken Language German <Not Relevant> <Not Relevant>
Gender <Not Relevant> Male <Not Relevant>
Ticket ID #1111 #3151 (overwritten Ticket Parameter) <Not Relevant>
“Store Conversation Context Data”  enabled
Stored Historical Sessions data shown John Doe (1)
Not used

John Doe  (1)
Not available (not stored)

Not available (not stored)

Not available (not stored)

John Doe  (1)
German (from Service A)
Male (from Service B)
#3151 (from Service B)

 (1) The user name will always be resolved from a UPN / PSTN when it was found within the existing O365 user directory.


🤔How long is data being stored?

  • Caller info is updated on a “terminated”  workflow Trigger Events and stored for a maximum of 30 days for the last available service session (in case of transfers).
  • Conversation context data will also be stored for failed/killed calls.
  • After 30 days the data is cleared. This also happens when either the service or tenant is being unprovisioned when Uninstalling Nimbus

☝ Best Practice: If you wish to store critical or personal session data permanently, you need to do so during an active session and within a system of your choice (e.g. a CRM or Database).


🔍 Whitepapers: You can also learn more about the data retention policy in our whitepapers, available in the Documents section.




Modality-specific behavior

“My Sessions” behaves slightly different for certain modalities. Below are the areas you should look out for with links to further related pages.

Modality Area Details
Email  Email task details widget

As you accept an Email task, the My Sessions view will open an Email widget with a rendered preview of the Mail. 

Email: Reply and handling options

In the widget, you can choose to: 

  • Reply / Reply All senders of the original email.
  • Mark as handled (e.g. when just a read-confirmation or other actions are required).


🔎 More infos on on handling this case can be found on Email Handling.

Instant Messaging 

"Sessions" widget 

(Chat-specific controls)

When you receive and accept an Instant Messaging task, the My Sessions view will provide a separate button to open the related chat window. 

Ongoing “Instant Messaging” (Chat) interaction with direct link and option to terminate the session.

In the ongoing task itself you can choose to: 

  • Open Chat Conversation inside MS Teams.  ⮑ The session will remain open as you chat with the customer and opt to…
  • Terminate Chat Session (if configured) brings up ACW, then frees you up to handle new tasks.

🔎 More infos on handling this case can be found on Instant Message Handling.

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