
Audio files for your announcements and playlists

Within resources you can add, manage and preview single audio files. These resources are used while Workflow Editing, either for announcements (see Workflow Activities) or as part of a playlist.

🔍Resources are Organization Unit specific, so you only see resources available on the tenant or your individual services.

Adding a resource

INC Playlist / Audio File Resource limitations


  • Recommended file format: .wav, single-channel, 16-bit samples with a 16,000 (16KHz) sampling rate
  • Supported File formats: wma, wav, mp3 
  • Allowed file size / length1: Maximum of 20 MB size or 10 min length. 
    💡If you need to chain multiple files, please resort to using multiple Announcement, Play Music activities or use Playlists.

Limitations and Checks:

  • Upload duration: Please note that uploads may fail when they take longer than 30 sec.
  • Max Playlist items: There is no limit to max items in a playlist.
    💡We recommend a maximum number of 15 resources (songs, audio cues) in a playlist. Alternatively, consider using multiple “Playlist / Announcement" Workflow Activities in your Workflow.
  • Timeout dependency: Keep in mind that your workflow elements may have a timeout configured. Depending on that the playlist may be cut short or repeat.

1 Fair use - Storage Capacity: There is currently no total storage limit for Audio files in place. Luware Support may contact you when your instance exceeds regular storage capacity quotas.


To add a new resource, click on the corresponding "Add New" button.

  1. Specify or change a name (will also be autocompleted when you upload a file → step 3)
  2. Assign an Organization Unit to define which services will have access to the file.
  3. Upload a resource audio file.

Deleting a resource

☝Existing resources can only be deleted white not being used in Workflows or Playlists. Otherwise the Delete button will be inactive (grey) and show a mouseover-tooltip instead. 

Deletion prevention: Check the “Used in Workflow” column to see where a resource is used. Only when those references are gone the resource can be safely deleted.



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