Use Case - Adding External Address Books via Power Automate

Add an external address book to the Nimbus Address Book with the use of the Nimbus Power Automate Connector.

It is possible to add an external address book to Nimbus with the use of the Nimbus Power Automate Connector. In this example, we use an Excel file available to your whole team which can be updated with ease and automatically added to the Nimbus Address Books using a flow.


General Requirements: 

  • Power Automate Connector: If not done previously before, the Nimbus Power Automate Connector (Custom Connector) must be configured once for your tenant as an Azure application. As a Tenant Administrator you can follow the instructions on Microsoft Power Automate Connector page.
  • Nimbus Administration user privileges are needed to be able to add the address book. Contact your tenant administrator or customer service support if you don't have access.

Service / Team Requirements:

  • You need write access to the Files Tab in your MS Teams Client where your service will store the address book.
  • Prepare an Excel sheet with the user entries for your future address book – 🔍 The steps will cover this as an an example.
  • User access to Address books: users need an Attendant Console license in order to search within the address book by using their respective Attendant Console search UI. Any Nimbus administrator can grant Attendant licenses via User Administration, or use License Management to assign the available contingency in bulk.

Adding an Address Book

Login as Tenant Admin and go to Configuration (Admin).

  1. Locate "Address Books" in the Configuration list.
  2. Click on “Create New”.
    ⮑ A dialog window will open.
    1. Specify the Name and Icon.
    2. Pick an Organization Unit (OU) to make this address book available under.
      💡 The higher the OU level, the more users will see the entries in their Attendant Console search. Keep data privacy in mind when playing the book.
    3. Confirm when done.

Create Excel Sheet

  1. Create an excel sheet with user details and make sure it is in a table format – see example below:
  2. Save the excel sheet for your team to access, e.g. in the "Files" tab created for each Nimbus service team.
    💡 Of course you can vary this step by using any other SharePoint location accessible to you or any selection of team members / owners.
    ☝ Please note that by default "Files" in a team are accessible to all team members. Ensure not to expose any potential private customer data in your address book.

Create flow for the address book

✅ This step requires that you have previously configured Nimbus Power Automate Connector (Custom Connector) for your tenant. Otherwise the "Nimbus" action and selectable Trigger Events will not show show in your MS Flow-Search.

  1. Log into your Microsoft Power Automate account
  2. Go to "My Flows" and click on "New Flow" > "Automated Cloud Workflow"
  3. Click on "Skip" and search for the "Schedule" connector (Recurrence).
    💡 Select an interval of your own preference and make sure to select the correct time zone.
  4. Add a new step called "List rows present in a table" from from the "Excel Online" connector.
    1. Select your service team location, document library, file, and table.
      💡 This is the Excel from the previous step. You can of course place the file somewhere else, but keep in mind that your Flow user needs permanent access to the file's storage location and no one else should have access to the file and personal details therein.
    2. If your Excel list (or whichever data source you've chosen instead) includes a lot of entries, you may find that Power Automate will by default only return the first 256 entries. To get more entries, you can access the Settings of the "List rows present in a table" action and enable the Pagination feature, with an appropriate page size.
  5. Add a new step called "Apply to Each" from the in the "Control" connector.
    1. Select "Value" as an output and click on "Add an action."
    2. Within "Custom" search for or directly select "AddOrUpdateContact" in the "Nimbus" Connector.
    3. Check within "AddOrUpdateContact" that all fields are correctly mapped to the columns of your excel file.
  6. Don't forget to name your flow and click on save
  7. Verify that your flow now looks something like this:


  1. Test that your flow runs successfully at least once without errors. 
    💡 1 You can of course also adjust or replace the initial "Recurrence" trigger to anything else that ensures that new entries to your Excel Address book entries are transferred over into Nimbus Address Books in a timely manner.
  2. You can also validate via the search of Attendant Console if (new) entries are shown, with the Address Book icon shown as source. 


Keep in mind that the visibility of address book entries depends on the Organization Unit assignment for both Attendant Console user and the address book itself. Users will only find entries if the address book is on the same OU level or higher as their account.

💡 If you want an address book to be available to Attendant Console users from different OU branches you need to make sure the book is placed higher on the OU-tree than all of the users accessing it. This follows the "reading along the path" rule as explained on the Organization Units page.


🌟 Congratulations - you have now successfully made address book management easier for your team.

INC Address Book Limitations

Address Book Field Size Limitations

Please note that Address Books fields underly size limitations. When exceeded, the Nimbus Power Automate Connector will return a 400 Bad Request.

Learn more…

Area Field Limitation
Contact ExternalId 128 characters
  Firstname 64 characters 
  Lastname 64 characters
  Displayname 256 characters 
  Initials 16 characters 
  Company 64 characters 
  Department 64 characters
  JobTitle 128 characters
  UPN 128 characters
IMAddresses IMAddress

Maximum of 10 addresses 

128 characters per address

Emails EmailAddresses

maximum of 10 addresses

128 characters per address

PhoneNumbers  Businessphones

Maximum of 10 phone numbers (per type).

32 characters per phone number

Address Adresses Not more than 10 addresses 
  Street: 1024 characters 
  City:  128 characters 
  Country 128 characters 
  State 128 characters 
  Postal code 40 characters 
CustomFields External.CustomField Maximum of 20 custom fields
  name 64 characters 
  value 1024 characters

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