In this use case, we want to show you how to implement a custom adaptive card (🔍 See: We want to receive a customized adaptive card in the Teams channel of the service when the call was missed. The following scenarios are covered:
Trigger when a call has been terminated:
- If the customer is known to our CRM system, we want to see who had been calling, and draft a pre-filled email to which we can make changes before it will be sent out to the customer.
- If the customer can't be identified in our CRM system, we want to see an adaptive card suggesting to create the customer in Salesforce.
💡 Of course you can substitute Salesforce with your CRM of choice.
- You already have a running Nimbus service that meets Nimbus Power Automate Connector preconditions.
- To learn how to design and post Adaptive Cards, we strongly recommend checking out our Best Practices - Designing Adaptive Cards for Nimbus and MS Teams.
- In context of this Use Case we assume that a connection to your CRM (in this example “Salesforce”) exists.
💡We also store the CRM ID back into Nimbus to create a record association. - You have already set up a running flow that identifies your callers from your CRM instance.
🔍 Use Cases for Customer Identification in other Systems:- Use Case - Looking Up Phone Numbers via API
- Use Case - Looking Up Caller Data From a Simple Excel List
- Use Case - Looking Up Caller Information in HubSpot
- Use Case - Looking Up Caller Information from Zendesk
- Use Case - Looking up caller information in BSI CRM
- Use Case - Looking Up a Caller to Open Dynamics 365 Contact Context
INC Icon Legend Accordion
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💡 = A hint to signal learnings, improvements or useful information in context. | 🔍 = Info points out essential notes or related page in context. |
☝ = Notifies you about fallacies and tricky parts that help avoid problems. | 🤔 = Asks and answers common questions and troubleshooting points. |
❌ = Warns you of actions with irreversible / data-destructive consequence. | ✅ = Intructs you to perform a certain (prerequired) action to complete a related step. |
Design the Adaptive Cards
With the tool provided by, you can visually create your own adaptive cards.
In our case, we want to create an adaptive card that looks like the following:
For known customers: |
For unknown customers: |
![]() The card offers the following buttons:
Once we click on send email, we're sending out an email with the current agent: ![]() |
![]() The card offers the following buttons:
Once we click on "Create in SF" we want to reply with another adaptive card that returns the Salesforce URL to the new contact: ![]() |
Start Building the Power Automate Flow
- Create a new Cloud flow with the name "Nimbus MyService - OnTerminated - Missed Call - send adaptive card".
Add Nimbus flow trigger "When a task changes state" with event=Terminated to begin with the flow.
Add two initialize variables which we will be using later in the flow:
LastConnectedUserId holds the following entitled field from the Nimbus trigger: “ID of last connected user”
- SalesForceContactId holds the id of the sales force contact saved by the identification flow which is a pre requirement of this flow = triggerOutputs()?[ 'body/customer/customFields/SalesForceContactID' ]
LastConnectedUserId holds the following entitled field from the Nimbus trigger: “ID of last connected user”

Verify if It is a Missed Call
Start with LastConnectedUserId first to determine if the call was a missed.
When LastConnectedUserId does not exist in the object, the call has been missed. An "is greater than" and leave field empty will do the trick. → By doing so the flow will not post any adaptive card in the " True" branch.

Verify if the Caller is a Known Customer
Now continue in the "False" branch.
Check on SalesForceContactId to determine if caller is a known to the CRM. It is empty if the caller was unknown.

Known Customer “True” Exit
An overview of the steps of the branch:

Element by element description:
Description |
Code |
Element |
Add a Compose element which holds the pre-filled email content | Inputs: Compose Content<html> Dear @{triggerOutputs()?['body/customer/displayName']}, </br> I am sorry that I missed your call at @{formatDateTime(triggerOutputs()?['body/created'], 'g')}. </br> Yours,</br> @{triggerOutputs()?['body/serviceDisplayName']} </html> |
![]() |
Add a Compose element which holds the Salesforce URL | concat( 'https://my-salesforce/lightning/r/Contact/' ,triggerOutputs()?[ 'body/customer/customFields/SalesForceContactID' ], '/view' ) | ![]() |
Message: Click here to expand...
![]() |
Add a Compose element which will hold the response of the card. | Inputs: outputs( 'Post_adaptive_card_and_wait_for_a_response' ) |
Add another Compose element which will store the action chosen by the agent when clicking on one of the buttons on the card. | Inputs: outputs( 'Response' )?[ 'body/submitActionId' ] |
![]() |
Add a Switch to switch on the submitted action | On: outputs( 'SubmittedAction' ) |
Case 1: "Send Email"
Compose Inputs: outputs('Response')?['body/data'] Send an Email (V2) Inputs: To: outputs('SubmittedData')?['recipient'] Subject: outputs('SubmittedData')?['subject'] Body: outputs('SubmittedData')?['content'] |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Case 2: "Notify me" |
Implement according to your needs. |
Implement according to your needs. |
Case 3: Open Salesforce URL 💡 This case does not have to be implemented. The action works as defined on the adaptive card. |
N/A |
N/A |
Unknown Customer
An overview of the steps of the branch:
(Default exit in Switch 1 does not need to configured unless it's required)
Element by element description:
Description |
Code |
Element |
Message: Content of adaptive card JSON
Add Compose to save the response to. | Inputs: outputs('Post_adaptive_card_and_wait_for_a_response_1') |
![]() |
Add Compose to store the submitted action to. |
Inputs: outputs('Response_2')?['body/submitActionId'] |
![]() |
Add a Switch to react on the submitted action. | On: outputs('SubmittedAction_2') |
![]() |
Case 1: "Create contact in SF"
Contact Last Name: outputs('Response_2')?['body/data/lastname'] Contact First Name: outputs('Response_2')?['body/data/firstname'] Contact Business Phone: outputs('Response_2')?['body/data/phone'] Inputs: concat('https://mysalesforce/lightning/r/Contact/',outputs('Create_record')?['body/Id'],'/view') |
![]() |
Case 1 (continued): At the end we want to reply with an adaptive card and the link to the newly created user in Salesforce. | Adaptive Card: JSON content for adaptive card
Adding this flow action .... ![]()
...will result in: ![]() |
Test It
Call your service to simulate missed calls. → This should post two different cards into the channel:
- A Call with a known customer (use a PSTN number which has a contact in your CRM).
- A Call with an unknown customer (use internal Teams for instance).
Call and accept a call. This should not post any card in the channel.
💡A pending Adaptive Card waits for input for 30 days. The flow runs until an input has been provided or after 30 days of execution.