Use Case - Looking Up Caller Data From a Simple Excel List

Use the Nimbus Power Automate Connector to retrieve caller information data stored in an Excel list.

In this use case, we want to use the Nimbus Power Automate Connector to retrieve caller information data that has been stored in a simple Excel list. The scenario is as follows:

  1. Share a contact list with the team so that everybody can update the data.
  2. When a call comes in then populate the caller data from the contact list.

Overview of the Flow

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How-To Steps

Share the Excel list in Teams

  1. Create a simple Excel contact list of download our sample data here CustomerCallerLookup.xlsx.
  2. Make sure the data range is within a table in Excel file (if not, select all columns and do Insert => Table).
  3. Upload it as a TAB with the name "Customer Lookup" on the teams channel of your service team:
    The upload will automatically store the Excel file in sharepoint: so that you can work with it in your power automate flow!

Create the Flow

Ensure that your service's workflow has a "System AcceptedWorkflow Activity which starts the “When a task changes” state “System Accepted” Trigger Event.

  1. Start your flow with the "When a task changes state" Nimbus activity and select the Nimbus Service.
  2. Add “System Accepted” as the Task Events Item - 1.

Look up the Caller Number in the Excel list

✅ Add a Excel "Get a row" component to the flow.

Choose your service, file, select the table and set the key column to key value to MicrosoftCallerId from the trigger element.

Update the Nimbus Task

✅ Map the fields from the Excel list with the fields in the task.

Enable and test the flow.

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