Admin Roles

Detail permissions for the Nimbus Admin UI.


Admin roles described on this page have access to the Nimbus Admin (Backend) Portal.

Show Admin URLs…

Nimbus Admin URLs

Switzerland 01
Switzerland 02
Germany 01
Germany 02
United Kingdom 01
Nimbus Admin Panel URL

✅ Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete * domain.


✅ Admin roles are granted by Luware Support or selected Service Partners. Details will be discussed during your Onboarding and first Nimbus Installation

🔎The table below lists all detail permissions. In a nutshell, Admin user roles can do the following:

Tenant Administrator
  • Can perform all necessary activities to set up services.
  • Has full access to the OData Interface for  historical tracking (except User States tracking) → See Supervisor role .
  • Can perform License Management tasks for both services and users.
  • Can check Operations to monitor and remove (stuck) tasks.
Organization Unit (OU) Administrator
  • Are delegates with similar privileges as the Tenant Administrator. However their scope is limited to the configuration, service and user entities within their Organization Units.
  • Can perform License Management tasks for users.
Workflow (WF) Administrator
Admin user roles overview

Table: Nimbus Admin Portal Roles and Permissions

🔎Legend: Create, Read, Update, Delete, Execute. The term “grid” describes a permission to list (and potentially manipulate) already existing entries of the same type.


Tab Section Property Tenant Admin OU Admin WF Admin
General - Name R    
O365 Domain R    
O365 Name R    
Tenant Id R    
Billing Address RU    
Contact - Name RU    
Email RU    
Phone Number RU    
SIP Address RU    
Data Privacy - Allow Partner to see User Identifiers R    
Allow Partner to see Customer Identifiers R    
Persist User States in Reporting RU    
Data Retention Time (in Months) R    
Show user Time in State RU    
Provisioning - Default OU for MS Teams creation RU    
Allow service provisioning via MS Teams RU    
Enable Multihoming R    
Default Team Owner Role RU    
Extensions Outbound Directly Invite PSTN for Outbound Calls R    
Directly Invite UPN for Outbound Calls R    
Max Scheduled Outbound Tasks per Service R    
Interact Interact enabled RU    
ACS connection string RU    
O365 UserId RU    
Widget Key RE    
Session Recovery Timeout in Seconds RU    
Authorization RU    
Assistant Use your own ACS instance RU    
Attendant Console Global Contact Search MS Graph Filter RU    
Team Visibility RU    
Presence Tracking Track Presence over Guest Accounts RU    
Grant Permission E    
Primary Account R    
Test UPN (primary) RU    
Secondary Account R    
Test UPN (secondary) RU    
Modalities Instant Messaging Inactivity Timeout R    
Primary Account R    
Test UPN (primary) RU    
Secondary Account R    
Test UPN (secondary) RU    
Max concurrent IM Tasks per service R    
Use your own ACS instance RU    
ACS connection string RU    
ACS resource ID RU    
External Tasks Max concurrent External Tasks per Service R    
Email Tasks Max concurrent Email Tasks per Service R    
Licenses - Tenant State R    
Service Advanced R    
Enterprise R    
Contact Center Service R    
Interact R    
User  Attendant Console R    
Contact Center User R    
Interact User R    
Assistant R    
Modalities - Instant Message Modality R    
Modalities - External Task Modality R    
Modalities - Email Modality R    


Tab Section Property Tenant Admin OU Admin WF Admin
Grid   Services CRUD CRUD RU
Tasks E E  
Download Powershell Script E E E
Tasks Tasks List RD RD  
Download Traces E E  
Copy Trace Link      
Settings General Name RU RU R
Service Display Name RU RU R
Service UPN RU RU R
Application ID R R R
Organization Unit RU RU R
PSTN E.164 Number RU RU R
Primary Opening Hours RU RU R
Secondary Opening Hours RU RU R
SLA Hangup RU RU R
SLA Acceptance RU RU R
Short Abandons Threshold in Seconds RU RU R
Hide User Statistics from Reporting RU RU R
Show on Historical Session Page RU RU R
Licences RU R R
Addons RU R R
Modalities Audio Video checkbox RU RU R
Instant Messaging checkbox RU RU R
External Task checkbox RU RU R
Email checkbox RU RU R
Audio Video - Inbound Conversations toggle RU RU R
Audio Video - Outbound Conversations toggle RU RU R
Audio Video - Audio Video Workflow dropdown RU RU R
Audio Video - Voice Message Channel RU RU R
Instant Messaging - Instant Messaging Workflow dropdown RU RU R
Instant Messaging - Service System Messages RU RU R
External Task - External Task Workflow dropdown RU RU R
Email - Email Workflow dropdown RU RU R
Email - Mailbox dropdown RU RU R
Distribution User Assignment Type RU RU R
Distribution Policy RU RU R
Users Immediately Active RU RU R
Conversation Distribution - Available R RU R
Conversation Distribution - Dnd R RU R
Conversation Distribution - Offline R RU R
Conversation Distribution - Busy RU RU R
Conversation Distribution - Away RU RU R
Task Priority RU RU R
Persistent RONA RU RU R
Auto Redirect in Emergency Case RU RU R
Redirect Destination RU RU R
Extensions Codes - Primary Codes RU RU R
Codes - Secondary Codes RU RU R
Assistant - Assistant Conversation Context RU RU R
Assistant - Service Call Templates RU RU R
My Sessions - Conversation Context RU RU R
My Sessions - Store Conversation Context Data toggle RU RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Codes & Tags toggle RU RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Contacts toggle RU RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Embedded Context toggle RU RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Embedded Context dropdown RU RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Live Caption toggle RU RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Transcript toggle RU RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Session Details toggle RU RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Map toggle RU RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Session Parameters RU RU R
Permissions Service Agents List RU RU R
Service Agents Levels and Profiles      
Service Owners List RU RU R
Service Owners Levels and Profiles      
Users Default Team Owner Role RU RU R
Team member can change active state RU RU RU
Users - list R R R
Users - Role - Member R R R
Users - Role - Owner / Limited Team Owner RU RU R
Users - Active toggle RU RU RU
Virtual Assistant Virtual User Assistant - Voice Transcription toggle RU RU R
Virtual User Assistant - Live Captioning toggle RU RU R
Virtual User Assistant - Speech Recognizer dropdown RU RU R
Interact Interact - Active Toggle (general) RU RU R
Interact - Allowed Modalities - Audio&Video Toggle RU RU R
Interact - Allowed Modalities - Instant Message Toggle RU RU R
Interact - Restriction - Restrict Access Toggle RU RU R
Interact - Restriction - Domain Templates Dropdown RU RU R
Interact - Integration RU RU R


Tab Section Property Tenant Admin OU Admin WF Admin
Users   Users CRUD CRUD  
General Display Name R R  
Organization Unit RU RU  
First Name R R  
Last Name R R  
O365 ID R R  
Licences RU RU  
Modalities RU RU  
Services Services (user belongs to) R R  
Roles Teams-based roles R R  
Not Teams-based roles RU RU  
Skills Skills and levels RU RU  
Profiles Profiles RU RU  
N/A Reasons Not Available Reasons toggle RU RU  
Not Available Reasons RU RU  
Interact User active RU RU  
Restrict Access R R  
Domain Template R R  
Integration R R  
Assistant Direct Call Templates RU RU  


Tab Section Property Tenant Admin OU Admin WF Admin
Licensing - Tenants Widget      
Tenant State Widget R    
Service Licenses Widget R    
User Licenses Widget R    
Level 1 (Tenants List)      
Level 2 (Licenses List) R    
Edit licences icon E    
Level 3 (Edit Popup) RU    


Group Section Property Tenant Admin OU Admin WF Admin
Tenant Organization Units Organization Units CRUD    
Name RU    
Parent R    
Description RU    
Workflows Resources Resources CRUD CRUD CRUD
Organization Unit RU RU RU
Audio File RU RU RU
Playlists Playlists CRUD CRUD CRUD
Organization Unit RU RU RU
Playlist Entries RU RU RU
Workflows Workflow Instances CRUD CRUD RU
Name RU RU R
Organization Unit RU RU R
Template Type R R R
Workflow Template R R R
Workflow (Editor) RU RU RU
Workflow Templates Workflow Templates CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Template Type R R  
Workflow Template (Selection) R R  
Workflow Template (Editor) RU RU  
Codes Primary Codes Primary Codes CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Description RU RU  
Secondary Codes Secondary Codes CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Description RU RU  
User Not Available Reasons Not Available Reasons CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Service Conversation Context Conversation Context CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Mailboxes Name CRUD CRUD  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Email Address RU RU  
Parameters Parameters CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Default Value RU RU  
Opening Hours Opening Hours CRUD CRUD RU
Name RU RU R
Organization Unit RU RU R
Default RU RU R
Distribution Skills Skills CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Skill Categories R    
Skill Categories Skill Categories CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Skill Levels RU RU  
Responsibility Levels RU RU  
Distribution Policies Distribution Policies CRUD CRUD  
Name RU CRUD  
Organization Unit RU CRUD  
Order RU RU  
Preferred User Routing RU RU  
Waiting Time toggle RU RU  
Waiting Time editbox RU RU  
Last User Routing toggle RU RU  
Last User Routing Treshold editbox RU RU  
Distribution Levels RU RU  
Responsibility Profiles Responsibility Profiles CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Duty toggle R R  
Instant Messaging Direct System Messages Direct System Messages grid CRUD CRUD  
General - Name RU RU  
General - Organization Unit RU RU  
General - Description RU RU  
General - User RU RU  
General - Custom Usert Display Name RU RU  
Messages to User - "Acccept" Adaptive Card RU RU  
Messages to User - "Terminate" Adaptive Card RU RU  
Messages to User - Session Embed RU RU  
Messages to Customer - Session Connected RU RU  
Messages to Customer - Session Ended by User RU RU  
Messages to Customer - Session Declined by User RU RU  
Service System Messages Service System Messages grid CRUD CRUD  
General - Name RU RU  
General - Organization Unit RU RU  
General - Description RU RU  
General - User RU RU  
General - Custom Usert Display Name RU RU  
Messages to User - "Acccept" Adaptive Card RU RU  
Messages to User - "Terminate" Adaptive Card RU RU  
Messages to User - Session Embed RU RU  
Messages to Customer - Session Connected RU RU  
Messages to Customer - Session Ended by User RU RU  
Attendant Console Address Books Address Books CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU CRUD  
Image RU CRUD  
Interact Domain Templates (CORS) Domain Templates (CORS) CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Domain RU RU  
Nimbus Assistant Direct Call Templates Direct Call Templates CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Description RU RU  
Trigger Event RU RU  
Call Type R R  
Actions RU RU  
Inbound Internal Teams Calls RU RU  
Inbound PSTN Calls RU RU  
Inbound External Teams Calls RU RU  
Service Call Templates Service Call Templates CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Description RU RU  
Trigger Event RU RU  
Call Type R R  
Actions RU RU  
Inbound Internal Teams Calls RU RU  
Inbound PSTN Calls RU RU  
Inbound External Teams Calls RU RU  
Outbound Service Calls RU RU  
Virtual Assistant Speech Recognizer Speech Recognizer CRUD CRUD  
Name RU RU  
Organization Unit RU RU  
Type RU RU  
Language (MSFT) RU RU  
Region (MSFT) RU RU  
Key RU RU  


Tab Section Property Tenant Admin OU Admin WF Admin
Service Widgets Tenant dropdown R    
Service dropdown RU    
Tasks doughnut R    
Tasks list RD    
Last Interaction R    
Interactions R    
Last Updated RE    
History R    
Download Traces E    
Copy Trace Link      
Customer Widgets Tenant dropdown R    
Customer dropdown RU    
Last Interaction R    
Interactions R    
History R    
Download Traces E    
Copy Trace Link      

Table of Contents