Live View


In order to see the Live View, you need to fulfill the following requirements:



The Live View shows current activities in the team, users states and some team statistics. This page is available to all team users regardless of their team role or current status.

💡 You can always return to the Nimbus Live View tab: select the team and channel where Nimbus is installed, then click the "Nimbus" tab on top, then click the "Live View" icon in the sidebar.

Nimbus Live View consisting of Tasks, Users, Service KPI Trends

The Live View consists of widget elements with various purposes:

Name Description

Tasks Widgets

(left area)

Task Widgets summarize incoming tasks displaying the most important metrics on top.

The purpose of the Tasks widgets is to:

  • List the total amount of incoming tasks for your currenctly selected service. Tasks are distributed among available → Users.
  • Show the waiting tasks at a glance, longest waiting time first. Their "time in queue" / " connected time" contributes to the " Ø time " trend widgets.
  • Provide manual call pickup controls or distribute calls automatically, depending on Modalities Service Settings.
    🔍 Also see chapter → "Handling Tasks" below

Users Widgets

(right area)

The team users and status widgets summarize team availability with the most important metrics on top.

The purpose of the Users widgets is to:

  • List (not) available team users as well as inactive ones. "Active " users become " Not available " once they handle a task
  • Allow users to directly set the "Active" state and thus availability to take calls.
  • Allow team owners and admins to set the activity state for respective team users
    🔍 Also see chapter → "Managing States" below

Trend Widgets

(bottom row)

Trend widgets summarize team KPIs, both daily and in a 30-days trend

Their purpose is to: 

  • Show the daily task resolution (handled / not handled)
  • Show the daily average time (queue / connected ) of your callers
  • Show the daily reachability of your team users.
  • Provide comparative trends for all of the aforementioned metrics. 
    🔍 Also see → "Evaluating Trends" below.
Live View UI Elements

Handling Tasks

Nimbus can operate in different Task Distribution methods for each service. Accordingly, the "Tasks" widget on the Live View combines these methods as specified by the service's Workflows.

Handling tasks via the Live View


  • Regardless of task distribution type configured within Service Settings, any Microsoft Teams interaction that handles Nimbus Tasks will behave in the same way as you already know them from regular calls.
  • Tasks will be distributed to you when "Active " in the user list and in a User States that Nimbus considers as "Selectable". You can leave the Nimbus Live View to focus elsewhere.
  • When your Distribution Service Settings and Workflows are configured to distribute calls automatically (and not via "Pickup" controls in the Live View itself), Nimbus can operate completely in the background if needed.
  • Adaptive Cards can be optionally enabled as part of your Service Settings. A Teams channel will display "Adaptive cards " with pickup controls (same as the Live View) and options to listen to recordings.

Many other views in Nimbus – e.g. My Sessions or Attendant Console – allow you to accept calls via pickup and handle tasks in a similar fashion. You can work with your personal preference.


Managing user availability states 

Nimbus tracks active users in the Live View in real-time. Whenever you or one of your team colleagues changes this "Active" state, it will be immediately reflected.

The following columns and status are displayed:

  • Available: users who are "Active" and not handling other tasks. 💡Nimbus will distribute tasks to longest "available" users first → the "Time in State" applies.
  • Not Available: users busy in call or task, not receiving further call invitations as well.
  • Inactive: Users that are set "Inactive" via any of the toggles in the Nimbus UI. 💡 The MS Teams presence is irrelevant in this case, tasks will not be distributed.


There are several factors influencing User State and Nimbus service availability:

  • Distribution Service Settings  allow to distribute tasks to Nimbus users even while "Away" or "Busy" in MS Teams.
  • Team Owners can also change the "Active" states of users within their Nimbus services. 
    💡 Affected users will see status changes mirrored within their Nimbus UI immediately (e.g. in Widgets, Dashboards, etc.). The "Active" setting can also be disabled via User Service Settings.
  • Team Users (Members) - All Nimbus users may manage their own "Active" state individually for each team they are part of, e.g. via Services Overview. They can however not change the state of others users. 


An example how you can be available while "Away" in MS Teams

As part of the Nimbus reporting the evaluation widgets continuously monitors service KPI metrics. Out of the data gathered, trends will be displayed on the Live View in real time.

Trend widgets in the Live View

The widgets can be separated into several concepts: 

Daily Metric (Numeric)
Trend Arrows (Colore and Direction)
Historic look-back (Trendline Chart)

Showcases the main metric gathered for the current productive day (data gathered starting at midnight).

Metrics gathered are as follows:

  • Amount of (un)handled tasks by the team today
  • Average time callers spent in queue today (not including IVR-time)
  • Average time callers were connected to Nimbus users today
  • Percentage of  Nimbus users being reachable today

The trend arrows highlight a comparative trend.  The baseline for that trend is the standard deviation taken from data metrics mean average gathered in the last 30 days.

A tendency is signaled in both direction and color:

  • Direction - either up, down, or stable horizontal tendency
  • Color - green = better, red = worse. Purple is neutral (no change in tendency)

The trend chart is a historic comparative look-back on the last 5 productive days of operation Data point reflects the same time of day on previous productive days.

  • Overall tasks done (any task result) up until the same point of time
  • ∅ Queue time up until the same point of time
  • ∅ Connected time up until the same point of time 
  • % User Reachability percentage up until the same point of time

🔍 KPI Settings: Note that reporting (SLA) metrics configured in each Service's General Service Settings directly impacts metrics and trends.

Other places to review data:


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