In this use case, we want to use the Nimbus Power Automate Connector to retrieve caller information data that has been stored in a simple Excel list. The scenario is as follows:
- Share a contact list with the team so that everybody can update the data.
- When a call comes in then populate the caller data from the contact list.
Overview of the Flow
Show a preview of the flow...

- If you want to integrate address books to the Attendant Console, then follow these instructions: Use Case - Adding external Address Books via Power Automate
- ☝ If your Excel sheet is very large this solutions could be too slow. Please try to replace the Excel by a data storage with better performance such as Azure table storage as described here: Use Case - Connecting to Azure Table Storage inside a flow
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How-To Steps
Share the Excel list in Teams
- Create a simple Excel contact list of download our sample data here CustomerCallerLookup.xlsx.
- Make sure the data range is within a table in Excel file (if not, select all columns and do Insert => Table).
- Upload it as a TAB with the name "Customer Lookup" on the teams channel of your service team:
The upload will automatically store the Excel file in sharepoint: so that you can work with it in your power automate flow!
Create the Flow
Ensure that your service's workflow has a "System Accepted" Workflow Activity which starts the “When a task changes” state “System Accepted” Trigger Event.
- Start your flow with the "When a task changes state" Nimbus activity and select the Nimbus Service.
- Add “System Accepted” as the Task Events Item - 1.
Look up the Caller Number in the Excel list
✅ Add a Excel "Get a row" component to the flow.
Choose your service, file, select the table and set the key column to key value to MicrosoftCallerId from the trigger element.

Update the Nimbus Task
✅ Map the fields from the Excel list with the fields in the task.

Enable and test the flow.