Service Permissions

Depending on how new services are provisioned in Nimbus, the user Role Access Concept assignment handles slightly different. In general, the following user assignment types are used:

User assignment types

INC User Assignment Types

Each Nimbus service can be of a different user assignment type that determines how users are associated to this service:

  • MS Teams-based: Directly tied to your MS Teams "Teams" as determined during Service Provisioning. Users get automatically added and synced to a Nimbus service.
  • Skill-based: Applies for manually created services via Service Administration. Requires skill-assignment from users you assign to the service from within your tenant directory.
  • None: Has no users, but can be configured by any administrator. Used for IVR or first-level redirection services. 

☝ Important to know: The user assignment type is fixated when a service was either provisioned via MS Teams or manually created via Service Administration, e.g. for IVR or skill-based distribution purposes. A switch between MS Teams-based and Skill-based services is not possible due to how individual users are configured and how Nimbus Features operate.



🤔 Is user assignment tied to licensing?

The method of user assignment per Service type, and related feature licenses not co-dependent on a technical level. However certain ways of managing user permissions may be preferrable, depending on your requirements and how you provision new services in future.

User Assignment Advanced Routing

Enterprise Routing

Contact Center

MS Teams-based  🔍 Relevant if you want to stick to MS Teams-based user sync but use Contact Center  Features 

MS Teams-based user assignment is the most common scenario for new Advanced Routing and Enterprise Routing licensed services.

Permissions are automatically determined by the role in the MS Teams channel, minizing the administrative effort to onboard and configure new users.

None Services with user assignment type "none" are generally used for IVR or automated redirection. They can be created manually and out outside of an MS Teams channel restriction

The main use case for Contact Center services is setting up Distribution Policies to escalate calls based on Skills and Responsibilities.

The Distribution Order guarantees that users get selected in a very targeted manner.

With adjustments of their skills and Duty Profiles users can opt-in or out of certain distribution policies, e.g. based on time of day, workload, current responsibilities.

Adding and removing of users is very flexible, e.g. accross departments and outside of MS Team-based constraints.


🤔 How does this affect my service operation?

Yes the user assignment greatly determines how a service (and its users) are managed and interact with each other in future.

💡 MS Teams-based services are tied to one dedicated channel in the Teams client. 

The Service name and all channel users are in sync with and actively used by Nimbus for task distribution. Most interaction is tied to the channels within that team, e.g. Voice Messages, General chat.

💡 Skill-based services allow users to participate in multiple services simultaneously.

  • The individual services are NOT tied to using MS Teams channels as central point of communication and user management. The removal of a dedicated Teams channel also removes the possibility for a single channel for Voice Messages, also opening up potential data access and GDPR compliance risks.
  • Skill-based services also add configuration complexity:
    • Users on skill-based services are managed via Agent Service Settings per service. This can be done by any team owner.
    • Optionally users can get Skills and Responsibilities assigned for escalated service task distribution. A Distribution Policy assigned to each service determines how new incoming tasks are distributed among users, depending on their responsibility and expertise.
    • 💡 Good to know: Users are also not "Active" on skill-based services per default. Instead, they control their own service availability via configurable Responsibility Profiles.

💡None - Services with no users assigned 

These services do not have users nor a specific MS Teams channel, and therefore don't use most of the abovementioned features. They only act as “gateway”, e.g. to route customers to actual services via IVR.


🤔 Does user assignment affect available features?

Yes, because certain features cannot operate “outside” of a given MS Teams channel context. While technically independent from the chosen service type (license) the user assignment type mandates which Nimbus Features are available. Here are some examples:

Feature User Assignment Type ► MS Teams based Skill- based None
Workflow configuration Adaptive Cards - -
Voice message - -
Service Settings Voice message channel - -
Extensions tab -
Conversations Distribution section -
Setting of a Distribution Policy - -
New users immediately active - -
Reporting section -
Editable "Name" field on Service Settings -
Frontend UI "Active" toggle for users - -
Users switching Duty States / Responsibility Profiles  - -

Service users / permission tab overview


  1. Users need to be added to Nimbus first before you can search for them in the UI and grant permissions accordingly.
  2. Depending on the User assignment types of your service the following tabs are shown:
    1. For MS Teams-based services a "Members" tab is shown. Members and Owners are in sync with your MS Teams Channel.
    2. For Skill-based services a "Permissions" tab is shown. Here you can manually add users as service Agents and Owners.

💡 Depending on how your service was provisioned, the user assignment type comes predefined and cannot be changed.

💡 Please note that the tabs below are showing Service Administration from within the Admin panel. 


MS Teams-based (Users Tab)

Users associated with a MS Teams-based Service Type are managed in the "Users" Tab as follows :

  1. From within MS-Teams, add new "Members and Owners" to your channel that uses the Nimbus service. Note that ...
    1. .... users are synched automatically between MS Teams and Nimbus. On any changes in your Teams Client, please allow for a few seconds for the entries to sync with Nimbus.  
      KNOWN LIMITATION On a new service t he Provisioning via Microsoft PowerShell script needs to run at least once to establish a sync of permissions. Until this is done, all users are considered as "Team Owner" and changes in the Nimbus UI will have no effect.
    2. ... via the "Default Team Owner Role" you can define if new Team Owners in MS Teams should have full or limited Nimbus service editing rights. The differences are explained on User Roles .
    3. Via the "Team Members can active change" toggle you can allow or disallow users to change their "Active" status for this service.
  2. Inspect and adjust the role of any synced user as needed. Users automatically get the according User Roles .
  3. Optionally you can use the "Active" toggle to dis- or enable call distribution to that user.  
    💡 Note that this toggle does not prevent the user from interacting with the corresponding Team in MS-Teams - it only prevents Nimbus call distribution to that user.
List of Service Members and Owners, synched with MS-Teams



Skill-based (Permissions Tab)

Contact Center ✅ Users need a Contact Center license applied, after which they can be assigned to a service via "Permissions" Tab as follows:

  • Depending on which role you want  to grant, click "Add" the "Service Agents / Owners" section respectively.
  • You can add any user as either Service Agent OR Service Owner, not both.
  • Press "Save and Apply" when satisfied → The user(s) will get the according Portal Roles and can interact with the service immediately. 
Skill-based users are manually assigned and get individual permissions outside of the MS-Team channel context


Follow-up actions

☝ Don't forget that users may also need Responsibility Profiles as well as Skills and Responsibilities applied via the User Administration to be considered for skill-based routing in this this service. Learn more about this by reading Skills and Responsibilities

💡 Good to know: Once assigned, users can now be managed in the Frontend via Agent Service Settings, so you can delegate individual skill assignment tasks to their responsible service owner / manager.


User Permission Effects on the Nimbus Portal

After getting service owner- or membership User Roles granted, users can login to either Nimbus Teams Tab and their Nimbus Personal App and see service data in the various Nimbus tabs.

Area Agents View Notes and Conditions
Services Overview 
  • Without assigned Skills and Responsibilities no calls can be accepted.
  • With the wrong Responsibility Profiles selected, incoming calls will not be forwarded to the Agent.
  • Users may not opt out of a Contact Center service with on/off toggle. → See Assistant
My Overview 
  • Without assigned Skills and Responsibilities no calls can be accepted.
  • With the wrong Responsibility Profiles selected, incoming calls will not be forwarded to the Agent.
  • Users may not opt out of a Contact Center service with on/off toggle. → See Assistant
Attendant Console 
  • Attendant users may not enable / disable themselves for a Contact Center service
  • Agents get a special Assistant icon shown where they can change their Duty States
  • The Assistant also shows additional status information (RONA, After-Call-Work)
  • Contact Center services and their KPI metrics are now shown in Dashboards.
  • Contact Center reporting pages are visible.
  • Service owners have full access to Power BI data for their "hidden" skill-based services.
  • As the skill-based approach leads to varying group sizes depending on applied Distribution Policies, member statistics are hidden.
  • Reporting statistics of other (MS Teams-based) services remain unaffected.

Additional Notes

  • Agents and Service Owners get a slightly different Nimbus Portal UI experience, refer to Portal Roles for more details.
  • Service-Assigned “Contact Center” Agents get access to additional features. Not just in the Portal, but within the Nimbus Administration. Refer to Nimbus Features > “Features by User” for a comprehensive overview.

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