Duty States

Duty States are the Nimbus way to signal if you are on- or off duty. As part of Responsibility Profiles, they add an extra layer of conditional availability.

🔍 Using Assistant all Contact Center users can switch their duty state – and underlying responsibility – at any time. This can be done to adapt to various situations such as: 

  • Requirements for certain Skills and Responsibilities → e.g. when more experts are needed to bolster the usual service after a large technical change.
  • Based on workload → Switching to a "highly-available" profile to take more calls from multiple services.
  • Based on offdays → e.g. Switching to a low-responsible mode, during absence or when abroad.

Contact Center Service Type feature. → Enabling this feature will show Assistant with a main menu with a duty state / responsibility profile selector. These profiles are defined by your service administrator.


Users of this feature must be part of a Contact Center service and also Contact Center licensed themselves.

→ The Contact Center Assistant icon becomes visible in your main menu.

OPTIONALLY, any admin can then do the following: 

  1. Create and assign one or serveral Responsibility Profiles to your user. → These will be visible as additional entries in both Assistant standalone App and Nimbus UI.  
    Picking from available Responsibility Profiles
  2. Any admin can also define Skills and Responsibilities on your user account and define them per profile. 💡 You will not see the skills behind a 
  3. Add your user as an Agent or Owner via the Service Permissions UI.

💡 Note: Regardless of Contact Center Duty State, you can remain fully "Available" to handle calls from other (non-Contact Center) services. Read more on this on the chapter below.


Switching between your duty states

  1. Login to the Nimbus Frontend portal.
  2. Note the new main menu item named "Contact Center Assistant" in the main menu.
  3. Click on it to change your duty status (and thus the related responsibility profile) at any given time.


  • Note that naming and amount of entries may change at any time, as managed and saved by any Nimbus administrator.
  • Your status persists even when restarting your MS Teams client or logging out and back into Nimbus.
  • You keep the last selected status until you either switch to a different one – or until an Admin changes the setting on your user.

Duty State effects on Service availability

Toggling your duty state affects a small colored indicator icon next to the menu entry.

The icon colors indicate your availability as follows:

Icon color Service availability condition Related Responsibility Profile & Duty status notes
Gray Icon

Shown when you put yourself off duty via the Contact Center Assistant menu:

  • You will not be considered for skill-based routing by any Contact Center service.
  • You stay available to other Nimbus services as per their "Active" toggle.

Off Duty

💡 Note that your "Off Duty" Responsibility Profile can appear under a different name as administrators can change it.

Green Icon

Shown when you put yourself on duty via the Contact Center Assistant menu. You will be selected for tasks when:

On Duty (Available)

💡 Note that multiple Responsibility Profiles can be of type "On Duty", but call distribution to you varies by Skills and Responsibilities behind each profile.

🔍 Also see "Status Dependency" infos below.

Red Icon

Shown when you put yourself on duty via the Contact Center Assistant menu, but:

  • You're already busy with a Nimbus task ( Already in a Task)  
  • You're set to DND or Offline within MS-Teams, or any other "non selectable" status flag applies.

On duty (but not Available) - 🔍 More infos on this below.

🔍 Also see "Status Dependency" infos below.


Switching your Duty Profile will not affect your MS Teams presence status and vice-versa. As a result you can still remain "Available ( green) " in MS Teams – e.g. to take internal calls – but appear (Red) in your duty profile, effectively blocking Contact Center related service-tasks.

  • Toggling between Responsibility Profiles (Duty States) affects call distribution based on your Skills and Responsibilities. You can learn more about how this algorithm works on the Distribution Order page.
  • If you are part of other (non-skill-based) services you may continue to use the "Active" on/off toggle e.g. in My Services at any time.💡 Note that this toggle is not present on skill-based services.

Status Q&A and Troubleshooting

🤔 Why is service participation reflected differently in the UI?

  • For MS-Teams based services, Nimbus distributes calls evenly among "Active" users, usually to the user "Longest Available" in MS Teams.
  • In a Contact Center scenario, Responsibility Profiles allow for much finer control over availabilty. Your duty status changes reflect on all Contact Center services simultaneously, e.g. by making you a first or second-level responder based on your profile and skillset.
  • In both scenarios your status doesn't just reflect MS Teams presence, but various other User States.

🤔 Why are my "Active On/Off" toggle controls disabled? Note that each service owner can opt out of this feature via User Service Settings by unchecking "Team member can change active state". This can be done individually per service.



The Team Member active state can be controlled via setting

 Are wrong calls getting distributed to you? Talk to your service administrator to have a look at your user skills via the Agent Service Settings . Also check if the Distribution Policy of that service matches Skills and Responsibilities set on your user account.

🤔 Is your status "Red" altough you are ready for new tasks? Check if your User State is considered "selectable" as per Distribution Service Settings (e.g. Available when Busy / Away) and other flags such as RONA aren't blocking you from getting new tasks.

💡 Rule of thumb: Nimbus will distribute calls only when all "selectable" criteria are met: MS Teams Presence > Not blocked by calls > In a Duty Profile > Not status-flagged by ACW or RONA

Show me how to check this...

 For its Reporting Model Nimbus distinguishes sessions by various user state factors (Teams Presence, Duty State, Task Selectability, Call Status). These factors layer upon each other, meaning that 

Factor Definition / Conditions Nimbus-Tracked User State

Presence in MS Teams


Online – including status "Busy" or "Away" –  if defined per Service-individual Distribution Service Settings. Offline Online 
MS-Teams based services will distribute when "Active".
Online and set "Active"
MS-Teams based services will distribute.

Online and "Active" but Busy/Away
Can either be selectable or not ⬇️ (determined per each Service's Distribution Service Settings)

Duty State

Contact Center

An "OffDuty" responsibility profile prevents any Contact Center participation.
On Duty
Any "Duty" type responsibility profile allows Contact Center participation. Skills and Responsibilities in that profile must match the service to be "Selectable". This is determined by the individual Distribution Policies assigned to the respective services.
Task selectability

"In Time" available to perform tasks in Nimbus:

  • Online in MS Teams.
  • Set to "Active"  in any Teams-Based  Nimbus service or
  • In a "On Duty" profile for Contact Center services.
  🌟 "Selectable" state
This includes Busy/Selectable and Away/Selectable
"Non-Selectable" State, either because:
⬆️ User is not available either due to the Presence state in MS Teams or set "inactive" for all Nimbus teams or
⬇️ ... any existing or previous Call Status marks the user as "Not Selectable

Call status


Reserved and blocked for a Nimbus task.

Any of these status flags occur during or after a call and prevent selection for further tasks until resolved.

  Not Available Reason
Requested as the user changes MS Teams presence (manually or from idle).
RONA (Redirect on No Answer)
User flag after not responding to a task, blocked for the next tasks.
User reserved for new task, but has not accepted yet
User accepted task, is blocked by it.
ACW (After Call Work)
User has a fixed (optionally extensible) timespan to complete work after a call.

🔍 You can also check for any call status flags (RONA / ACW) in Assistant - both in Nimbus UI or the standalone App.


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