Use Case - Working with Blacklists or Whitelists in Nimbus

Handle call(er)s differently based on their flag.

 We want to flag numbers in our CRM and treat such callers in a special way. In this article we cover two similar scenarios:

  • Whitelist Routing: caller is flagged as "isVIP" and we want route such VIP Members to a special service.
  • Blacklist Routing: caller is flagged as “isOnBlacklist” and we want to route the caller to an announcement.

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Power Automate Premium subscription for the "Sharepoint Connector" element - you can of course also store your lists into other data storages. 

  • For this Use Case we assume you have already a whitelist of "Known VIP Callers" at hand for lookup during the flow.
  • The scenario below is written with a "Whitelist" and according VIP variable / parameter in mind. You can build a blacklist routing scenario with the variable named " isOnBlacklist" accordingly, performing the same steps below again but checking first if it's a blacklist 

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Prepare Parameters in Nimbus

  1. Create a custom context parameter called “CallerIsVIP” for your service
  2. Create a workflow and and a "Check Parameter" activity.
  3. Select "Custom" parameter type and your new “ CallerIsVIP ” Parameter activity.
    💡 For testing purposes, it is convenient to route each exit to an announcement.
  4. Assign the workflow to the service.

Create Flow to Retrieve CRM Data

✅ In this step we assume you have already a whitelist of "Known VIP Callers" at hand for lookup.

  1. Start a new Flow with the Nimbus trigger " GetOnNewTasks Trigger Event.
  2. According to your CRM add the corresponding "Get Item / Get Element" to the flow and save the output in a "Compose" element.
    💡 In our example, we use simple Sharepoint list to look up and identify the callers.
    1. We filter on “MicrosoftCallerID". 
      1. Filter = Nimbus MicrosoftCallerID
    2. Set Top count to 1 which returns only one item.
      1. Top Count = 1
  3. Add a “Compose” element and rename it to “FirstItem” and store the values of the CRM into it:
    1. Inputs = outputs('Get_items')?['body/value'][0]
  4. Add a “Variable” and set its value to the List-retrieved value (the caller information retrieved from your list or CRM):
    1. Name CallerIsVIP
    2. TypeString
    3. Valueoutputs(’FirstItem’)[‘IsVIP’]

Update the Nimbus Task

Add a Nimbus “UpdateTask ” to the end of your flow and set the values to:

  • RequestID = triggerOutputs()?['RequestID']
  • CustomContextParameters
    • Name 1CallerisVIP
    • Value 1variables('CallerIsVIP ')

🌟 At this point the Flow is complete. If you also want you can also do a blacklist scenario in the next step.

Optional: Blacklist

✅ If you also want to perform the blacklist scenario - we recommend adding a 2nd "Check Parameter" activity to your Workflows including its own blacklist Parameter and according Flow with a separate list.

  1. Repeat the steps above, but add the 2nd "Check Parameter" activity after the first Check "No match" exit. That way you ensure that VIPs are checked first and routed accordingly.
  2. Afterwards, check your "Blacklist" in a separate flow and route these callers separately (e.g. an announcement).

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