Virtual Assistants Service Settings

Voice transcription and live captioning.

INC Beta Feature

This feature is in BETA status. Functionality, design and scope may still change significantly over time.

Virtual Assistants - Transcription Feature

Call transcription and live captioning is now available as a separate feature, enabled via Extension Service Settings and configured via the “Virtual Assistants” tab.

🤔Why should I use this? Transcribing customer calls improves quality assurance and increases the efficiency of call processing, for example making it easier to summarize interactions and possibly transfer them to a CRM system for easier search and later analysis.

License Requirement

Enterprise Contact Center An Enterprise or Contact Center license needs to be assigned to a service for the Virtual Assistants settings to become visible. Transcription is currently in beta and based on Microsoft Cognitive Services in your Microsoft tenant. Supports various regions as specified by Microsoft AI services. Allows to detect and support up to 4 languages per API configuration.

Virtual Assistant works in two modes:

  • Live captioning is performed during the ongoing call and displayed on the My Sessions page.
  • Voice Transcription is triggered when the call ends using Power Automate. You can write the outputs to any target, e.g. into a Teams Message or Mail. 



How to configure

  1. After a Nimbus service is provisioned in your Microsoft Tenant, you can enable the transcription feature by registering the Microsoft Cognitive Services API Key within the Admin portal.
  2. Once configured, you can copy the API Key and register the key in the Virtual Assistants → “Speech Recognizers” Configuration section in the Admin portal.
  3. Afterwards, the speech recognizer needs to be assigned to the new “Virtual Assistants” page of the service, you would like to have transcription enabled.
  • Added new “Virtual Assistants” section to the Administration > Configuration.Allows users to configure the transcription (Speech to Text) feature within Microsoft Cognitive services for services individually
  • Added a new “Virtual Assistants” tab to the Service Settings which uses the previously defined configuration.
  • Added new “Live Caption” and “Transcript” features to the Extension Service Settings tab.
  • Added new Transcription Widget (beta) to the My Sessions view. 
    • When Live Caption is enabled the current conversation is shown in my Sessions. 
    • When Audio Call Transcription is enabled, the historical (concluded) sessions are shown.
  • New “Virtual Assistant” Power Automate action and trigger (to-be-certified connector only).

💡Good to know: 

  • When either feature is not available (e.g. throttling by Microsoft) info messages are shown in the widget.
  • Only the transcription between the current User and the Customer is kept, no third parties.

Transcription In Power Automate

Once a call has ended and we receive the transcription from Microsoft, you can retrieve the transcribed text via Power Automate. We added additional trigger and actions for the Virtual Agent to Power Automate. 

Description This event i triggered, when the virtual user assistant has new update
Method GetOnVirtualUserAssistantUpdate
  • Services
  • Events* (List of Events)
    • Add first event: Voice Transcription Ready
Event Data
  • VirtualUserAssistantEventData
    • ServiceSessionId
    • TenantId
    • ServiceUPN
    • ServiceId
    • ServiceName
    • Event* (Voice Transcription Ready)
Behavior Triggers each time when transcription is stored, right after a user - customer transcription is saved after a finished conversation.
Trigger "When the virtual user assistant has an update"
Method GetOnVirtualUserAssistantUpdate
  • ServiceSessionId
    • Mandatory
  • DataType (single list,. dynamic from Nimbus)
    • Add first type: Transcription
    • Mandatory
  • Return new VirtualUserAssistantData
    • ServiceSessionId
    • TenantId
    • DataType
    • Data*
Behavior Return the complete transcriptioin(s) of the same service session (taskId)
*(of the same ServiceSession)
  • List<Participant>
    • Id
    • Type
      • Customer
      • User
    • Identifier
      • Type
        • PSTN
        • O365Id
        • Upn 
      • Value
  • List<Phrase>
    • Phrase
      • ParticipantId
      • StartedDateTimeUtc
      • Language
        • BCP 47
      • Text
Action "Get Data from Virtual User Assistante"


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