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03 Feb 2025 - 1.106 Release Notes

🔖 This is a major update, bringing many new changes and improvements into Nimbus. This update is rolled out sequentially on our clusters:

Rollout stopped until further notice

The rollout of 1.106 has been stopped and will be continued soon. More details can be found on our Luware Cloud status page.

Cluster Update on
United States 01 / United Kingdom 01 / Germany 02 03/02/2025
Australia 01 04/02/2025
Europe 01 05/02/2025
Switzerland 01 / Switzerland 02 On-hold, see above.
Germany 01 On-hold, see above.
TABLE: Cluster Update communication. For detail maintenance and downtime communication refer to > “Upcoming Maintenance”

INC Upcoming Feature

Features described in the following are still being rolled out. They may not be enabled / visible on your Tenant yet.

Bulk Editing for Services

After a successful start with Users, Bulk Editing is now extended to Services, with a limitation to certain tabs to prevent incompatible changes from happening. 

Bulk Editing is limited to Administrators when logged in via the Service Administration UI and supports the following settings (tabs):

Bulk Editing multiple Services with a feature comparison

💡Related Notes: 

  • Other service-related tabs and certain options are excluded from Bulk Editing to prevent unique or critical Service settings from being overridden.
  • License Management and License Downgrade restrictions apply, meaning that you cannot up or downgrade licenses when insufficient licenses are available OR higher-tier license features are in use, preventing a downgrade. 
    We keep this as a conscious decision in favor of manual change effort, as changes in bulk could disable a lot of productive functionality all at once, with potentially irreversible effects.

☝Also note our updated limitations on this feature:

INC Bulk Editing Limitations


INC Beta Feature

This feature is in BETA status. Functionality, design, and scope may change significantly over time.

Bulk Editing is in Beta stage and underlies technical limitations and UI design constraints. We will update this note continuously as we improve the feature during its Beta design stages. 

☝ Please read the following limitation topics carefully to understand where the limitations lie. We also continuously update our Latest Release Notes whenever changes and improvements to this feature will be made.

🤔 Which features are available for Bulk Editing?

Bulk Editing - Services and Users only: This feature is currently intended to allow only service and user bulk editing. Further configuration entities will be made available at a later date.

Entity What can be changed in Bulk What can't be changed in Bulk

1 Changing User “Services” and “Roles” tabs are disabled during Bulk Editing. Changing roles would have large-scale implications on the existing Service Provisioning and User Assignment Types in Nimbus.

2 Changing these Service options in bulk would require simultaneous work on related and dependent Configuration entities.

3 Addon licenses can be (un)assigned in bulk - same as via License Management. However, each service needs to be individually configured, as the related Settings tabs are not yet supported in Bulk Edit.

4 Must remain unique for the selected entities during bulk edit, e.g. due to a Service being fixed/synched to a "MS Teams-based" channel.


🤔 What (intended) design limitations are there?

💡By design: Listed below are active design decisions, please do not report these as issues.

☝ No Undo Option - Bulk editing does NOT provide any way of undoing your changes. We recommend making small changes at first to see the effects.

  • Maximum 25 entities can be edited at the same time
    • If the total number in a list is larger than 25, “Select All”  is disabled.
    • You can filter your entries below this threshold to apply changes.
  • No bulk creation/deletion  - While in bulk edit mode, entities cannot be mass created or deleted (as a precaution).
  • Dependent change confirm - Certain features rely on dependencies (e.g. an applied change showing additional feature tabs). For this reason you need you to confirm pending tab changes first before applying further bulk changes.

💡Known Limitations: (technical limitations and issues that we already know about.)

  • “Disappearing” Details view - Confirming a bulk change via tab change shows a saving dialog as intended. However, the “Details” inspection feature was only visible on the previous tab bottom and thus cannot be shown on the new tab.
  • Limited Bulk Operation view - The “Details” of bulk operations - next to the “Save & Apply” button - only show a complete set of changes, not the delta changes.

🤔 Other things to consider?

With this change, it will be possible to modify Organization Units of many entities (e.g. users) simultaneously. ☝ This will inevitably create “Non-Path References” (NPR) warnings in your UI.

What does Non-Path Reference mean?

A Non-Path Reference (NPR) is signaled with a small warning icon in the UI, indicating that “Reading along the path / up to the root” rules were violated with a prior Organization Units change on an entity.

Items with a NPR flag can only be removed, as the OU reference is now violating the “reading along the path” rule of Organization Units.

🤔What is an entity? Anything configured within Nimbus that has its own OU - users, services, workflows, profiles, etc. 

🤔Is there a risk to creating NPRs? Your existing Nimbus references (and related services) will continue to operate even with NPR warnings, but the changed entity (e.g. a OU-moved user) will not be visible for selection anymore once removed. All existing dependent entities (e.g. a service defining an “NPR” flagged user) will still consider this user for tasks distribution as long as the user itself is not actively removed from the configuration.


🔎 Related Best Practices: We also recommend reading our Best Practices - Bulk Editing for tips and tricks as well as considerations before engaging with this feature. We will continuously update the page alongside with these known limitations.


Other Changes and Improvements

  • UI Improvements:
    • Adjusted header behavior during creation of all all Configuration entities. Headers now have breadcrumb-style navigation.
    • Adjusted header design also during “Edit” mode of any configuration entry, allowing to exit editing mode more conveniently.
    • Aligned the "Create" behavior for Opening Hours and Non-Personal Dashboards to be in line with Workflows and Workflow Templates, meaning that now everything uses the same creation wizard page design instead of popups.
  • Assistant - Phone button (icon next to Service header) for making an Outbound Call is now available for the "Team Owner Limited" role.
  • Bulk Editing - Will now show a warning when other Bulk Edit operations (e.g. by a 2nd Administrator) are currently being rolled out. During this time, the UI will prevent changes from being made and offer a page refresh once done.

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