Nimbus Power Automate Connector

Leverage parameter retrieval and parallel automation within your workflows


The Luware Nimbus Power Automate Connector has been certified by Microsoft and is available in all Microsoft Datacenters. This means that the connector has passed rigorous testing and validation by Microsoft and meets the highest standards of quality, security, and performance.

  • For existing Nimbus users: We recommend switching to the new certified connector. Note that this requires a manual Connector migration as the Flows and Triggers are differently structured/named. If you have already used any version of the connector before it has been certified, you need to carefully plan the migration to the new certified connector.
    🔎 Refer to Connector Migration for more information.
  • For new Nimbus users: If you are new to Nimbus and haven't yet started with productive flow integrations, you can use the new certified connector directly from Power Automate without any further registration.

The Nimbus Power Automate Connector allows you you to quickly connect Nimbus with third-party systems removing the need for extensive coding or custom development integrations. By listening and reacting to Trigger Events, the connector can follow up with Flow Actions, e.g. to retrieve data from external systems and store them into Nimbus Parameters for later use within your Workflows.

💡Some possible use cases for this can be:

  • Live Data Exchange during Calls: Nimbus Task starts → Request Task Details from your CRM or User Directory → Update the Task Details
  • Trigger Notifications: Nimbus Task gets lost → Trigger an Email 
  • Call Routing according to lists and parameters: e.g. handle a VIP list or blacklist and route callers accordingly within your service.
With Flow connectors, you can request user details and context from external systems as new users appear in the queue


External licensing costs

A Microsoft Power Automate subscription with "Premium Tier" license is required to set up the necessary connectors in your Flows. Note that the pricing for these accounts is determined by Microsoft and outside of your Luware subscription.

Nimbus Licensing

  • Licensing: To use the Power Automate integration, your Nimbus service must be Enterprise Routing or Contact Center licensed. Additional licenses can be assigned via License Management in the Administration UI.
  • Configuration: Flow interaction requires an existing Nimbus service already provisioned on your tenant. Power Automate Trigger Events react to activities in your currently active Workflows – as defined in your Modality Service Settings. If your service has no (valid) workflow defined, flow trigger events will not be recognized.

☝User Roles

  • You need either Team Owner or Administrator to set up Flow tasks. Before creating productive Power Automate Flows, mind your currently logged-in user account.
  • 💡To keep impacts and licensing cost to a minimum we recommend setting up flows as a Tenant Administrator as you have full access to all services and their configuration items located within their respective Organization Units. This also reduces the risk that Flow Actions and related Trigger Events suddenly stop working, as Nimbus Configuration entities, permissions or related user roles change.

Learn more about this

The same user account UPN you use in Microsoft Flow is matched with the according User Role granted via Nimbus User Administration. Available services and call data is filtered accordingly within Flow Actions  and Trigger Events. Refer to Power Automate Roles for more details.

The following table will give you a brief overview on which Nimbus user roles can manage Power Automate flows:

Role Notes
Partner Admin Cannot use triggers for services in the customer tenant with his own account. Also have limited visibility on live-data.
OU Admin Can access the connector, but is not recommended to manage live call-data with.    
This role is primarily meant for assisting on configuration tasks, e.g. managing flow-related Address Books and Workflows.
Tenant Admin 

✅ Recommended!

  • Can use triggers for all service teams on the tenant.
  • Can see all tasks of service teams on the tenant.
  • Can use flow actions to access or update connected Address Books.
Team / Service Owner

☝ Usable, but limited access to data entities within Organization Unit rules of user account (reading up the path rule):

  • Can use triggers for assigned service teams only.
  • Can see all tasks of service teams only when part of the "Owner" group in MS Teams or where manually assigned as Service Owner.
  • No permissions to access or update connected Address Books .
Supervisor / User Have no access to the connector itself or any related configuration items and service settings.

Using / Installing the Nimbus Power Automate Connector

There are two ways to install the Nimbus Power Automate connector: 

  • Via Microsoft Store directly in Power Automate (certified), or …
  • … as Custom Connector Installation (manually downloaded)

☝If you are new to Nimbus and start your productive Flow integrations after May 2024 or later we always recommend the Certified Connector. For further details, read about the Legacy and Certified Connector Differences.

💡We will continuously undergo official connector certification and will inform about changes via our Release Notes.

Certified connector retrieval

Use this method to: 

  • Get the Microsoft-Certified connector directly from the store.
  • Use only verified and fully released functionality. 

Connector retrieval

  1. Log into your Microsoft Power Automate account.       
  2. Create an empty Cloud Flow → Select Skip in the next dialogue
  3. Add a new trigger to your empty flow by searching “Nimbus”
  4. During first use of the Connector you will be requested to pick a region (cluster location).
    1. ✅Pick the same cluster location as your Nimbus installation. 
    2. 🔎You can identify your cluster location by logging into the Nimbus Administration and checking the redirected URL in your browser.
  5. An authentication dialogue will request Nimbus App Permissions from your user. 💡This dialogue may not appear if consent has already been granted

🔎 Reference: URLs for Cluster location identification during connector installation:

INC Nimbus Admin URLs

Switzerland 01
Switzerland 02
Germany 01
Germany 02
United Kingdom 01
Nimbus Admin Panel URL

✅ Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete * domain.


Custom connector installation

Use this method to: 

  • Install an Upcoming (V1) connector to test out the newest features
  • Install a legacy (V0) connector update to keep your previous legacy flows intact.

🔎Also refer to Legacy and Certified connector Differences

🤔Already got a connector installed? Read how to Update an existing Nimbus Power Automate connector.


Adding the Custom Connector

1.Log into your Microsoft Power Automate  account.        
2-On the left menu, click on "More" > "Discover all".        
3.Locate and pin the "Custom Connectors" entry to your menu.

4.Select your new Custom Connectors entry.        
5.Add the top right, click "New custom connector" to open a pulldown. Select "Import an OpenAPI file".        
6.Enter Nimbus and the environment (e.g. Nimbus Production), then choose the OpenApi file according to your data cluster location: 

Nimbus Power Automate connector URLs

Switzerland 01
Switzerland 02
Germany 01
Germany 02
United Kingdom 01
Nimbus Power Automate Connector URLs

☝Legacy (v0) Custom Connector users: Replace the v1 part of the URL with v0 to download the legacy connector (e.g. to Update your existing Connector) with new files. Note that the legacy connector will not receive feature updates anymore.

☝Migration note for all custom-installed connectors: You can install the v1 to-be-certified connector as Custom Connector. However, when using the certified connector from the Microsoft Store a Connector migration will be necessary in future for all existing custom connectors.




🤔 How can I find out my location? The location of your data cluster is picked once during the first Service Provisioning. You can also see it in your browser URL when logging into the Nimbus Administration which redirects you to the location where your Nimbus instance is installed.

Define connector Details

  1. Unfortunately a couple of things can not be specified in the OpenApi File. So we will need to edit them manually now.
    1. Upload the connector icon 
  2. Set the Icon background color to #6E2878

Azure App registration

INC Power Automate Azure App registration

On your Azure Tenant the Nimbus Connector needs to be registred to establish a trust relationship between your app and the Microsoft identity platform. 🔍 Refer to:

  1. Go to > App Registrations > New registration
  2. Name your application “Luware PowerAutomate connector”  
    ⮑ The end result should look like this:
 A newly registered app will show list of applications

✅Keep this page open as you will need the Application (client) ID to copy for later.

Create the Application Secret 

Sometimes also called an application password, a client secret is a string value your app can use in place of a certificate to identity itself. 🔍Refer to       

✅ Fill out your Flow config as follows.  

  • Use your Application ClientID (copied from the previous step), also use it as the Resource URL.
  • Fill out the Client secret with secret created.
  • Check via the table below that your App details are correct.

☝ Note that these values are unique to you. Screenshots below are just examples.

Field Description

Filled-out App

Auth Type OAuth 2.0 (automatically filled)


Identity Provider ☝ Attention: By default Generic OAuth 2 is selected → Select Azure Active Directory
Client ID

Application / Client ID (👇same as Resource URL)

✅ Taken from Azure App Registration (Overview > "Application (client) ID") → See previous step above.

Client Secret

Application / Client Secret 

✅ Taken from Azure App Registration (Certificates & secrets > Client secrets > New client secret > "Client Secret Value" → See previous step above.

☝ Make sure to paste the secret itself, not the Secret ID.

Login URL (automatically filled)
Tenant ID common (automatically filled)
Resource URL

Same as Application / Client ID

✅ Taken from Azure App Registration (Overview > "Application (client) ID") → See previous step above.

Scope (automatically filled)
Redirect URL

☝Will be automatically filled in once the connector is created → See next step below.

Create Connector

  1. Click "Create connector". ⮑ The Redirect URL will be filled in automatically.
  2. ✅ Copy the Redirect URL.
  3. Back in Azure, make sure to enter the Redirect URL in your Enterprise Application Registration. 

Show me how...

  1. Add the Redirect URL
  2. Check your App registration. It should have at least 1 Redirect URL and 1 secret. 

Test the connector

On the last page of the connector creation process you can test your connector. Click New Connection and sign in with the account with which you will be creating the flows.

Delegated User.Read Permission required for the connector

🤔 Connection refused? Your tenant admin needs to give consent on User.Read Permissions during the Nimbus App registration. This will allow you to Sign-In on the connector on behalf of the tenant administrator.


Optional: Share the connector with other users

A custom connector is initially just available to you. You can optionally share the connector with other owners / users if needed. 


  • All users which need access to a shared flow to also need to be granted access to the Nimbus Power Automate connector App itself.
  • Keep in mind that each user accessing the Nimbus connector also needs a Microsoft Power Automate license to create flows. 💡Any Microsoft product licensing cost are outside of Luware scope.
  • Nimbus grants connector access only to Nimbus Service / Team Owners or Administrators Roles with according Permissions on your Tenant. 
    🔍 New users sharing the connector require the according Nimbus user role granted within the User Administration. Also read the “Flows and User access” info below. 
    💡 Most of our customers create Nimbus Power Automate Flows with a service account that is also Nimbus Tenant Admin at the same time. This ensures unhindered access to all services and their required flows while keeping maintenance on a minimal level.


☝Noteworthy Points

Please take note of the following points to ensure seamless operation of your Nimbus Power Automate Connector.

Power Platform Rate Limits

To ensure service levels, availability and quality, there are limits on the number of Power Platform requests that users can make across all Power Platform products. Service limits are based on normal usage patterns in both five-minute and 24-hour intervals. Most customers don't exceed these limits. 

Next Steps

You are now ready to use the Nimbus connector within a Flow. We recommend carrying on with any of the following chapters:

  • As you Added / Created the connector in the earlier steps, new Nimbus Trigger Events and Flow Actions should already be available for selection.
  • A consent warning may be shown once you add the Nimbus connector trigger / action event for the first time. → Once you re-add the item it should work permanently.

From here on out we suggest:

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