Portal Roles

Detail permissions for the Nimbus Portal UI.


Roles described on this page have access to the Nimbus (Frontend) Portal.

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Nimbus Portal URLs

Switzerland 01 https://portal.ch-01.luware.cloud/
Switzerland 02 https://portal.ch-02.luware.cloud/
Germany 01 https://portal.dewe-01.luware.cloud/
Germany 02 https://portal.dewe-02.luware.cloud/
United Kingdom 01 https://portal.ukso-01.luware.cloud/
Nimbus Portal URLs

✅ Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete *.luware.cloud domain.


✅  Portal Roles are granted depending on Service type, as Services can be provisioned with different User Assignment Types:

Learn more about User Assignment…

INC User Assignment Types

Each Nimbus service can be of a different user assignment type that determines how users are associated to this service:

  • MS Teams-based: Directly tied to your MS Teams "Teams" as determined during Service Provisioning. Users get automatically added and synced to a Nimbus service.
  • Skill-based: Applies for manually created services via Service Administration. Requires skill-assignment from users you assign to the service from within your tenant directory.
  • None: Has no users, but can be configured by any administrator. Used for IVR or first-level redirection services. 

☝ Important to know: The user assignment type is fixated when a service was either provisioned via MS Teams or manually created via Service Administration, e.g. for IVR or skill-based distribution purposes. A switch between MS Teams-based and Skill-based services is not possible due to how individual users are configured and how Nimbus Features operate.




🔎The table below lists all detail permissions. In a nutshell, Portal user roles can do the following:

Tenant Administrator
  • Cannot access service data unless the user is also part of a service.
Organization Unit (OU) Administrator
  • Same as Tenant Admin, however, their scope is limited to the configuration entities (available in Portal) and services within their assigned Organization Units.
Workflow (WF) Administrator
User Supervisor(1)

Contact Center Requires a Contact Center license on the user. An addition to an Owner-type role, manually granted via User Administration.

Service Supervisor(1)

Contact Center Requires a Contact Center license on the user. An addition to an Owner-type role, manually granted via User Administration.

Contact Center (CC) User 

Contact Center Requires a Contact Center (CC) license on the General User Settings

Service Owner

Contact Center Requires a Contact Center (CC) license on the General User Settings.

Service Agent

Contact Center Requires a Contact Center (CC) license on the General User Settings. An associated Microsoft Teams channel is not required anymore, so the user can act “standalone”.

  • Manually assigned as “Agents” via the Service Settings > “Permissions” tab. 
  • Once assigned: Can participate in Nimbus Contact Center services and access data.
Team Owner

Default role granted during Service Provisioning via MS Teams. 

  • Role synched to MS Teams Channel “Owner” role.
  • Can fully manage the respective Nimbus Service Settings
Team Owner Limited

A reduced role that can be granted during Service Provisioning via MS Teams. 

  • Manually assigned as “Team Owner Limited” via the Service Settings > “Users” tab.
  • Role synched to MS Teams Channel “Owner” role.
  • Can manage a limited set of Service Settings (SLA, Opening Hours, Resources, Playlists, Workflows).
Team Member

A Nimbus user synched from the Tenant's user directory.

  • Synced with the Team Members of the associated “team” in MS Teams.
  • Can access Nimbus services and data via the Portal once being a member of a service team.
Portal user roles overview

(1)☝Access limitation by design: If a user has a Supervisor but not a Team Owner / Service Admin role, only limited datasets in the historical BI Template will be shown. Other tabs and queries in the Power BI Report may appear blank. To see a full dataset (including live Reporting data on the portal), the same user also needs a "Service/Team Owner" role assigned.


Table: Nimbus Frontend Portal Roles and Permissions

🔎Legend: Create, Read, Update, Delete, Execute. The term “grid” describes a permission to list (and potentially manipulate) already existing entries of the same type.

Services Overview

Section Service Supervisor CC User Team Member Service Agent Team / Service Owner Team Owner Limited
Services Overview R   R R R R
Service Settings icon E       E E
Call On Behalf     E E E E
Users - Own Active Toggle   N/A RU N/A RU RU
Users - Active Toggle R N/A R N/A RU RU
Users - Presence icon R   R R R R
Pickup   N/A E N/A E E

Service Details

Tab Section OU Admin WF Admin Service Supervisor CC User Team Member Service Agent Team / Service Owner Team Owner Limited
Dashboard Dashboard     R   R R R R
Users List     R   R R R R
Users - Own Active Toggle     N/A N/A RU N/A RU RU
Users - Active Toggle     RU N/A R N/A RU RU
Pickup       N/A E N/A E E
Today's Reporting KPIs     R   R R R R
Reporting Service Statistics     R   R R R R
Tasks Heatmap     R   R R R R
Users Statistics     R   R R R R
Historical Sessions Session Results     R       R R
Sessions     R       R R
Session Types     R       R R
Session Directions     R       R R
Historical Sessions - Service Sessions     R       R R
Historical Sessions - User Sessions     R       R R
Session Details Popup     R       R R
Settings General Name RU R R       RU R
Service Display Name RU R R       RU R
Service UPN RU R R       RU R
Application ID R R R       R R
Organization Unit R R R       RU R
PSTN Active RU R R       RU R
PSTN E.164 Number RU R R       RU R
Primary Opening Hours RU R RU       RU RU
Secondary Opening Hours RU R RU       RU RU
SLA Hangup RU R RU       RU RU
SLA Acceptance RU R RU       RU RU
Short Abandons Threshold in Seconds RU R RU       RU RU
Show on Historical Session Page RU R R       R R
Hide User Statistics from Reporting R R R       R R
Show on Historical Sessions Page R R R       R R
Modalities Audio Video checkbox RU R R       RU R
Instant Messaging checkbox RU R R       RU R
External Task checkbox RU R R       RU R
Email checkbox RU R R       RU R
Audio Video - Inbound Conversations toggle RU R R       RU R
Audio Video - Outbound Conversations toggle RU R R       RU R
Audio Video - Audio Video Workflow dropdown RU R R       RU R
Audio Video - Voice Message Channel RU R R       RU R
Instant Messaging - Instant Messaging Workflow dropdown RU R R       RU R
External Task - External Task Workflow dropdown RU R R       RU R
Email - Email Workflow dropdown RU R R       RU R
Email - Mailbox dropdown RU R R       RU R
Distribution User Assignment Type RU R R       RU R
Distribution Policy RU R R       RU R
Users Immediately Active RU R R       RU R
Conversation Distribution - Available R R R       R R
Conversation Distribution - Dnd R R R       R R
Conversation Distribution - Offline R R R       R R
Conversation Distribution - Busy RU R R       RU R
Conversation Distribution - Away RU R R       RU R
Task Priority RU R R       RU R
ACW RU R R       RU R
Auto Redirect in Emergency Case RU R R       R R
Redirect Destination RU R R       R R
RONA RU R R       RU R
Extensions Codes - Primary Codes RU R R       RU R
Codes - Secondary Codes RU R R       RU R
Assistant - Assistant Conversation Context RU R R       RU R
Assistant - Service Call Templates RU R R       RU R
My Sessions - Conversation Context RU R R       RU R
My Sessions - Store Conversation Context Data toggle RU R R       RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Codes & Tags toggle RU R R       RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Contacts toggle RU R R       RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Embedded Context toggle RU R R       RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Embedded Context dropdown RU R R       RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Live Caption toggle RU R R       RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Transcript toggle RU R R       RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Session Details toggle RU R R       RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Map toggle RU R R       RU R
My Sessions - Widgets - Session Parameters RU R R       RU R
Agents Service Agents List R R R       R R
Service Agents Levels and Profiles RU           RU  
Service Owners List R R R       R R
Service Owners Levels and Profiles RU           RU  
Users Default Team Owner Role R R         R R
Team member can change active state RU RU         RU R
Users - list R R         R R
Users - Role - Member R R         R R
Users - Role - Owner / Limited Team Owner R R         R R
Active toggle RU RU         RU RU


Tab Section OU Admin WF Admin User Supervisor Team / Service Owner Team Owner Limited
Workflows Resources Resources grid CRUD CRUD   CRUD CRUD
Name RU RU   RU RU
Organization Unit RU RU   R R
Audio File RU RU   RU RU
Playlists Play List grid CRUD CRUD   CRUD CRUD
Name RU RU   RU RU
Organization Unit RU RU   R R
Play List RU RU   RU RU
Workflows Workflow grid CRUD RU   CRUD CRUD
Name RU R   RU RU
Organization Unit RU R   R R
Template Type R R   R R
Workflow Template R R   R R
Workflow RU RU   RU RU
Codes Primary Codes Primary Codes grid CRUD     CRUD  
Name RU     RU  
Organization Unit RU     R  
Description RU     RU  
Secondary Codes Secondary Codes grid CRUD     CRUD  
Name RU     RU  
Organization Unit RU     R  
Description RU     RU  
Service Conversation Context Conversation Context grid CRUD     CRUD  
Name RU     RU  
Organization Unit RU     R  
URL RU     RU  
Parameters Parameters grid CRUD     CRUD  
Name RU     RU  
Organization Unit RU     R  
Default Value RU     RU  
ID RU     R  
Opening Hours Opening Hours grid CRUD RU CRUD CRUD CRUD
Organization Unit RU R RU R R
Default RU R RU RU RU

Flexible Dashboards

Contact Center - Non-Personal Dashboards and Personal Dashboards require a Contact Center license on the user to become accessible. Each Dashboard can be customized with Dashboard Widgets.

Tab Section   User Supervisor Service Supervisor CC User Team Member Service Agent Team / Service Owner Team Owner Limited
Dashboards Personal Dashboards     CRUD        
Non-Personal Dashboards     R        
Dashboard Widgets Service Service KPI Tile   R W(1) R R R  
Service KPI Tabular   R W(1) R R R  
Service KPI Chart   R W(1) R R R  
Service KPI Comparison Chart   R W(1) R R R  
Service KPI Graph   R W(1) R R R  
Service Queue Tabular   R W(1) R R R  
Live Service Tasks Tabular   R W(1) R R R  
Service Outbound Tasks Tabular   RE W(1) R R RE  
Service External Tasks Tabular   RE W(1) R R RE  
Service Heatmap   R W(1) R R R  
Service Supervision   WRE W(1)        
User User Performance Tabular R   W(1)     R  
User State Tabular R   W(1)     R  
User Supervisor Tabular RE   W(1)        
User State Chart R   W(1)     R  
User Tile R   W(1)     R  
Common Markdown     WR        
Date & Time     WR        
Embedded Website     WR        

(1) W = Widget access. A user needs a CC license to even see Dashboards, and can add Dashboard Widgets. However, seeing data (Services / Users / OUs) inside those widgets requires a dedicated R permission (e.g. Team Member, Agent role) within the service / team.


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