Nimbus Power BI Template

Luware BI Template Files

INC Nimbus Power BI Files

✅Luware provides the following Power BI Files. Contact Luware Support or your Customer Success Specialist to get the latest version.

Description Filenames
Power BI Template / Report

Nimbus.pbit / Nimbus.pbix

✅ When using a Template (.pbit), please add your connection parameters and credentials and perform a basic query. Afterwards, save it as a .pbix report, as it will use considerably lower RAM/CPU than a template.

Paginated Reports
  • Nimbus_ServicePerformanceOverview.rdl
  • Nimbus_UserPerformancePerMonth.rdl
  • Nimbus_LostCallDetails.rdl
Legacy Template


💡 A special variant to support users coming from our existing LUCS/TM products → As newcomer to "Nimbus" you can skip this info and refer to the "Power BI Template" instead.

 Learn more...

Legacy Template Use cases

Legacy support is available for LUCS/TM versions 3.5+

  • DB versions:
  • 6.13.0007

Example BI Template with both Nimbus and legacy data combined

💡 Note: Service names from legacy data sources have original GUIDs and "legacy_"  prefix names, as shown highlighted here.

You may need this template in 3 scenarios:

  1. Two active Systems - You have a working legacy system (LUCS/TM) and a new Nimbus tenant. You want see legacy and Nimbus reporting services side-by-side.
  2. Completed Migration - You've recently migrated all your services from legacy system to Nimbus tenant. You want see reporting collected by LUCS/TM and Nimbus side by side.
  3. Using just the Template - You have only Nimbus services, but you want to continue using the Nimbus Power BI template with Legacy adapters.

🔍 Refer to the → Parameters below for further notes on each scenario.

Report parameters

The legacy template contains a set of additional parameters for connecting to the LUCS or Team Manager SQL Server database.

Parameter Data Type Description
Append_Legacy boolean if TRUE legacy data is appended, if False legacy data isn't appended
Legacy_MonthLimit integer Number of Month back from today to be imported from legacy database
Legacy_ServerName text SQL Server FQDN including instance
Legacy_DatabaseName     text Database name

Please note in regards to the 3 scenarios above:

  • For Scenarios 1 and 2 (Legacy and Nimbus still active) your Power BI needs unrestricted access to the SQL Server database of a legacy system.
  • For Scenario 2 (DB access only) active communication services (ICH, PS, CIC etc.) can be stopped. Only the SQL Server is required. The Connection string to a legacy system is based on report parameters Legacy_ServerName and Legacy_Database. The Append_Legacy parameter should be TRUE.
  • For Scenario 3 (Nimbus only, but keeping the legacy Template) the Append_Legacy parameter should be to FALSE. Other parameters are not considered and can be left blank.

Parameter settings in Power BI


INC Reporting Template Disclaimer

DISCLAIMER: Power BI Template updates and support

Note that we continuously develop the template not just visually, but also to reflect the latest OData Feed and Nimbus Reporting Model data warehouse concepts. This also requires our Power BI template to be updated in regular intervals.

While we strive to maintain backwards compatibility, your older stored Power BI file template versions can become outdated over time. This is also due to the physical nature of Power BI files and Power BI App development itself, resulting in Nimbus data not being queried as expected anymore and/or features getting deprecated and replaced over time.

Recommendation: Regular BI Template Updates 

As communicated via our Nimbus BI Template Release Notes we are constantly improving our products, including the Nimbus BI template; this results in changes, not just to visible template functionality, but also the underlying queries. Since each improvement can only be delivered in the form of a new physical file, we never make retroactive adjustments to older versions of the template, and thus, we cannot guarantee that an old template file will continue to work indefinitely as expected. 

For those reasons we strongly recommend the following:

Regularly check the Nimbus BI Template Release Notes for any changes on features that you use.

Update your template at regular intervals to ensure seamless interaction with the OData Feed and any Nimbus updates.


Note: Support on customized Templates

While we understand the need and allow our users individually to customize the Nimbus Power BI Template, please understand that this also introduces a huge variety of possible error causes. We gladly take customer feedback to continuously improve our template in general, however this must be done by striking a balance between features, clarity, maintainability and stability.

☝For the reasons above, please understand that Luware Support cannot assist you with your own customized templates.

✅Whenever you encounter errors on your customized templates: Please ensure to test in parallel with the newest BI Template first, before contacting customer support.


Template Overview

The Nimbus BI template consists several views/tabs:

  1. Service Overview - Service Session KPI aggregated by service.
  2. User Overview - User Session KPI aggregated by user.
  3. Session Details - KPI by service session (can be used to drill down into a KPI from Service Overview).
  4. User Session Details - KPI by user session (can be used to drill down into a KPI from User Overview).
  5. Tags-Codes - Tags and Codes as recorded in My Sessions view by users.
  6. Unified Sessions - Provides the details of the end-2-end concept of a conversation in the business world (e.g. an end-2-end call). A session is a transaction in Nimbus, a unified session can contain one or more service sessions and user sessions. 
  7. User States - Provides duration KPI aggregated by user and state type as well as profile names and not available reasons (if applicable), based on every single state change recorded in User States 
  8. Transfer - Provides a high level view of transfer sessions volume, as well as a grid with details of each transfer.
  9. Info - Template versioning, session volume and other technical details needed when opening support tickets with Luware.
  10. Data Load Check -  Shows a data count and summary for each main KPI table, as well as the timestamp of first and last session record for each table. This is especially useful with incremental refresh to evaluate the volume of data loaded in the report as well as the completeness and freshness of the data in each KPI table. 

🔎 Each tab is described in further detail below. Data shown is based on the Nimbus Reporting Model

💡 The Nimbus KPI Calculations are completely done in the product itself, the report does only query the results.


Template Tabs


To switch between the tabs and views:

  1. Hold CTRL and left-click on the icons at the left hand sidebar     
  2. Use the tabs at the bottom of the report to navigate

Also noteworthy:

  • In Power BI Desktop you must use CTRL + Click on buttons and links, otherwise you may just select fields in the template for editing.
  • CTRL is also used to multi-select filtering options and list entries.
  • Arrows indicate Drill-Through possibilities into further data.

Overview pages

Service and User Overview

Service and User Overview provide a general overview of the sessions associated with a user or a service. Here you may find:

  • ... total measures showing counts and time for all your Services and Users.
  • ... KPI such as as Reachability, Acceptance and Hang-up SLA%. Call distribution in time.
  • ... performance comparisons in different time periods between services/users in your system.

💡 You can drill through a selected user session for details as described in the “How to use” chapter below.


Session Detail pages

Session Details and User Session Details

Session Detail pages give a closer look on the distinct sessions accrued on the Service / or the User.

💡 You can drill through a selected session for details as described in the “How to use” chapter below.


Tags and Codes

Tags and Codes

Tags and Codes specified by users during (via the My Sessions UI) are shown as a tag cloud in the reporting template. The bigger the tag shown, the more frequent it has been used.

For example you can click on tags to ...

  • ... narrow down data by user / service sessions that used these tags.
  • ... identify months where tags have been used more frequently.
  • … identify users that were using those tags.

In the Nimbus Power BI template we have two pages to provide an example of how tags and codes can be analysed from from two different perspectives.

Tab: Tags-Codes 1st User

Shows tags and codes assigned by the first accepting user. ☝If the first accepting user didn't add any tags or codes but the subsequent user did, then this page will not show any tag or codes assigned to that service session. Use this page if you want to analyze the tags and codes assigned at the first user touch point.

Tab: Tags-Codes: All Users

Allows to analyze all tags and codes assigned by all users across various user sessions. Use this page if you want to analyze tags and codes across all user touchpoints in your services.

☝Non-retroactive feature: Please be aware that the data separation into two tabs is a recent feature. Data was generated since October 2024. For tags and codes recorded before that point please refer to the tab “Tags and Codes 1st User”.


Unified Sessions

Unified Sessions

Lists Caller (customer) data like PSTN or Name, the Caller path and connection times with the final session outcome.

💡 Click on a Session, then CTRL+Click the button on the bottom to show further details. Also see “How to use” chapter below.


User States

User States

This tab lists User States, also referred to as "Team Enability" (e.g. the On/Off Service participation toggle in the Frontend UIs during daily use of Nimbus).


Contact Center Licensing - please note that reporting on tracked User States is a Contact Center feature.

✅Feature toggles

Tenant Admin Feature Toggle - To gather User State data, this feature needs to be enabled for your tenant. This is done via Tenant Administration > Data Privacy > "Persist User States in Reporting" option.

User State related Options in the Tenant Administration

You can learn more about each feature in the Tenant Administration pages.

✅ Power BI parameters - In the Power BI template, the connection parameter “Load User States” must be set to “True” before refreshing the dataset.

Impact on your Data Query: Tracking presence states can generate considerable amounts of personal user data. Aside from Power BI query performance considerations on a large userbase you need to consider privacy and EU GDPR compliance before enabling this feature.

🤔 What User States data is being tracked? User, User ID, Organization UnitResponsibility Profiles (User State), MS Teams Presence Status and all related event changes with timestamps and durations.


✅ Supervisor Role Requirement

User Supervisor Role - The user refreshing the Power BI report must be a Nimbus User Supervisor (this role can only be assigned to a user with a Contact Center license). 

  • The User States tab in Power BI will not show any information unless you have this role assigned via the User Administration. More infos on this role can be found on User Role (RBAC) Matrix.
  • The Nimbus User Supervisor will see user states for all users in the supervised OUs irrespective of whether such users have a Contact Center license or not.

Organization Units dependency - The Nimbus User Supervisor will only see the user states for the users in the Organization Units they are explicitly assigned to (as a Supervisor). 

LIMITATION BY DESIGN If a user has only Supervisor and not a Team Owner / Service Admin role, only the "UserStates" dataset in the report will be shown, consisting of: UserStates, StateTypes, ResponsibilityProfile, OU, Users. Other tabs and queries in the BI Report may appear blank.     
→ This is intended by design to prevent exposure of individual Service/User/Session data to the wrong audiences. To see a full dataset, the same user also needs a "Service/Team Owner" role assigned. 


🤔 What are user states?

User States

For its Reporting Model Nimbus distinguishes sessions by various user state factors (Teams Presence, Duty State, Task Selectability, Task status). A change in either factor has influence on the others, either being a requirement or dependency.

User Factor Conditions Nimbus-Tracked User State
Presence in MS Teams  ✅ Online – including status "Busy" or "Away"    
(individually defined per Distribution Service Settings)
MS-Teams based services will distribute when "Active".
Online and set "Active"       
MS-Teams based services will distribute. 
Online and "Active" but Busy/Away       
Can either be selectable or not  (determined per each Service's Distribution Service Settings)

✅User is online and has any "On Duty" responsibility profile selected.  
✅User is assigned to the Service as “Agent”

An "OffDuty" profile prevents any Contact Center participation.
On Duty       
Any "Duty" type responsibility profile allows Contact Center participation. Skills and Responsibilities in that profile must match the service to be "Selectable". This is determined by the individual Distribution Policies assigned to the respective services.
Task selectable

“In Time available” to perform tasks in Nimbus:

✅Online in MS Teams.   
✅Set to "Active"  in any MS Teams-Based service  
✅In "On Duty" profile for Contact Center services.

This includes Busy/Selectable and Away/Selectable
"Non-Selectable" state, either because:       
User is not available either due to the MS Teams Presence ↑ OR …
set "inactive" for all Nimbus teams OR …
... any existing or previous Call Status ↓ marks the user as “Not Selectable”
Task  status

✅ Currently reserved and blocked for a Nimbus task.


  Not Available Reason   
Requested as user changes MS Teams presence (back from idle).
User flag after not responding to a task, blocked for the next tasks.
User reserved for new task, but has not accepted yet
User accepted task, is blocked by 
User extensible timespan to complete work after a call.


💡 It is important to note that these user state factors depend on each other. Reading the table vertically from “top to bottom”. Here is an example:

Layer 1: MS Teams Presence 

  • The MS Teams Presence must meet the criteria of the Distribution Service Settings. This can be individually configured per Service.
  • Offline users are not considered to be in any duty state. Nimbus will not distribute tasks.
  • Online users are considered for Nimbus Tasks depending on:
    • … the Nimbus features (license) applied to the user and …
    • … the services they are part of.

Layer 2: Nimbus Duty State / Task Selectability

Selectability for Nimbus tasks is steered based depending on the Service Types and their varying 

Advanced Routing  and Enterprise Routing   Contact Center
Scenario: MS-Teams “Team” based services Scenario: Standalone Services with a varied user base
Advanced Routing and Enterprise Routing consider Users selectable once they are to “Active” in the Nimbus UI.

Contact Center services apply the Duty State as a “selectable check” – on top of MS Teams presence. 

Nimbus evaluates the users's responsibility profile and distributes calls conditionally based on the Skills and Responsibilities behind that profile. 

The criteria are defined in the service's Distribution Policy.


These are shared criteria among services

  • While "online", "active" and "on duty" a user is “selectable” for tasks by either service, in any modality.
  • While being in any blocking call status (e.g being Not Available, already busy when connected or in a task, in ACW or flagged by RONA) will consider the user as "Not selectable" for any service.

Nimbus Reporting and User State Data privacy

🔍 Learning: Users have one deterministic state at a time. Combined user states listed above – and their changes over time – form a "User Session" which is tracked as part of the Nimbus Reporting Model

GDPR Data privacy setting: Detailed user states can be tracked with timestamps for later evaluation analysis, e.g. in Power BI. This is enabled via Tenant Administration > Data Privacy, and included in historic reporting.

Example showing accumulated time spend in various states

The DataWareHouse distinguishes by the following user states:

  • After Call Work
  • Connected
  • Not Selectable
  • Off Duty
  • Offline
  • Ringing
  • Selectable

🔍 Also see Nimbus Reporting Model→ User States table.




Allows to inspect where sessions are transferred to and to which result, so involved services can be optimized accordingly.

Transfer Report

Can be filtered by: 

  • Start Date Time
  • Service From
  • Service To

Provides the following Visuals:

  • Pie Chart "Transfer by"
  • Pie Chart "Transfer by Result"
  • Transfer Flow Diagram by Service 
  • Source Service
  • Destination
    • Service by Name
    • External
    • User
  • Grid “Transfer Overview”
  • For related OData Tables on static dimensions and facts see Nimbus Reporting Model→ “Transfer Sessions”
  • If there was more than one transfer session occurring during a single service session, it is stored in the Transfer Sessions table. However:
    • If the last logical Workflow Activity of a service session was a transfer, then the "transfer" fields in service sessions table will be populated.
    • if the last logical Workflow Activity was not a transfer (e.g. Transfer > Queue in new Service), then "transfer" fields in service sessions table will be left empty.



Shows the template version and (last) connected user that did the data refresh.


Data Load Check

Data Load Check

The Data Load Check page provides the full overview of the amount of data loaded in the tables that can be incrementally refreshed.  It shows details of the number of sessions loaded for each of the fact table as well as the earliest and most recent session. This allows the user to get an idea of the amount of data loaded into the report and to verify the most recent available sessions available in the report. 

Data Load Check

How to use…

Drill Through

Drill Through buttons provide a convenient way to navigate between entry overviews and detail pages. The drill through possibility is signaled with an arrow:



  1. Select a Service entry (row) on the Service Overview page.
  2. Use the Drill Through button (don't forget: CTRL+ Left-click) → The Caller Overview page with a full list of Service Sessions for this particular service is shown
  3. Pick one session (row) on the Caller Overview page and CTRL + Left-click "See Session Details" → The Session Details page for that user is shown.
  4. Use the "Back" buttons/arrows to get back to the previous pages.
Drill down into sessions of a particular user
Example of multiple drill-through steps

Data Slicers

From within any tab you can narrow down the data with predefined slicers (filters).

  1. Navigate to any tab that has a slicer symbol shown in the menu.     
  2. CTRL + Left-click the Slicer Symbol at the bottom left → The Slicer Menu opens
  3. Select your filters and time range slicers as needed 💡 Don't forget to hold down CTRL while handling UI elements.     
    → The BI Template automatically refreshes the data based on your selection.
Slicer Menu

Template Troubleshooting

Did you encounter issues with the BI Template? Please refer to Setting Up Power BI > Known Issues and Solutions.


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