Use Case - Setting Up Instant Messaging

Learn how to configure and enable chat as a communication channel.

In this use case, we're going to tackle the following topics:


INC Instant Messaging Preconditions



  • Instant Messaging is a user modality feature to be enabled for your tenant. This is done during initial setup with your Luware Customer Success representative and in tandem with License Management for your users and services.
  • Instant Messaging needs to be enabled for your tenant in Modalities Tenant Settings.
  • Luware Interact is currently required to engage in service chats from outside. This is done via Tenant Administration > Extensions > Interact section.
    🔍 Refer to Use Case - Setting up Interact to learn more on how to embed Interact on your website. Also refer to the known limitations below.
  • Note that either Users or Services need a license for Interact. If a Service has an Interact license assigned, users need an Instant Messaging license in order to be able to use IM interaction with outside customers. This is all done within Service Administration and User Administration, respectively.
  • Tenant administrator rights are needed to create and update tenant and service settings.

Service Requirements

User Requirements

  • Service Users - As a user of the Instant Messaging modality, you need to have an Instant Message service modality license assigned in General User Settings.
  • Direct User Messages - As a user receiving direct user messages via Interact (without a service being involved), you need to have an Interact license assigned in General User Settings and Instant Message modality enabled in Interact User Settings.
  • Delegated admin user permissions are required once to run the application. This link can be found under Modality Service Settings > Instant Messaging > “Grant Permissions”.
  • As a user of the Instant Messaging modality, you need to to register with the IM chat bot once in order to receive Adaptive Card messages and chat invitations. This is done via Nimbus Portal > User Preferences (Portal).
After registration, the bot will invite users via adaptive cards on incoming chat messages. This permission is necessary for bot-spam prevention.

INC Icon Legend Accordion

Show Icon Legend

💡 = A hint to signal learnings, improvements or useful information in context. 🔍 = Info points out essential notes or related page in context.
☝ = Notifies you about fallacies and tricky parts that help avoid problems. 🤔 = Asks and answers common questions and troubleshooting points.
❌ = Warns you of actions with irreversible / data-destructive consequence. ✅ = Intructs you to perform a certain (prerequired) action to complete a related step.

Currently, Instant Messaging only works together with Interact, which can be set up for user and for services. Interact for users works without a service being involved. If you want to setup IM for Interact for users, you can skip the service-specific steps described in this use case. On the contrary, you can skip the IM for Users steps for setting up IM for services.


Enabling Instant Messaging on Your Tenant

  1. Go to Modalities Tenant Settings.
  2. In the section Instant Messaging, toggle on “Instant messaging enabled” to get further options.
  3. Invite the external users for IM on your tenant. 

    Learn how to invite external accounts to your tenant

    INC Invite Azure Guest Accounts

    1.  As Tenant Admin, log into your Azure Portal.
    2. Go to Users > New Users and select “Invite external User”.
    3. Invite both guest users 1&2 on your tenant. Add each of the previously copied email addresses (e.g. and click Invite.
      ⮑ A standard Azure invite mail will be sent out to Luware.

      ☝ Note that MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) needs to be disabled for these users. Otherwise this feature will not work as the guest users cannot sign into your tenant.
    4. Let your Customer Success Specialist know that the guest users have been invited.
    5. Please wait while steps are done in the background:
      1. Luware cloud operations team must accept the guest invitations. Please allow for some time for this to happen.
      2. Once successful, the "Account is not added as guest" message should disappear on your side in the Nimbus admin UI.
      3. If this is not the case, please get in contact with the Luware support.
  4. Admin: Inform your Customer Success partner about the pending user user invite. This invitation needs to be accepted by us before usage is possible on your side.
  5. Upon receiving confirmation from Customer Success, you can use the Test UPN field to send messages to any user on your tenant (e.g. a future chat message recipient acting as service user).

Set Up IM for Services

Configure Your Instant Messaging Workflow

🔍 This step is only necessary if you want Instant Messing for your Services. For enabling Instant Messages directly to users, refer to Use Case - Setting up Interact.

  1. Navigate to Nimbus Admin > Configuration.
  2. Select Workflows > Workflows.
  3. Click Create New.
  4. Select Instant Messaging as Workflow Type. 
  5. Give your new workflow a name and Organization Unit that fits your new chat handling service. 
  6. Design your workflow in the editor:
    1. 💡 Note that you have similar Workflow Activities for instant messaging to those for Audio/Video workflows, however, with slightly differences. 
    2. We recommend you to start with "Accept Conversation" and a "Message" activity for your customer. 
    3. Follow up with a "Queue Task" activity to assign the IM task to the users of your service.
    4. Once the queue limit is reached, don't forget to use "Cancel Task", and "Disconnect" the user as you would in a call. 💡 A friendly "Sorry" message goes a long way. 

Create a Service System Message

🔍 This step is optional and only necessary if you want to add a Service System Message to your service.

  1. Go to Nimbus Admin > Configuration.
  2. Select Instant Messaging > Service System Messages.
  3. Click Create New.
  4. Fill out the tabs as follows:

INC Service System Messages


  1. Give your Service System Message a name and select the Organization Unit.
  2. Optionally, add a description.
  3. In the User dropdown, select how you want to display the task handling agent's name that is in the chat with the customer.
  4. In the Service dropdown, select which service name you want to display for the customer.

    In the example below, our service is called Documentation Team:

Messages to User

In the tab Messages to User, you can define messages that are displayed to the agent when an instant message is coming in, handled, or terminated, using both custom parameters and System Fields and Parameters:


Messages to Customer

In the tab Messages to Customer, you can define messages that are displayed to the customer when getting connected to an agent or ended by the agent:


Configure your Service for IM

💡 Now it's time to apply your new workflow. 

  1. Navigate to Nimbus Admin > Service Settings.
  2. Select your service and ensure that it has a Contact Center license assigned.
  3. Go to the tab Modalities (Modality Service Settings).
  4. Enable Instant Messaging. 
    ⮑ A new section “Instant Messaging” appears. If you don't see it, scroll down to the end of the page.
  5. In the “Instant Messaging Workflow” dropdown, select your newly created Instant Messaging workflow from the previous step. 
  6. In the Service System Messages dropdown, select a service system message created previously. This step is optional.
  7. Head over to the tab Interact (Interact Service Settings) and enable Interact by switching on the toggle.
  8. Enable Instant Message and other modalities you want to use in the service.
  9. Copy the service snippet (in the section “Integration”) and paste it into your website once you are ready to go live. 
    💡Clicking Preview opens the Interact integration preview for your service.

Prepare Your Users for IM

Finally, you need to ensure that users are part of the service and can handle incoming instant message tasks.

  1. Go to Admin > User Administration.
  2. In General User Settings, enable Instant Messaging for each user you want to allow to handle IM tasks. 
  3. Navigate to Nimbus Admin > Service Settings.
  4. Select your service and go to the tab Users.
  5. Ensure that at least one user with an assigned Instant Messaging modality license is added to the service in order to distribute IM tasks. 

Set Up IM for Users

Create a Direct System Message

🔍 This step is optional and only necessary if you want to add a Direct System Message to your user.

  1. Go to Nimbus Admin > Configuration.
  2. Select Instant Messaging > Direct System Messages.
  3. Click Create New.
  4. Fill out the tabs as follows:

INC Direct System Messages


  1. Give your Direct System Message a name and select the Organization Unit.
  2. Optionally, add a description.
  3. In the User dropdown, select how you want to display the user's name for customer. You can can either display the user's current display name or define a custom name.

Messages to User

In the tab Messages to User, you can define messages that are displayed to the user when an instant message is coming in, handled, or terminated, using Direct Conversation Parameters:


Messages to Customer

In the tab Messages to Customer, you can define messages that are displayed to the customer when getting connected to the user or ended by the user:


Configure your User for IM

  1. Go to Admin > Users.
  2.  Select the user.
  3. In Interact User Settings, enable Instant Messaging.
  4. Optionally, select the previously created Direct System Message in the appropriate field.

Setup the Teams App Setup Policy

Configure the App Setup Policy

💡 A Teams administrator needs to enable uploading custom apps for Nimbus in the Microsoft Teams admin center, otherwise sending messages to a bot might not work. You can create a separate Nimbus App Setup Policy for this or configure your global policy accordingly. For this example, we created a separate App Setup Policy for Nimbus.

  1. In Microsoft Teams admin center, go to Teams apps > Setup policies and select the Nimbus App Setup Policy.
  2. Enable Upload custom apps.
  3. Optionally, enable User pinning
  4. Save the configuration.

Assign the Nimbus Setup Policy to your IM users

Now, the Nimbus App Setup Policy needs to be assigned to all Nimbus IM users.

  1. In Microsoft Teams admin center, go to Users > Manage Users and select the user you want to assign the policy to.
  2. Click Edit
    ⮑ A popup will appear on the right-and side.
  3. In the Select App setup policy dropdown, select the Nimbus App Setup Policy
  4. Click Apply.

Instruct Your Agents to Get Ready

✅ Service Owner or Admin: Instruct your Agents to register with the IM chat bot once. This is done via their individual Nimbus User Preferences (Portal). Every newly added user (agent) that should handle instant messages must grant this permission once, after which it will work for all services distributing IM tasks.

This will open a deep link in Teams with the Bot as target and a predefined message. In order to get registered you need to send a message to the bot.

☝ If you can't send a message and see the following: You cannot send messages to this bot, ask a Teams admin to check if the correct App Setup Policy is assigned to you.

After registration, the bot will invite users via Adaptive Cards when a chat message is coming in. You can now engage in Instant Message tasks.

Optional: Setting up your own ACS instance

Optional: Azure Communication Service Instance

💡 Note: This step is optional. Out of box, Nimbus will provide you with an Azure Communication Services endpoint. However, you can make use of your own dedicated ACS (Azure Communication Service) instance from Azure.

  1. Navigate to Nimbus Admin > Tenant Administration
  2. Select the Modalities tab.
  3. Locate the "Instant Messaging" section. 
  4. Enable "Use your own ACS Instance" and provide the ACS connection string and resource ID:

INC ACS Instance Setup

INC ACS Instance Setup

The following steps describe how an ACS instance can be setup. Which is required for Nimbus Assistant and/or Interact.

INC Interact Azure Billing


The usage of Interact will cause additional monthly ACS (Azure Communication Services) costs depending on modality (IM/AV) used. These cost are determined by Microsoft. Also see:

  • Before enabling additional modality features for your services, get in touch with your Luware Customer Success specialist to discuss terms, usage scenarios, and necessary setup procedures.
  • Please note that Nimbus and Interact support does not cover pricing discussions or make recommendations based on the Microsoft Azure infrastructure.

Create new Azure Communication Service

To create a new Azure Communication Service perform the steps:

  1. Head to Azure Portal and login with tenant admin rights.
  2. Search for "Azure Communication Service" component and click "Create".   
    ☝ Make sure not to use any underline/underscores within the name.
  3. Switch to the Keys tab and copy the connection string  



☝ Please consider the known limitations below.

Known Limitations

INC Instant Messaging Limitations


  • Engaging in Instant Messaging with Nimbus Services currently requires Interact and its SDK. Native support for IM via MS Teams will be implemented when Microsoft releases the according functionality for public use.
  • Supervision is currently not supported for Instant Messaging interactions.

INC Known Interact Limitations


  • Interact has certain JavaScript calling limitations in regards to operating systems and browsers. Refer to the official MSFT documentation.
  • Audio/Video Calls initiated from Interact have the following workflow limitations:
Workflow Activity Limitations

Can only target services. Not supported targets are:

  • external
  • user
  • parameter
Queue "Pickup" distribution type is not supported.
Voice Message Not supported.
Customer Input Sending DTMF over Interact (Client/SDK) is not supported

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