Installation Prerequisites

All you need to know before you start with Nimbus installation

Before you start

The Nimbus installation requires prior setup for your Tenant. Get in touch with your Customer Success contact. To prepare: 

  • Read the following page carefully as technical details (User Roles, Licensing, Permissions) need to be discussed and set up accordingly.
  • ☝Please note that Nimbus Installation and follow-up Service Provisioning is not possible until your Tenant is configured on Luware side.

How Nimbus structures User Roles

Within the MS Teams Client Nimbus will use your existing structures to authenticate any team members as users of Nimbus.

Role Installation-related tasks Related readings

Tenant Admin is required to execute the Nimbus Installation in your company tenant.

The tenant admin

As Tenant Admins or users with a similar administrative role in your company we recommend the following: 



Team Owner is a service administrator in Nimbus. A team owner

  • can add the Nimbus application to the Teams Client when the Nimbus Installation is complete.
  • can execute Service Provisioning (may require tenant administrator assistance where highlighted).
  • can change Service Settings. Certain settings need to be approved by the tenant admin.

Team owners will mainly want to… 


Team Member is a service user (or agent) in Nimbus.

A team member

Team members are primarily involved in…


Do not exist in Nimbus. None – Unauthenticated guest members have no access to Nimbus features.

Nimbus Licensing Structure

Nimbus Services, Users and Addons are individually licensed. During your onboarding – or whenever you decide to change your license count – your Customer Success contact will discuss License Management details with you.

About Nimbus Service Types

☝ Depending on your service type chosen the set of Nimbus Features varies. Before you continue with your first Service Provisioning we strongly recommend to inform yourself about the available types of services, as it ties directly into both your licensing, related configuration effort and how (future) users are onboarded into your service.

A comparison Nimbus service types

INC Nimbus Service Types

Base Licenses

  Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center
Description By default, Nimbus is provisioned as an "Advanced Routing" service, each with individual Task Queue and Distribution settings. Enterprise Routing offers more workflow flexibility and additional call context support. Contact Center offers skill-based routing outside of single-service constraints with high user flexibility. Prioritize your calls to create VIP- and Emergency hotlines.
Target audience

Collaborative teams and customer services requiring flexibility with minimal setup effort. 


Nimbus Service users and MS Teams members stay in sync automatically.

Extended teams with dedicated support and sales capabilities, tied into external CRM / Service Desk systems.


Nimbus Service users and MS Teams members stay in sync automatically.

Contact Centers or Priority Services handling specialized tasks regardless of customer time zone or service called.


Users and roles are manually assignable, acting independently from MS Teams.

Configurable Nimbus Features

✅ For each of your services, you can freely configure Opening Hours and Workflows.

✅ Each user gets easy access to the Nimbus Personal App and Nimbus Teams Tab, seamlessly integrated into the MS Teams client experience.

✅Each service team has access to its own Dashboard with KPI metrics, impacted by indivdiual Distribution Service Settings.

✅Enables Outbound Service Calls and caller Context.

✅ Adds further Service Configuration options and Workflow Templates to pick from.

✅Extends your users My Sessions view with Codes, Tags and Context, allowing for more detailed call experience that includes task / upselling note taking for your your Power BI historical reporting.

✅ Define dynamic teams based on skills and advanced User Roles instead of relying on fixed MS Teams / Member / Owner structures.

✅Assign users as customizable “Agents” with indivdiual Responsibility Profiles.

✅Access to customizable Dashboards with individual widgets and filters for KPI monitoring.

✅Allows for After-Call-Work (ACW) to shield users from further tasks, configured individually in the Distribution Service Settings.

✅Enables User States tracking for extended Reporting capabilities.

Call distribution

Based on "QueueWorkflow settings and user presence.


💡Tasks are distributed to all users equally (round-robin, longest-idle first).

💡 Workflows allow flexible routing between services, each with their own distribution type, IVR, and set of opening hours.

Adds dynamic task handling to workflows. 


💡Allows checking and reacting to a caller's queue status, e.g. to re-distribute long-waiting tasks to backup services.

💡Optionally, tasks can be handled on a "first-to-pick-up" basis for higher throughput.

Enables skill-based user routing. 


💡Freely allows you to define your Skills and Responsibilities as criteria for call distribution.

💡Calls are distributed based on Distribution Policies in your services which ensure that users with the matching skills are pooled dynamically.

An overview of Nimbus service licenses

Additional Add-ons and Apps

These add-ons and apps can be additionally added to your License Management and distributed among your services and users.

💡 Note that adding add-ons and apps entails additional license costs.

INC Addons and Apps

Attendant Console 

Allows the user to act as a front desk operator


Get access to extended Address Book searches.

Support Call Handling scenarios (e.g. Safe, Blind transfer, Consultation calls).
Customizable contact groups with note-taking capabilities.

🔎 Attendant Console can be activated via User Administration per user.


Allows direct interaction widgets on your website


Remove the need of additional software on customer side.

Optionally avoid service queues if you want customers to directly interact with your users.

🔎 Learn more on our Interact Solution page.
🔎 Interact can be activated per user via User Administration or service via Service Administration.


Assistant runs in your browser as a small UI extension, or as standalone Assistant App1, which offers additional features:


✅ In-Browser, within the Nimbus Portal UI: Allows as RONA or Responsibility Profiles management.

✅ Installed as standalone App1: Removes the need to have Nimbus open in your browser at all times. The App will show automatically show context and and trigger web requests on incoming Nimbus tasks2.

🔎1 Nimbus Assistant comes with your Contact Center license and can be activated individually per user via User Administration

🔎2 Configurable as user-individual Direct Call Templates or service-wide Service Call Templates. Learn more about this by visiting Assistant Configuration and Use Case - Setting Up Assistant.

Individually assignable addon licenses

Script Execution and Impersonation Permissions

Nimbus Services is deployed and (re)configured using PowerShell scripts which help keeping your Tenant configuration efforts to a minimum. 

💡Please note:

  • You need Tenant Administrator permissions to use PowerShell for Nimbus deployment.    
  • Particularly on a first script run, we highly recommend starting the PowerShell session as administrator to ensure that necessary dependencies are installed. Our scripts will retrieve dependencies automatically and install them on your running PC if necessary.
  • A re-execution of the script is needed for both new Service Provisioning and specific General Service Settings changes, as phone-licenses and numbers, delegated permissions other related changes need to be pushed to Azure.
  • An execution of the script is also required when Uninstalling Nimbus, ensuring that (PSTN/User) licenses are freed up and service-related Azure data is removed.

🔍 For more information, see Provisioning via Microsoft PowerShell.

Communication Settings 

MS Teams External Access

INC Nimbus External Access Requirement


TENANT ADMIN You need your tenant to allow external communications with the "" domain.

 Learn more about managing external access

🔍 The necessary configuration steps are described in the Microsoft Teams Documentation: Manage external Access.


You will also need to disable the "Enhanced Presence Privacy Mode" policy which prevents visibility of the Teams Presence.

About the "Enhanced Presence Privacy Mode"

The "Enhanced Presence Privacy Mode" is a global configuration which, if enabled, prevents all external organizations from viewing the Teams Presence status of your users via Teams Federation.

If this mode is enabled, Nimbus will see all users as permanently Offline, and thus won't be able to distribute calls to them.

☝ This is a legacy configuration option used in Lync / Skype for Business which is not available anymore in the Microsoft Teams Admin Center. It can only be viewed and configured via PowerShell. As  a global setting it applies to all users and cannot be deactivated or bypassed for individual users.

✅ To check whether this is enabled in your tenant by running the following PowerShell command:

Get-CsPrivacyConfiguration | Select EnablePrivacyMode

The command will return "True" if the Enhance Presence Privacy Mode is enabled, or "False" (default value) if it is disabled.

✅ To deactivate it, run the following PowerShell command:

Set-CsPrivacyConfiguration -EnablePrivacyMode $false

🤔 Why are these steps necessary? Without being able to read the Teams presence data of your users, Nimbus will consider them as Offline and thus not available for call distribution. They will not be able to receive any inbound calls or place any outbound calls via Nimbus.


Proxy Configuration

✅ The following items are relevant for whitelisting in your proxy server. Please read carefully to prevent any blocking of important Nimbus functionality.

Whitelist: SignalR for Status Updates

Nimbus SignalR WebProxy Requirement

Microsoft SignalR technolgy is used for communicating real-time status updates between Nimbus and participating users. Luware Nimbus and related Apps use Microsoft SignalR to communicate content updates to connected clients immediately, rather than having the server wait for a client to request new data.

❌ CAUTION: Blocking SignalR has a direct impact on call information, user experience and reporting. There will be 30-45s update delays on the Nimbus frontend until a workaround method to receive the data is found. 

✅ To allow your Nimbus UI to correctly reflect data updates, ensure that your WebProxy does not block connections to the following destination: wss://* 

If you do not like to whitelist entire domains with wildcards and know your Nimbus cluster location, you can allow the following destinations instead:

Whitelist: Luware Cloud Domain

All Nimbus users need unrestricted access to the Nimbus Admin and Portal URLs as listed below. You can either whitelist specific domains or use asterisk wildcards as instructed below.

INC Nimbus Admin URLs

Switzerland 01
Switzerland 02
Germany 01
Germany 02
United Kingdom 01
Australia 01
West Europe 01
East United States 01
Nimbus Admin Panel URL

Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete * domain.

INC Nimbus Portal URLs

Switzerland 01
Switzerland 02
Germany 01
Germany 02
United Kingdom 01
Australia 01
West Europe 01
East United States 01
Nimbus Portal URLs

Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete * domain.


Nimbus does currently not support Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE enforcement). If CAE is enabled on your Azure tenant and you are experiencing problems with Nimbus, please read the following:

Learn more….

🔎Analysis: Nimbus uses workload identities but is Opted out (disabled) from CAE. Corresponding request packages are therefore received, but ignored. 

In order to opt out, don't send the xms_cc claim with a value of cp1.

Rationale: CAE supports a wide range of customer-side configuration options, such as Geolocation-based requests. As Nimbus cannot guarantee that these requests always happen from the same IPs (e.g. changing Nimbus Cluster and User locations), any changes on either CAE Configuration, related Graph libraries or User Login behavior would require high update and maintenance effort on both Luware and Customer side.

For the time being we therefore chose against supporting this feature.


Phone Number Configuration

When managing your phone numbers for the usage with Nimbus services, please note the following:

  • If you're using Direct Routing (numbers managed outside of Teams), you can assign any phone number to a Nimbus service.
  • If you're using calling plans for Microsoft, you can only assign a Service number type. User (subscriber) type numbers will not work.

Further information can be found in the MSFT documentation Types of phone numbers used for Calling Plans.


PSTN Licensing

Transfer to PSTN limitation

☝Out of the box, Nimbus and related addons can only perform PSTN transfers according to Microsoft's licensing and constraints.

🤔Which PSTN license do I need to acquire?

As of 2023, "Microsoft Teams Phone Standard" licenses are no longer supported by Microsoft. Previously, those licenses were viable for Nimbus. Regardless if you are using Direct Routing, Calling Plans, Operator Connect, the "Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account" license is now always required. 

Your Setup Required License
Direct Routing "Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account"
Calling Plan "Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account"
+ "Microsoft Teams Domestic Calling Plan" or "Microsoft Teams Domestic and International Calling Plan" or "Microsoft Teams Calling Plan pay-as-you-go"
+ "Communication Credits" (if these aren't already included as part of your plan)
Operator Connect
"Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account"

Please note that Luware staff cannot give recommendations on which license plan is best suited for your needs. Depending on your scenario, additional Teams App licenses may be required. Exact details are to be discussed with your Microsoft contacts.

Also see:


🤔How does PSTN licensing affect service and call transfers?

Assuming that Service A has a PSTN license assigned - but further Services don't - the following scenario may unfold:

Scenario A - Service A workflow is configured to transfer the caller to Service B. The license of Service A is used, the PSTN transfer occurs. The PSTN license is re-used throughout further transfers to Services C...D…x…and so on.

Scenario B - Service B is called directly instead. Now the workflow of Service B attempts a redirect to either service A or transfer to C. The PSTN transfer fails due to a missing license on Service B.


  • For one first-level-response service: If you handle first-response calls always via the same service, you need a PSTN license for that particular first-level service.
  • For multiple first-level-response services: If you handle first-response calls always via multiple services, you need a PSTN license for all those first-level services .
  • Nimbus will attempt to use the PSTN license of the first service that responded to a call, regardless of how many further internal service transfers are performed thereafter.
  • If no PSTN license is found on a service that requires it for a transfer, the transfer task will be considered as failed and treated accordingly by the system (e.g. workflow exit announcement, reporting "transfer failed" outcome).

☝Note that handling and tracking of running cost for PSTN licenses is outside of the Luware support scope. If you require assistance in extending and/or configuring your Nimbus services for PSTN, our support will gladly assist you:

Luware Support Address

 Luware Website
Luware Helpdesk 
Cloud Service Status
Luware support contact details


General Limitations and Limited Support Scenarios

No assistance for unsupported scenarios

The scenarios below may work for Nimbus under certain conditions, but are not officially supported by Luware. Our support team cannot assist you in these cases.

Scenario Rationale
Operating systems other than Windows 10 or 11

Luware is committed to get the best experience possible for a Windows 10/11 user base. 

However, Luware is also committed to address any requests and concerns and will prioritize its future development based on frequent user feedback.

Mobile device support (Android/iOS)

Mobile device support for Nimbus (both Android and iOS) is currently not a focus. → Also refer to the Teams web client limitations below. 

However, Luware is also committed to address any requests and concerns and will prioritize its future development based on frequent user feedback

Teams web client

☝ Performance impacts in the Teams web client

The Teams web client has limitations and sends a lot of incorrect status updates, especially when refreshing the page in the browser. This has a noticeable impact on how Nimbus handles Agent presence, availability, and reporting features.  

Causes and workarounds

Microsoft treats web-based Teams clients' presence status changes differently and with seemingly lower priority. The effects include:

  • Users sporadically appearing as offline
  • Spontaneous switch to an erratic presence status which is apparent in logfiles
  • Multiple status updates within only a few seconds, which increases when the user is refreshing the Teams chat window within the browser

Until this is resolved by Microsoft, Luware strongly advises you to exclusively use a locally installed Teams client app for all productive users of your organization.



☝ Running MS Teams web client with Nimbus embedded 

3rd-party cookie restrictions: Nimbus re-uses the Teams login token for its internal authentication (Single-Sign-On) so users do not need to enter their credentials on each Nimbus team. 

Opening the Nimbus tab in the web-based MS Teams Client (instead of a locally installed MS Teams App) bears a risk that 3rd-party cookie policies configured in the browser may cause Nimbus login issues. 

Causes and workarounds

☝ Note of third-party cookie restriction: In 2024 Google Chrome started restricting third-party cookies “by default for 1% of Chrome users to facilitate testing, and then plans to ramp up to 100% of users in H2 2024.” Other browser vendors are likely to follow suit with similar policies.

✅For Tenant Administrators: Most Enterprise users should be excluded from the 1% experiment group. However, Luware recommends that admins proactively use the BlockThirdPartyCookies and CookiesAllowedForUrls policies in Chrome to avoid sign-in issues, as described in this MS “Teams doesn't load” help article reference.

Add the following sites to the third party cookie exception list:


🤔 What are the risk scenarios? 

Not following the recommendations by Google involves a risk that Nimbus stops working in Chrome (or other default browsers) when the Nimbus App is launched embedded via MS Teams.

  • MS Teams client in your browser: A likely cookie-related risk scenario occurs as you launch launch the Nimbus App or Nimbus Teams Tabs. This triggers a user authentication using 3rd party cookies.
  • MS Teams standalone client: Microsoft claims that Nimbus should continue working in the client. Furthermore, Nimbus standalone tab will open and work when "Open app in browser tab" link is used.

To avoid either scenario, we recommend whitelisting cookie-exceptions in your browsers so that Teams can continue continue working with Nimbus. To allow (whitelist) specific URLs in your browser, refer to the steps described in this MS “Teams doesn't load” help article reference.


🤔 What are the effects/problems?

We identified the following issues in regards to cookie-related authentication: 

  • Warning at startup - A warning message is shown every time when the user start Nimbus in Teams. It seems it's a general error in case of the third party cookies are blocked.
  • Authentication popup issue - Returns a Cancelled By User error even if the authentication was not cancelled by user.
Auto Attendant and Call Queues (Teams native)

Transfer to Teams-native auto attendants and call queues

Nimbus does currently not support direct transfers via Blind transfer, Safe transfer, or Consultation Call to either UPN or PSTN numbers of Teams-native Auto Attendants and Call Queues. Any such transfer or consultation attempt will lead to the call being aborted.

Causes and workarounds

This is caused by Microsoft Teams limitations with regards to what voice applications (such as Call Queues, Auto Attendants, and Nimbus) are allowed to do, and cannot be circumvented by Nimbus.

💡 A possible workaround would be to force the call over your direct routing SBC by using an internal dummy number that isn't otherwise associated with any other Teams user or service already. This call would then be routed to your SBC, which can then re-direct it towards the actual number of the Call Queue/Auto Attendant on the Teams side again. As this workaround is dependent on voice infrastructure components outside of Luware's control and support scope, please reach out to your SBC provider or skilled personnel for its implementation


💡 The above mentioned workaround is not technically feasible if you are using Microsoft Calling Plans or Operator Connect to provision numbers directly through Teams. Forcing an external reroute as a workaround is not possible with these numbers.

Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)

Using a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) with Nimbus

Nimbus does not officially support a Virtual Desktop Infrastructures (VDI). While we have reports that Single Sign-On (SSO) in Nimbus may work on VDI, some users may still be unable to log in to both the Nimbus Portal or Admin UI.

Causes and workarounds

Instead of logging in to Teams itself, VDIs redirect the user to a browser window for logging in to the Nimbus app. This can cause problems with the login because the token flow may not come back to the Nimbus app. Furthermore, this redirect poses a security risk and is thus considered a non-supported scenario.

→ Workaround: If you encounter this problem the only solution on a VDI is to train your users to log in to and using Nimbus in their browser instead.

💡 Please note that the Luware support cannot assist with your VDI configuration. While this scenario may work with an adapted proxy/component configuration on your tenant, Luware cannot safely guarantee that all customer side VDI configurations work in this scenario.


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