Attendant Console

New Design for Attendant Console

This page describes both Attendant Console 1.0 and the new 2.0 redesign.

💡 Note that Attendant Console 1.0 will be phased out in summer 2025. Once you switch to Attendant Console 2.0 in Attendant Settings, the switch is removed and it will no longer be possible to switch back to the old design.

💡 Note: For more recently onboarded Nimbus customers, this choice might be disabled and you will be using the 2.0 design by default.


Permission Requirements for Search and Filter

Attendant Console 2.0 - Permissions

Attendant Console relies on User Permission consent to access company-internal user directories for search and filter.

✅To use extended search, permissions on the Contact search must be granted both by you and your Tenant administrator, each using their User Permission dialog.

☝ Without any consent, the search will only cover Nimbus internal Address Books which are kept in the Administration backend.

  Out of the Box User Permissions granted Admin Permissions granted
Free Text Search Address Books only

Address Books



Nimbus Services

Address Books



Nimbus Services

Filters Address Books fields only

Address Books


Nimbus Services

Address Books



Nimbus Services

Contact Groups - Available Available
Organization Tab - Shows only yourself and manager Organization tab in the side panel, including manager and peers.
Primary Contact Information  - Primary telephone number   
Primary email address
Contact cards now show all available fields.
Secondary Contact Information - - Contact cards now show all available fields.
Example in the UI - - Contact cards now show all available fields.

🤔 How can I check if access is granted?

You can directly check in the search field which search directories are currently available.

Available directories (based on currently granted permissions)

💡Attendant Console will automatically check and ask for missing or revoked permissions. If you think your search results are not comprehensive, you can always check the status icon, visit your User Preferences (Portal) > Permissions tab and consult your local Nimbus Administrator if problems arise.


🤔 Which search directories are covered?

  • The O365 / AD User Directory of your company.
  • Microsoft Outlook / Exchange Server contacts (e.g. "People" in Outlook).
  • Nimbus Address Books - managed by your service administrator via their Organization Units placement.
  • Nimbus Services only show team members when the Team Visibility in the Tenant Administration is set accordingly. Otherwise you may not see any team details or only those of your own services.

☝ Depending on which sources are delivering results for your search terms, duplicate entries of the same contact may appear.


Attendant Console 2.0

Getting started: Video Tutorial

We have created a series of short intro videos to highlight and explain the different areas and new UI designs of Attendant Console 2.0.


Attendant Console 2.0

Attendant Console 2.0 (AC2) is a complete rework of our previous Attendant Console (AC1). The goal was to completely streamline the experience without sacrificing any known features. While using AC2 you can expect the following features

  • A modern design, improved based on our most frequent Customer feedback.
  • More information at a glance, featuring a new side panel with rich context information.
  • A fresh look and User experience that shows its Attendant roots but puts more focus on the task at hand, changing dynamically during Customer interactions.

How to get started

✅ Attendant Console 2.0 needs to be enabled in your Nimbus Extensions Tenant Settings > Attendant Console before being available for selection. 

✅ As a Tenant Administrator, you can activate Attendant Console 2.0 for all Users by clicking “Overwrite for all Users” in Extensions Tenant Settings

⮑ Once the option is enabled on your tenant, individual Nimbus Users each can opt in to the experience by their Attendant Console Settings and check the “Use new Attendant Console Design” option.

☝ The new design will become active immediately as the new default, starting with the next website refresh. Moving forward into Summer 2025 the new AC2 design will be the default for all Users, so the Switch toggle may not be available on your instance anymore.


Small Glossary

To better convey the Nimbus interaction scenarios within Attendant Console, we need to establish the following terms:

Term Meaning
Contact A searchable entry in the Attendant Console UI. Most-likely a company colleague, peer and/or Nimbus User.

The process of the Nimbus / Attendant User consulting a Contact during an ongoing Customer interaction. 

The User usually swaps between both participants or escalates into a  Conference.

Conference The process of combining the call between User, Contact, and Customer into a call with all participants being able to talk to each other.
Customer A person reaching out for a Nimbus Service, thus creating a Task in Nimbus. May be understood synonymous with “Caller" or “Client”.

Tasks are handled via the Attendant queue. Shown as clickable “Task Cards”.

Tasks can be of different modality (e.g. Email , Instant Messaging, Audio/Video, or an External Task with no necessary Customer interaction).

User The Attendant Console User, e.g. a Receptionist or Agent. Can refer to any “Nimbus” user as well.


The new Attendant Console design consists of the following elements: 


The header steers and displays your Service participation.


Precondition: You need to be member of at least one Nimbus Service. 

The header will show:

  • Your currently signed-in Nimbus User State, allowing you to quickly check if you are "available" for task selection or not.
  • For MS-Teams-based teams: “Active” participation toggles (shown in green/grey) depending on toggle status.
  • For Contact Center teams (shown in blue) you will not see this toggle. Instead you control your Duty State via Responsibility Profiles (e.g. by using Assistant App or the Nimbus UI).
  • Access to your Attendant Settings where you can configure your personal AC2 experience.
  • Call On Behalf call controls so that you can directly make outgoing calls on behalf of a Service.

🔎Good to know:

  • Note that preconditions for “Call On Behalf” apply. Not every Service may have the feature enabled.
  • Your Services toggles in the header directly affect tasks shown in your → Queue.

The queue lists incoming tasks as single task cards, combined for all your Services.


Precondition:  In the header, you can directly impact your queue via the "On/Off" active toggle for the respective Service. You can only take tasks:

  • When your status is shown as “Active” for at least one Service and …
  • … your User State in the header shows “Available”, meaning that you are not blocked by other tasks or status flags such as ACW or RONA.

🔎Good to know:

  • Tasks are only shown for Services you're currently set “Active” for (by using your header). Longest waiting tasks will be sorted on top so that you can address them in order of urgency.
  • You can also collapse the Queue to take less space, only showing small indicators and waiting time.
    💡More details are shown in a tooltip.
  • The Service toggle functionality has the same effect as toggling the status in other Nimbus areas, such as My Overview or Services Overview. Your team owners can also set this toggle for you, with immediate effect.
  • When being part of multiple Services, the queue items are accumulated or removed in real-time, always sorted by longest waiting Customers or - if defined - higher Task Priority.
Active Session 

The core area for your Customer interaction. Whenever you accept a task from the queue, it will appear here as a task card within your active sessions widget. 

Active Session widget showing a task card with call controls

On active task cards you have the following call controls:


Puts the Customer “On Hold”. Click again to retrieve the Customer.

⮑ An additional “On Hold” timer is being shown.
💡 You can only engage with Contacts (e.g. start a consultation call) when the call is active (not on hold).


✅ During a Consultation Call:

Transfers the Customer to your current target.

⮑ The calling card will be removed.

⮑ You're free to take the next task.


✅ During a Consultation Call:

Switches between your “Contact” and the “On Hold” Customer.
⮑ The participant you are not talking to will be put “On Hold”  and the timer is reset.


Merges the call into a conference between all participants.
⮑ Customer, Contact, and you are now in the same conference call.

Note that merging the call into a conference call is not reversible. You may leave at any time to free yourself up for other calls. The Conference will continue in the background as long as participants are present.

Hangup and Retrieve

✅ During a Consultation Call:

⮑ Hangs up the call with your current call participant.

⮑ Immediately resumes the On Hold call.

Note how this button changes color (red) when you are about to hang up on a Customer, while a consulted Contact is deemed safe (purple) to hang up on.


✅ During a Consultation Call:

You can individually terminate the call for the consulted Contact.


Contacts Search / Groups


🔍 More details in the Contact Search chapters below

The Contact search is your primary area to work with while handling calls. It allows the following actions:

  • Search Contacts within your entire User directory or specific favorite groups, defined in your personal Attendant Settings.
  • Filter Contacts by certain fields.
  • Perform quick actions like Safe / Blind transfer, Consultation and regular calls.
  • Add notes to the Contact.

💡Note that you can create max. 10 Contact groups and add up to 50 Contacts per Contact group.

🤔Why are certain actions greyed out? This list is updated based on:

  • The call situation you are currently handling.
  • The modalities supported by your target and/or yourself (e.g. Phone licensing).

Contact Side Panel


🔍 More details in the Side Panel chapter below

Lists additional information, User fields, and context sensitive actions for your currently selected card (either task, Service, or a Contact).

Contact Search

The Contact search lists, groups and filters Users during ongoing conversations. By default, the Contact search and list is empty and shows entries as you start typing.

Precondition: Granting Search Permissions

Attendant Console 2.0 - Permissions

Attendant Console relies on User Permission consent to access company-internal user directories for search and filter.

✅To use extended search, permissions on the Contact search must be granted both by you and your Tenant administrator, each using their User Permission dialog.

☝ Without any consent, the search will only cover Nimbus internal Address Books which are kept in the Administration backend.

  Out of the Box User Permissions granted Admin Permissions granted
Free Text Search Address Books only

Address Books



Nimbus Services

Address Books



Nimbus Services

Filters Address Books fields only

Address Books


Nimbus Services

Address Books



Nimbus Services

Contact Groups - Available Available
Organization Tab - Shows only yourself and manager Organization tab in the side panel, including manager and peers.
Primary Contact Information  - Primary telephone number   
Primary email address
Contact cards now show all available fields.
Secondary Contact Information - - Contact cards now show all available fields.
Example in the UI - - Contact cards now show all available fields.

🤔 How can I check if access is granted?

You can directly check in the search field which search directories are currently available.

Available directories (based on currently granted permissions)

💡Attendant Console will automatically check and ask for missing or revoked permissions. If you think your search results are not comprehensive, you can always check the status icon, visit your User Preferences (Portal) > Permissions tab and consult your local Nimbus Administrator if problems arise.


🤔 Which search directories are covered?

  • The O365 / AD User Directory of your company.
  • Microsoft Outlook / Exchange Server contacts (e.g. "People" in Outlook).
  • Nimbus Address Books - managed by your service administrator via their Organization Units placement.
  • Nimbus Services only show team members when the Team Visibility in the Tenant Administration is set accordingly. Otherwise you may not see any team details or only those of your own services.

☝ Depending on which sources are delivering results for your search terms, duplicate entries of the same contact may appear.


🤔 Which fields are covered by the search?

💡Note: At any time, Nimbus & Attendant Console can only read Contact details from directories, not edit them. If you discover missing fields or false details in the search, Contact your local IT administrator.

INC Supported User Search Fields

Supported fields for Attendant Console 1.0 (AC1)

Prerequisites: User.Read.All permissions must be granted to use search features. As a Tenant Admin, head to the Nimbus Portal > User Preferences (Portal) > Permissions> Advanced Search and manage consent for your entire tenant. → Also see Nimbus User Permissions for more details.



✅ Fields are supported by search.
🔍 Fields support "CONTAINS" search operator.
Example: Searching for 'cha' will find 'Chadrick' but also 'Michael' 
➕ These fields support filter capabilities which can be used to narrow down a search.

  • The search covers the predefined Nimbus Address Books fields, but no custom fields can be searched.
  • Filters need to be part of the search syntax. You can switch to Attendant Console 2.0 for a much-improved filtering experience.

 Attendant Console 1.0 (AC1) supported search fields table:

Searchable Field O365
Outlook Address Book Nimbus
Address Books
Nimbus Services Notes
Display Name ✅  ✅ 🔍 ✅ 🔍   First name / Last name combination
First Name ✅    ✅ 🔍   First name
Last Name     ✅ 🔍   Last / Family name
Initials     ✅ 🔍   Initials (e.g. "JK")
Surname ✅        Surname
Mail ✅  ✅ 🔍   Email Address
User Principal Name (UPN) ✅    ✅ 🔍   Consists of: user name (login name), separator (the @ symbol), and domain name (UPN suffix)
Job Title ✅ ➕ ✅ 🔍 ➕ ✅ 🔍 ➕    Job Title
Business Phones     ✅ 🔍   Business Phone
Home Phones     ✅ 🔍    Home Phone
Mobile Phones     ✅ 🔍   Mobile Phone
IM Address     ✅ 🔍   IM SIP Address
Street   ✅ 🔍➕   Street Address
City ✅ ➕   ✅ 🔍    Code and City
Company   ✅ ➕ ☝ ✅ 🔍    Company 
Country ✅ ➕   ✅ 🔍 ➕   Country of Origin
Department ✅ ➕ ✅ ➕ ☝ ✅ 🔍 ➕   Department
State ✅ ➕   ✅ 🔍 ➕   State
Postal Code   ✅ 🔍➕   Postal Code
External.CustomField1-10     ✅ 🔍   Custom Field

Supported fields / filters for Attendant Console 2.0 (AC2)

Attendant Console 2.0 (AC2) supported search fields and filters tables:

INC Supported Search Fields and Filters (AC2.0)

Free Text Search

Prerequisites: The full search functionality only applies if permissions are granted. See Attendant Console 2.0 - Permissions.



✅Fields are supported by Free Text Search
❗Limited by "starts with" logic
☝️Needs at least 3 characters to start searching

Search within
"All" Tab
Configured Groups
Outlook Address Book Nimbus
Address Books
Nimbus Services Nimbus
Address Books
All Sources
Display Name
Contact Details
First Name    
Last Name    
UPN (User Principal Name)    
IM Address    
Business Phone    
Mobile Phone    
Home Phone    
Job Title    
Postal Code    
Street Address    
External Custom Field 1-10    


Note: Filters only work if this field is actually used for the contact.

Search within
"All" Tab
Configured Groups
Outlook Address Book Nimbus
Address Books
Nimbus Services
All Sources
Job Title
Postal Code
Street Address

Search Concepts

Use the following tabs to learn more about the different aspects of the search in AC2.

“All” Search

Search All

Via Search field within the “Contacts” you can search Contacts at any time - during or outside an ongoing Nimbus tasks. Search results are narrowed down as you type. 

By using Filtering or Grouping, you can already start with narrowed-down Contact lists, e.g. your most used transfer destinations, Nimbus Services, or people from specific departments.

Search example: Searching for Users with a certain “Job Title”. However, the search is limited to exact spelling

Using the "All" Search you can search for:

  • Contacts: The default option. 
  • Notes: If notes were defined for a Contact, you can search for note contents.
  • PSTN numbers / SIP addresses: You can also enter unknown PSTN numbers or enter a valid SIP address.
    ☝Call actions may be limited in this case, as the target cannot be resolved by Nimbus (e.g. unknown phone license or modality support).
  • Nimbus Services: You can search Services as single entries. Works for both MS Teams-based and skill-based Services.


INC Filtering

When your current Nimbus view offers filters:

  • Click the filter icon for a filter selection menu.
  • Click on a filter name to directly add it and start.
  • Click the toggles to show or hide a filter.

When filters are already active:

Unless “All” is shown as filter content, your results are filtered.

  • Click ✖ inside a filter to clear its contents.
  • The filter itself will remain available for use.
  • To hide a filter again, use the filter menu. 
    ⮑ Doing so will also clear the filter from your search results.

☝ Important Design Limitation: Filtering 

Your entire company User directory (via “All” tab) underlies Microsoft Graph search limitations.

🤔 How does this affect my search experience?

  • You have to enter at least 3 characters to trigger a search.

For example: You need to type at least “Mar” to find a name like "Maria".

  • A “Contains” search will not work

For example: typing “aria” to find “Maria” will not return any results.

  • Adding filters can be mutually exclusive. Adding additional filters will be prevented. 

For example: A “Company” filter available only in Microsoft Outlook would exclude all other directories (O365, Address books, Nimbus Services). 
⮑ A tooltip is shown whenever a filter combination is not possible.

  • Previously applied filters (from Groups) will be set inactive in “All” search.

⮑ While searching within the “All” tab, Attendant will show mutually exclusive filters temporarily as inactive. 
⮑ To maximize possible search results the “larger” filter sets are used (e.g. supported by more sources ).


→ To avoid these limitations we recommend to create Contact Groups and use “Group” Search whenever possible.


"Group" Search

Search Contacts / Groups

Contact Groups allow you to have any selection of Contacts ready, without a prior search necessary. By default a “Favorites” Contact Group allows you to mark individual Contacts via the ★ Star icon. 💡Advantage of using Groups: Contact Groups  - including the default “Favorites”  group that comes with your Attendant Console do not share the “All” Search limitations. Nimbus allows you to directly start searching as you type the first letter, using the full set of available filters and fields.

Within a Group the “CONTAINS” search is possible, yielding more results

Using the Contacts Group search field, you can search for:

  • Contacts: The default option. 
  • Notes: If notes were defined for a Contact, you can search for note contents. 
  • PSTN Numbers / SIP addresses: You can also enter unknown PSTN numbers or enter a valid SIP address. 
    ☝Call actions may be limited in this case, as the target cannot be resolved by Nimbus (e.g. unknown phone license or modality support).
  • Nimbus Services: You can search Services as single entries. Works for both MS Teams-based and skill-based Services.

Managing your Contact Groups

You can manage your Contact Groups within your Attendant Settings

Attendant Console 2.0 - Contact Groups

Contact Group Limitation

💡Note that you can create max. 10 contact groups and add up to 50 contacts per contact group.

  1. Head to Attendant Settings.
  2. Within the “Contact Groups” section, click on “Create”  to start a new group, or “Edit” an existing one (including your Favorites).
  3. Define / Change your Group Name as it will appear in your Attendant later.
  4. Click “Add” to define contacts. 
  5. Start typing to search for users.💡The search triggers as you enter 3 letters or more. Click on user names to add them to your Contacts.
  6. Rearrange the order of users via the handles as you want them to appear within your group. 
  7. Once satisfied with your Contact Group, click “Save & Apply”.
    ⮑You will be brought back to the “Contact Groups” overview with your new group added to the bottom of the list.
  8. Order your new Group as you would like it to appear.
  9. Optionally turn (any existing) groups invisible to keep for later.
  10. When satisfied with your groups, close your settings. 
    ⮑ Your new Contact Group will now appear in your defined order.


INC Filtering

When your current Nimbus view offers filters:

  • Click the filter icon for a filter selection menu.
  • Click on a filter name to directly add it and start.
  • Click the toggles to show or hide a filter.

When filters are already active:

Unless “All” is shown as filter content, your results are filtered.

  • Click ✖ inside a filter to clear its contents.
  • The filter itself will remain available for use.
  • To hide a filter again, use the filter menu. 
    ⮑ Doing so will also clear the filter from your search results.

Results / Contact List

Search Results

Search results are listed directly below your search field. You can switch between grid or card view, each listing the following details:




Shows the Display Name and Status of either Contacts or Services with the following detail elements:

Detail element For Users For Services
Presence Status
Clear Name Shows the Contact Display Name as defined per O365 / Entra Directory. Shows the Service Display Name as defined per General Service Settings.

Status (Colored Icon)

→ See 🔎 Notes below

Shows the User Teams presence:

Green = Available

Yellow = Be right back, Away

Red = Busy, DND

Grey = Offline.

For Nimbus Service teams, the presence state color reflects overall team availability.

Green = AvailableUsers are online, able to receive tasks.

Yellow = No One Available. The Service is reachable, but no User online to take the call.

Red = In Time Available. Users are online, but already occupied in tasks or set away.

Grey = Offline. All Users in this Service are offline.

🔎About Availability States

Your Teams Presence and “Active” toggle for a Service both determine if you are “Available”  to Nimbus and “Selectable” for handling tasks.

🤔 What are Availability states?

In addition to your MS Teams presence, Nimbus also tracks User States internally, marking you as “Available” for task distribution. 

Availability can be impacted by a variety of factors in Nimbus, such as: 

  • You being enabled (toggled “Active”) for the Services with currently queued tasks.
  • Service Settings allowing you to be “Available when Busy / Away”.
  • You being blocked by a status flag such as RONA or ACW.

🔎Learn more about this on the User States page.


🤔 No status / availability shown at all?

When the presence state cannot be resolved - or does not apply for that type of source - no icon will be shown. 

  • For external Contacts, this may be blocked by IT policies or firewalls. 
  • For internal Contacts, this can be caused by Users (or your Tenant Administrator) not having granted Nimbus User Permissions

🔎For IT Admins: Also ensure that the Communication by Nimbus is not blocked by your Proxy / Firewall infrastructure, as explained in the Installation Prerequisites.



Contact Details

Both for Users and Nimbus Services shows in prioritized order, if available in User directory:

  •  Job title
  • UPN
  • Phone Number
  • … otherwise left empty.

Within the Contacts area you are also able to add notes on individual Contacts.

Notes are defined on a User, optionally with an indicating icon. Note that all Attendant Console Users can see these notes!


  • You can choose 3 different icons for NotesStandard, Info and  Warning.
    💡This icon choice is cosmetic only.
  • The note's title field will be shown in the Note column first. 
  • Clicking on a note entry will show the full entry.
  • When title is not defined, the contents are shown instead. 
  • Clicking on any existing note allows you inspect detail contents and edit/delete the note.   

☝IMPORTANT: Data within Notes is shared

Be advised that Notes are meant as a quick storage of non-sensitive information.

Learn more…

  • Notes are publicly shared with other Attendant Console Users on your tenant. Keep in mind that potentially private information could be exposed in this way.
  • Each Attendant Console User may read and edit notes as long as they have search access to the same Contact entries. 
  • Deleted or changed notes cannot be restored. A confirmation is shown  for note deletion. 
    • Removing a note will also immediately delete it for all other other Attendant Console Users. 
    • Removing a User from your O365 directory or Address Book will also remove their notes.

💡 We strongly recommend you to store any confidential of business-relevant User information in separate systems and databases with authentication.



Call Actions

Each card in your Contacts has a series of call actions that become available depending on the current call situation and chosen target. 


Call Actions (when available for the search Contact, otherwise greyed-out).

Available options are:

Things to keep in mind

  • All your search results are narrowed down by BOTH your Contact Groups AND currently applied Filters. Keep this in mind when switching between groups as you may not see entries you expect to be listed.
  • All Contact cards can be selected, opening a Side Panel with further context information and actions. More on this below.

Side Panel (Card Details)

The Side Panel provides useful context information and related actions. It's shown on the right-hand side as you click cards either in the Queue, Active Sessions, Contacts area.

For Contacts For Services For queued / active Task Cards
Contacts within your company (including Nimbus users) will show additional tabs with information and context actions, such as Calendar, Email and Chat functions and Organization details. Services will reveal service contact details and - if you're also a user of this service -  the availability status of other users. Cards shows basic “Session Details”. Fields may be “Empty” if nothing has been retrieved from external sources, such as an external CRM, Nimbus Address Books by using the Nimbus Power Automate Connector.

☝Note that information depends on your granted Attendant Console 2.0 - Permissions, as well as permissions granted by your IT department. For example: If a Contact's calendar is not shared with you, you may not see any events on it. 


Side Panel Tabs

The side panel is divided into the following tabs1:

Tab Name Contact card Service card Queue/Active task card
  • Context actions
  • Note (shared with other Users)
  • Contact Information
  • Contact Details
  • Context actions
  • Note (shared with other Users)
  • Service Details
  • Nimbus Session Details
  • (Any known) Customer context and details3

Calendar view

  • Allows to switch between days
  • Expanded view with (Day, Week Month) details
Not available Not available
Instant Messages

Shows a selection of available Instant Messaging  destinations, allowing to open an empty chat window with the Contact.

✅ During an active session:

  • Instant Message Templates are shown  with a language filter selection.
  • On template click Teams is opened with default content.
Not available Not available

Shows a selection of available Email destinations2, allowing to open an empty mail draft towards the Contact.

✅ During an active session:

  • Email Templates are shown with a language filter selection.
  • On template click the default Email client is opened with prefilled content.
Not available Not available
Users Not available

Shows the available Users in that Service, sorted alphabetically


Not available
Organization Shows direct reports, managers, peers, sorted alphabetically. Not available Not available


1 Please note that full availability of tabs relies on Attendant Console 2.0 - Permissions granted and is also dependent on the source directory where the information is retrieved from. For example: Outlook Contacts don't have a calendar and organization tab available.

Learn more about Attendant Console Permissions

Attendant Console 2.0 - Permissions

Attendant Console relies on User Permission consent to access company-internal user directories for search and filter.

✅To use extended search, permissions on the Contact search must be granted both by you and your Tenant administrator, each using their User Permission dialog.

☝ Without any consent, the search will only cover Nimbus internal Address Books which are kept in the Administration backend.

  Out of the Box User Permissions granted Admin Permissions granted
Free Text Search Address Books only

Address Books



Nimbus Services

Address Books



Nimbus Services

Filters Address Books fields only

Address Books


Nimbus Services

Address Books



Nimbus Services

Contact Groups - Available Available
Organization Tab - Shows only yourself and manager Organization tab in the side panel, including manager and peers.
Primary Contact Information  - Primary telephone number   
Primary email address
Contact cards now show all available fields.
Secondary Contact Information - - Contact cards now show all available fields.
Example in the UI - - Contact cards now show all available fields.

🤔 How can I check if access is granted?

You can directly check in the search field which search directories are currently available.

Available directories (based on currently granted permissions)

💡Attendant Console will automatically check and ask for missing or revoked permissions. If you think your search results are not comprehensive, you can always check the status icon, visit your User Preferences (Portal) > Permissions tab and consult your local Nimbus Administrator if problems arise.


🤔 Which search directories are covered?

  • The O365 / AD User Directory of your company.
  • Microsoft Outlook / Exchange Server contacts (e.g. "People" in Outlook).
  • Nimbus Address Books - managed by your service administrator via their Organization Units placement.
  • Nimbus Services only show team members when the Team Visibility in the Tenant Administration is set accordingly. Otherwise you may not see any team details or only those of your own services.

☝ Depending on which sources are delivering results for your search terms, duplicate entries of the same contact may appear.


2 Please note that clicking an Email destination link may not work out of box if the URL for the Mailto: Protocol was not registered with a default App (e.g. Outlook) on your PC.

Learn how to register the URL with your Outlook App

INC Register MS Outlook Email Protocol

To register a clickable URL:ms-outlook protocol with your MS-Outlook application, perform the following steps:

  1. Open your start menu, then search for “Default Apps” and open it.
  2. Into the “Set a default for a file or link type” field, enter MS-OUTLOOK
  3. Click on “Outlook”.
  4. Confirm with “Set default” 
Registering Outlook as default app for the URL:ms-outlook protocol

✅ Note: This example is for Windows 11 and assuming that Outlook was already installed by your administrator on step 3. 

💡The procedure of registering an App may look different depending on your OS version and UI language, but the process remains largely the same.



3 Nimbus provides a baseline of System Fields and Parameters during a call. Any further retrieval of Customer context (e.g. clear name, address, IVR choices) must be retrieved via Nimbus Power Automate Connector in conjunction with your Service Workflows.




Attendant Console 1.0

Attendant Console 1.0

Attendant Console is an optional application to Nimbus that allows you to handle incoming calls like a front desk operator. The main goal is to attend to Nimbus caller needs more directly and personally, e.g. in a Call Transfer scenario, forwarding them to a target of your choice. 


  1. Attendant Console is a separately licensed Nimbus Feature and can be enabled per user via User Administration. After the license is enabled for your user account, an "Attendant Console" entry becomes available in your main menu.     
  2. You need to be part of at least one Nimbus service in order for Attendant Console to show as an option.

✅ User Permissions: Attendant Console will check and ask for consent to Required User Permissions on your behalf. These permissions allow Attendant Console to read calendar details, IM presence as well as your user directory for searching. Permissions are managed in your User Preferences (Portal).

✅ Exchange Contact and Licensing; Special requirements apply for Microsoft Exchange (Calendar access).

Show Exchange requirements

✅ Exchange license and user permission requirements

To inspect a contact's calendar, the following requirements must be met:

  • User Permissions - Exchange Calendar View User Permissions must be granted in order to access a contact's calendar on your behalf.☝ This is usually done by your tenant administrator.
  • Exchange Licenses: Both you and the contact need any of the following Exchange Online plans:

✅Target user modality: Special requirements on modality licensing apply to serve all channels of communication:

MS Teams / PSTN license requirements

✅ MS Teams licensing and modality restrictions

  • If the target contact does have a MS Teams license but no voice (PSTN) license, the transfer to UPN is disabled. Chat is possible.
  • If the target contact does not have a MS Teams license, the account is shown, but transfer to UPN and Chat buttons are disabled. 
  • MS Teams Licenses: Any of the following licenses apply: 

☝ On all Attendant transfer scenarios, please also consider the known limitations below on this page.



On first start, Attendant Console will not show a lot of content to you, so we'll demonstrate some features on this example screenshot. Refer to the chapters below for further information.

Attendant Console Overview - Please note that this is an example screenshot. Your version of Attendant Console may slightly differ.

Call Queue & Service Selection

The queue lists incoming customer calls for all your services. You can directly impact your queue via the "On/Off" active toggle for the respective service.

  • The service toggle functionality has the same effect as toggling the status in the "My Overview" or "Services Overview" Nimbus tabs respectively. Your team owners can also set this toggle for you, with immediate effect.
  • Note that you can only take calls when your Attendant State (see below) widget is shown as "Active" (green). 
  • When being part of - and active (green) for - multiple services, the queue items are accumulated or removed in real-time, always sorted by longest waiting callers. 

Caller Context

The queue has a call context feature that ties into the Microsoft Power Automate Connector of Nimbus to retrieve additional caller information. The amount and content of fields shown varies depending on which data (e.g. from a CRM System or Active Directory) is available to Nimbus.

Hovering over the info icon shows caller context information.

Information Widgets

The top row of Attendant Console consists of a set of status widgets to help inform you about the most important metrics on your current call.

Widget Title
Description / Purpose

In Queue

Numerical representation of callers in the queue.

💡 Entries in the queue are directly impacted by your "enabled" toggle in the team selection.

Longest Waiting Shows the highest waiting time entry in the incoming call queue at a glance.

Service Info

Shows service line info depending on your call state:

  • During a call - Displays the service you're currently taking the call as (in perspective of the customer).
  • When Idle - Shows "No Data" when no call is handled.

🔍 Their use and status changes are explained in Call Handling.


Displays Info during an active call. Changes states to either:

  • Conversation Incoming
  • Conversation Active 
  • Conversation Park(ed)

When Idle - displays "No Conversation / No Data"

💡 As there can be two ongoing simultaneous calls (e.g. Call-park scenario), this widget will focus on the call with the external customer.

Attendant State

Shows if you are in a "selectable" User State for calls. Works like "green/red" signal.

✅ Preconditions for a green status are as follows:

  • Being enabled for any available service either by yourself or by a team owner.
  • Online and available in the MS Teams client.
  • Not already taking/making a call either from a Nimbus service or directly.
  • Not busy/away in your calendar. This behavior can be individually changed in Distribution Service Settings so that you may still be available to receive calls even during a meeting or while working abroad.
Services Allows you to "enable" yourself for call selection in one or several teams.      
💡 Disabling yourself in a team will remove you from the list of team members available for the call selection algorithm. The incoming call queue will be updated accordingly. This has the same effect as enabling yourself within other areas of Nimbus, e.g. My Overview or Services Overview, respectively. The state can also be toggled by your team owner.
Contact Search
  • This list is updated based on the call you are currently handling or when searching for users.
  • You can define pinned favorite entries and contact groups via your personal Attendant Settings.
  • The last transfer destinations are listed at the bottom (if available).

🔍 Find more details on this UI element further below.

Conversation Hub

The conversation hub is the central area to handle your calls. The hub is split into 3 sections to display your current incoming caller state: 

  • Incoming - signals any incoming tasks distributed to you (automatically) by Nimbus Workflows.  
    💡 Incoming calls will ring alongside in your MS Teams Client.
  • Active - your current task or conversation. You can use the call controls to handle your active callers.
  • Park - an area to park calls. In most scenarios, it is used to park a calling customer while you consult someone from the contact search. You can use the call controls to handle your parked callers.
An example task being handled in the conversation hub.

Task control elements

Each area in the hub has individual, context-sensitive controls which show depending on your currently handled task and relevant modality situation:

Applies to modality
Swap Audio / Video Switches the caller's position between "Active" to the "On Hold" area.
Merge Audio / Video Merges the call into a conference between all participants. 

Audio / Video

Instant Messaging

Ends an active task from other supported modalities:


Park / Unpark

Audio / Video Puts the calling customer from the "Active" to the "Park" area and vice-versa.




Audio / Video

External Task

Instant Messaging

Example: An “Instant Message” Task in the “Active” part of the Conversation Hub

💡Notes and Tips

  • A declined task will be redistributed to the queue. If no other service user (team member) is in an available User State, the task may be redistributed to you.
  • Certain controls such as merge or switch may appear multiple areas of the conversation hub. They usually have the same function of merging or switching an active or parked entry respectively.
  • Note that not all call controls are visible at all times. Some become enabled or visible in context, e.g. when you handle a parked caller, search for a contact, or only if the target supports the according modality.
  • Some actions within the conversation hub can be controlled via drag & drop as an alternative method to clicking the controls.

Contact Search

The contact search lists and stores your call targets during ongoing conversations. By default, the contact search and list is empty and shows entries as you start typing.


  • Search features heavily rely on your Required User Permission consent.  
    💡Attendant Console will automatically check and ask for these permissions if not granted already.
  • The Search also relies on your internal O365 directory fields and Nimbus-managed Address Books which are kept in the Administration backend. If you discover missing or false user details in the search, contact your service or tenant administrator.

The search feature has the following UI elements:

Element Description
Contacts (Live Search)     


Searching for users

By default, you can search for users by Name and Job Title as displayed in the result columns below the search field. The list of entries narrows down as you type.

Search starts as you enter more than 3 characters

Applying fields to filter search results

You can also apply filters to narrow down huge lists by clicking "Select Fields" .  
🔍 Also see  the Source column description in the table below to see which fields are supported.

☝ Note that you need to apply filters at the end of your search. 

Example: “John Doe JobTitle:(Scientist)”.

Field search rely on the fields provided by your user directories attached to Nimbus.

Searching for PSTN Numbers

You can also use the search field to call unknown numbers by entering a valid SIP-address. However, in such cases the call actions may be limited.
Search via PSTN number.

Searching for Services

You can search for Nimbus services and list up to 8 available team members of that service. Works for both MS Teams-based and skill-based services.

✅ Precondition: Services only show team members when the Team Visibility in Attendant Console in the Tenant Administration is set accordingly. Otherwise you may not see any team details or only those of your own services. 

Up to 8 available team members are listed on top, sorted alphabetically. 


Click Show All to get a full list with a filter applied to the Contact Search.

Attendant can be customized according to your needs by accessing the settings next to the search field.

Attendant Settings

🔍 Visit Attendant Settings to learn more about each option.   
💡 Note that these Settings are stored for your currently logged-in user and will not affect other Attendant Console users.

Search Result Columns

The contact search lists the following table columns:




Displays the source directory/team/service behind the corresponding contact in form of an icon:

  • Azure / Office 365 Accounts
  • Outlook/Exchange (for standalone mailbox entries)
  • Any Luware solution (e.g. Stratus Team/Agent, Nimbus)
  • Configured Address Books if made available within your Organization Unit.  
    💡 Note that these address books can have custom icons which appear in the Source column.

Depending on which sources are providing results for your search terms, duplicate entries of the same contact may appear. Your Tenant administrator can pre-filter available search results by following the steps in Use Case - Filtering Attendant contact search via MS Graph


Address Books added via the Nimbus configuration are also managed by your service administrator. However, you can manage address books as Excel files in your team and sync them automatically. Refer to our Use Case - Adding external Address Books via Power Automate.


☝ Note that not all search fields are supported by each source.

Show fields supported by Nimbus user search

INC Supported User Search Fields

Supported fields for Attendant Console 1.0 (AC1)

Prerequisites: User.Read.All permissions must be granted to use search features. As a Tenant Admin, head to the Nimbus Portal > User Preferences (Portal) > Permissions> Advanced Search and manage consent for your entire tenant. → Also see Nimbus User Permissions for more details.



✅ Fields are supported by search.
🔍 Fields support "CONTAINS" search operator.
Example: Searching for 'cha' will find 'Chadrick' but also 'Michael' 
➕ These fields support filter capabilities which can be used to narrow down a search.

  • The search covers the predefined Nimbus Address Books fields, but no custom fields can be searched.
  • Filters need to be part of the search syntax. You can switch to Attendant Console 2.0 for a much-improved filtering experience.

 Attendant Console 1.0 (AC1) supported search fields table:

Searchable Field O365
Outlook Address Book Nimbus
Address Books
Nimbus Services Notes
Display Name ✅  ✅ 🔍 ✅ 🔍   First name / Last name combination
First Name ✅    ✅ 🔍   First name
Last Name     ✅ 🔍   Last / Family name
Initials     ✅ 🔍   Initials (e.g. "JK")
Surname ✅        Surname
Mail ✅  ✅ 🔍   Email Address
User Principal Name (UPN) ✅    ✅ 🔍   Consists of: user name (login name), separator (the @ symbol), and domain name (UPN suffix)
Job Title ✅ ➕ ✅ 🔍 ➕ ✅ 🔍 ➕    Job Title
Business Phones     ✅ 🔍   Business Phone
Home Phones     ✅ 🔍    Home Phone
Mobile Phones     ✅ 🔍   Mobile Phone
IM Address     ✅ 🔍   IM SIP Address
Street   ✅ 🔍➕   Street Address
City ✅ ➕   ✅ 🔍    Code and City
Company   ✅ ➕ ☝ ✅ 🔍    Company 
Country ✅ ➕   ✅ 🔍 ➕   Country of Origin
Department ✅ ➕ ✅ ➕ ☝ ✅ 🔍 ➕   Department
State ✅ ➕   ✅ 🔍 ➕   State
Postal Code   ✅ 🔍➕   Postal Code
External.CustomField1-10     ✅ 🔍   Custom Field

Supported fields / filters for Attendant Console 2.0 (AC2)

Attendant Console 2.0 (AC2) supported search fields and filters tables:

INC Supported Search Fields and Filters (AC2.0)

Free Text Search

Prerequisites: The full search functionality only applies if permissions are granted. See Attendant Console 2.0 - Permissions.



✅Fields are supported by Free Text Search
❗Limited by "starts with" logic
☝️Needs at least 3 characters to start searching

Search within
"All" Tab
Configured Groups
Outlook Address Book Nimbus
Address Books
Nimbus Services Nimbus
Address Books
All Sources
Display Name
Contact Details
First Name    
Last Name    
UPN (User Principal Name)    
IM Address    
Business Phone    
Mobile Phone    
Home Phone    
Job Title    
Postal Code    
Street Address    
External Custom Field 1-10    


Note: Filters only work if this field is actually used for the contact.

Search within
"All" Tab
Configured Groups
Outlook Address Book Nimbus
Address Books
Nimbus Services
All Sources
Job Title
Postal Code
Street Address
(and Presence State Icon)

💡 For single contacts:

You can hover over a contact avatar to get more information. Clicking on the avatar shows the organizational structure with manager and peers.

User name and IM presence state according to the Microsoft Teams client of the involved contact.



  • The search view lists users alphabetically (A-Z) by default.
  • When displaying an organizational structure, entries are arranged by availability first, then by display name alphabetically (A-Z).
Clicking an avatar shows the organizational structure related to that user (Manager and Peers).


💡 For Services:

Hover over a service to get the information. Click on the service avatar to see service team members and their status.

For Nimbus service teams, the presence state color reflects overall team availability.


  • Green = Available. Users in this service are online and able to immediately receive calls.
  • Yellow = No One Available. Users in this service are online, but set to away and unable to receive calls.
  • Red = In Time Available. Users in this service are online, but currently everyone involved is busy with other calls and tasks.
  • Grey = Offline. All users in this service are offline.

Available team members (non-grey status) are listed on top, then alphabetically (A-Z)

Nimbus service general user availability
Clicking on a service shows the available team members on top.


🤔 No state / availability shown at all? When the presence state cannot be resolved - or does not apply for that type of source - no icon will be shown. For external contacts, this may be blocked by IT policies or firewalls. For internal contacts, this can be caused by users (or your Tenant Administrator) not having granted Required User Permissions to Nimbus. 

Name Resolved clear user or service name for the identified contact.
Context Displays additional fields such as Email, IM, Department if provided via the user directory.
Job Title Provides a job title field, if provided via your tenant user directory.
Note Allows you to take notes. See section Contact Notes below.

Contact Actions

Actions relate in context of your currently active call in the conversation hub, e.g. an action transfers the current caller to the selected contact in your search or sends a message with call details.

💡 If an action cannot be used by the corresponding contact - or is not applicable for the current call situation - controls are disabled for that entry.


Safe Transfer to this contact.     
Your current caller will remain in the call with you until connected.

🤔 Why are certain Contact Actions disabled? 


If no "Business phone" or "Mobile phone" numbers are registered for the contact in Microsoft Entra ID, the transfer to phone actions are disabled. Nimbus can only detect numbers registered via Microsoft Entra ID, not Teams-internally assigned Line URIs.

☝ This is the default state for Teams Auto Attendants and Call Queues. If you require these to be reachable via Blind Transfer, then you will need to add at least one number to their Microsoft Entra ID account. Also refer to the known limitations below on this page.

☝ To avoid lost calls in any transfer scenario, please carefully consider known limitations as well.





Blind Transfer to this contact.     
Your current caller will be directly transferred. The contact is removed from your conversation hub and you're free to take the next call.

☝ A blind transfer may be lost and not returned to you. This is also the case if the contact is not responding or taking the call to voicemail.


Consultation Call to this contact. You can swap between clients and merge the conference session.     
In the meantime, your original caller is put into Park position, listening to waiting music. 


Call To this contact. Unlike a Consultation Call, this does not create a conference.     
You can only speak to either the caller (customer) or your contact from the search.


Send IM / Connect via MS Teams.

  • Opens a separate Teams chat window.
  • During a call, a language template can be selected.

💡 The template selection (during a call) determines what language will be used to prefill an Email  or Instant Message for your contact. 

IM Template selection
Example: Mail template with caller details.


Send  Email to the contact.

  • Opens your default mail client and a new (blank) email
  • During a call a language template can be selected.


Calendar of the contact to inspect.    

Only shown when an exchange calendar was found.


If the contact does not have an Exchange license, the calendar functionality is disabled. ✅ See -→ Exchange Requirements on top of this page.


Add to Favorite Contacts. Contact entries of your choice are pinned in the "Favorites" group for future calls.
Adding a contact favorite group

🔍 Good to Know: You can also use the Attendant Settings to define further contact groups to sort and display users in.

Read the Attendant - Safe Transfer scenario to see an everyday`s example of these features.


Contact Notes

Within the Contact Search, you are able to add notes on individual contacts.

Adding notes on contacts.


  • You are able to pick between 3 different types of NotesStandard, Info and  Warning.  💡This icon choice is cosmetic and merely impacts the look and feel of the note when being clicked.
  • The note's title field will be shown in the Note column first. When title is not defined, the contents are shown instead.
  • Clicking on any existing note allows you inspect detail contents and edit/delete the note.   
Editing (or deleting) an existent note

💡Tip: You can also search for note contents by selecting the “Note” field / filter in the Contact Search:    

“Note” field in search

☝Be advised while taking notes

  • Notes are publicly shared with other Attendant Console users on your tenant. Keep in mind that potentially private information could be exposed in this way. 
  • Deleted notes cannot be restored. A confirmation dialog is shown prior to note deletion. Removing a note will remove that information immediately for all other Attendant Console users as well.
  • Every Attendant Console user has the same rights to read and edit notes. → We therefore strongly recommend to store confidential, legally- or time-sensitive information outside of Notes, e.g. in a separate system that requires authentication.



Known Limitations

INC Attendant Console Limitations


Audio/Video calls from Interact taken via Attendant Console will not support blind transfer, pickup, and transfer to voicemail.


INC Transfer to PSTN Limitation

☝Out of the box, Nimbus and related addons can only perform PSTN transfers according to Microsoft's licensing and constraints.

🤔Which PSTN license do I need to acquire?

As of 2023, "Microsoft Teams Phone Standard" licenses are no longer supported by Microsoft. Previously, those licenses were viable for Nimbus. Regardless if you are using Direct Routing, Calling Plans, Operator Connect, the "Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account" license is now always required. 

Your Setup Required License
Direct Routing "Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account"
Calling Plan "Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account"
+ "Microsoft Teams Domestic Calling Plan" or "Microsoft Teams Domestic and International Calling Plan" or "Microsoft Teams Calling Plan pay-as-you-go"
+ "Communication Credits" (if these aren't already included as part of your plan)
Operator Connect
"Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account"

Please note that Luware staff cannot give recommendations on which license plan is best suited for your needs. Depending on your scenario, additional Teams App licenses may be required. Exact details are to be discussed with your Microsoft contacts.

Also see:


🤔How does PSTN licensing affect service and call transfers?

Assuming that Service A has a PSTN license assigned - but further Services don't - the following scenario may unfold:

Scenario A - Service A workflow is configured to transfer the caller to Service B. The license of Service A is used, the PSTN transfer occurs. The PSTN license is re-used throughout further transfers to Services C...D…x…and so on.

Scenario B - Service B is called directly instead. Now the workflow of Service B attempts a redirect to either service A or transfer to C. The PSTN transfer fails due to a missing license on Service B.


  • For one first-level-response service: If you handle first-response calls always via the same service, you need a PSTN license for that particular first-level service.
  • For multiple first-level-response services: If you handle first-response calls always via multiple services, you need a PSTN license for all those first-level services .
  • Nimbus will attempt to use the PSTN license of the first service that responded to a call, regardless of how many further internal service transfers are performed thereafter.
  • If no PSTN license is found on a service that requires it for a transfer, the transfer task will be considered as failed and treated accordingly by the system (e.g. workflow exit announcement, reporting "transfer failed" outcome).

☝Note that handling and tracking of running cost for PSTN licenses is outside of the Luware support scope. If you require assistance in extending and/or configuring your Nimbus services for PSTN, our support will gladly assist you:

Luware Support Address

 Luware Website
Luware Helpdesk 
Cloud Service Status
Luware support contact details


INC Transfer to Teams Auto Attendant and Call Queues Limitation

☝Transfers towards the UPNs of Teams-native Auto Attendants’ or Call Queues’ Resource Accounts will fail. Based on the PSTN connectivity option used, transfers towards the Resource Accounts' assigned phone numbers will work as summarized in the table below.

Transfer Type Direct Routing Calling Plan Operator Connect
Attendant - Safe Transfer  🛠
Attendant - Blind Transfer 
Attendant - Consultation Call  🛠

Workflow Conversation Handling Activities  > Transfer > “Leave Nimbus”  disabled


Workflow Conversation Handling Activities  > Transfer > “Leave Nimbus”  enabled

🤔 Why are transfers failing? Is there a workaround?

🔎Analysis: This is caused by Microsoft Teams limitations on what voice applications (such as Call Queues, Auto Attendants, and Nimbus) are allowed to do. This cannot be circumvented by Nimbus.

🛠 Workaround: For these transfer types to work, Reverse Number Lookup (RNL) has to be disabled in the Resource Account's Phone Number Assignment. RNL can be disabled by executing the following Teams PowerShell command:

Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -PhoneNumber <phone number assigned to the CQ/AA resource account> -ReverseNumberLookup SkipInternalVoip

⮑ After disabling RNL for a Phone Number Assignment, Teams will automatically forward the call to the Direct Routing SBC, which then needs to redirect it toward the Resource Account of the Call Queue or Auto Attendant.





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