Flow Actions

How to configure actions within your flows


  • Actions can be executed after Nimbus Trigger Events occurred within your Flow.
  • Parameters and Fields described below are written for the “Legacy” connector which will slowly be phased out. The new certified connector requires a change described on Legacy and Certified Connector differences.

Add/Update Task

Connector / Action Name Parameters and Fields Description / Notes


  • Add an inbound tasks
  • Update an inbound task





  • Type (Call, Chat, Email, External Task (1►))
  • RequestId (Task Identifier)
  • Task Object to Update    
    💡 Allows only to update Context Parameters

Task Object

  • Id, string
  • Created, DateTime
  • State, string
  • Type, string
    • Incoming
  • Terminated, DateTime
  • CustomContextParameters
    • string, string
  • NimbusContextParameters, key value pair
    • Nimbus Read Only
      • ServiceLineUpn, string
      • ServiceLineDisplayName, string
      • ServiceLineName, string
      • ServiceLinePhoneNumber, string
      • CallerPhoneNumber,
      • CallerId,
      • CallerIsAnonymous,
    • Nimbus Read/Write
      • CustomerFirstName, string
      • CustomerLastName, string
      • CustomerCompany, string
      • CustomerTitle, string
      • CustomerDepartment, string
      • CustomerStreetAddress, string
      • CustomerPostcode, string
      • CustomerCity, string
      • CustomerState, string
      • CustomerCountry, string

PreferredUsers (list, n-tuple) (2►)

  • <priority>,<user>
  • Priority, Integer
    • Lower Number has higher priority
    • Highest priority if empty
    • Min 1
    • Max 99
  • User
    • UserUpn

Updates the Caller Information of a Task.


Contact Center - These feature requires Contact Center users and service licensing. 


(1) External Task Notes

Once created via → "AddExternalTask" action, "Add or UpdateTask" can update External Tasks details using the "RequestID" field as task identifier.

🔎 Also refer to: Use Case - Creating an External Task 


(2) Preferred User Notes

Used to pool users for the "Preferred User Routing" option, enabled within Distribution Policies

  • Allows to select one or several Contact Center users as “preferred”. 
  • The user(s) must not necessarily be members of the called service. Only the licensing requirement must be fulfilled.
  • Preferred user lists are also updated during "GetOnUpdatedTask" and "GetOnNewTask" Trigger Events.

🔎 Also refer to: Use Case - Set Preferred Agent from CRM 



Outbound Tasks

Connector / Action Name Parameters and Fields Description / Notes


  • Add an outbound task
  • Update an outbound task






  • Internal O365 UPN
  • Internal O365 GUID
  • PSTN

in a format like:   

  • 2023-02-09T14:40:00.0000000
  • 2023-02-09T14:40:00.0000000Z

dropdown filtered by:



  • Retries: 1-10


  • Default: 3600s
  • Min: 30s
  • Max: 1day


  • Default: 300
  • Min: 5
  • Max: 3600


  • Default 20
  • Min: 5
  • Max: 30


  • Nullable
  • Used for identification and change of task properties → See Ruleset(1►) in "Notes" column on the right.

(e.g. ExternalId can be stored here)

  • Nullable


  • e.g. $(Customer.CustomFields    
  • Stored when the call is triggered -
  • Updated when task is not accepted and rescheduled.

Adds a new Outbound Task or updates an existing one.

Contact Center - This action will be limited to Contact Center services with "Outbound Conversations" option enabled in their Modality Service Settings



  • Federated outbound calls are not supported, the flow will return an error.
  • Note that this Task uses general Nimbus Outbound Call functionality, so the same Outbound Call limitations apply.

Outbound Task Update Rules

Outbound Task parameters can be updated according to the following ruleset:

  1. If OutboundTaskId is provided AND matches an existing outbound task AND is not in "In progress" already, the task properties can be updated. 
  2. If the task is already "in progress" an error is returned. Properties are not updated.
  3. If the OutboundTaskId doesn't match any existing task, a "not found" error is returned.
  4. If the OutboundTaskId is null, a new outbound service task with the defined properties is scheduled.

Outbound Task Data Visibility

🔎 Also refer to: Use Case - Creating Nimbus Outbound Calls from a List of Scheduled Tasks 



Get all outbound tasks




ServiceUpn - dropdown filtered by User Roles and Organization Units ,

Get all outbound Tasks filtered by service specified. Returns task object and state.


Returned task state can be: 

  • Scheduled
  • InProgress
  • DestinationAccepted
  • MaxRetriesReached
  • Removed (by Supervisors on Personal Dashboards or via RemoveOutboundTasks)
  • Failed (e.g. task removed by admin)


Remove an outbound task






Removes an existing (= has Id) Outbound Task.


Note: Does only remove a task when not "In Progress".

External Task

Connector / Action Name Parameters and Fields Description / Notes


  • Add an external task
  • Update an external task




PreferredUsers (list, n-tuple)(1►)

  • <priority>,<user>
  • Priority, Integer
    • Lower Number has higher priority
    • Highest priority if empty
    • Min 1
    • Max 99



Customer Identifier (System Parameter)    

  • Editbox (optional), "Anonymous" when left empty.
  • max 255 characters.
  • Will be saved to CallerIdentifier.id in DB for reporting purposes.
  • Can be used in Workflow Activities (e.g. Voice Message, Announcement, Save to Parameter)


Allows to add External Tasks and configure Preferred Users for this task.

  • Creates a new task, immediately adding PreferredUsers to the list. If a call immediately starts with a "Queue" Workflow Activity and the preferred users are used for task distribution.
  • Past their creation, External Tasks are treated like any other task in Nimbus and can be updated via "UpdateTask" action accordingly, using the "RequestID" field as task identifier.

Contact Center - This action is only available for Contact Center licensed services and users with the External Task modality activated.


(1) Last / Preferred User Notes

Used to pool users for the "Preferred User Routing" option, enabled within Distribution Policies.

  • "Last Users" routing is ignored for the External Task modality, even if enabled in the Distribution Policy.
  • Once created, the preferred user list can can be overridden with → "UpdateTask" action.
  • Preferred user lists are also updated during "GetOnUpdatedTask" and "GetOnNewTask" Trigger Events.

External Task visibility

External Tasks are currently visible in Assistant, My Sessions and Attendant Console.



Legacy Connector: Flow "RequestID" limitation - When a new External Task  is created via Power Automate Flow Action, the "RequestId" value will not be returned. This means that you can't create and update an ET within the same flow. → You need configure an additional flow – based on one of the Nimbus Trigger Events – and update the ET via "UpdateTask" action.


Certified Connector: In the certified Nimbus Power Automate Connector this limitation does not apply.








  • ExternalTaskID (mandatory)

Removes External Tasks (with specified ID)


Can only remove a task before the "Connected" state. "Ongoing" tasks are not removable anymore.

Address Book Contacts

Connector / Action Name Parameters and Fields Description / Notes


  • Add a contact in an Address Book
  • Update a contact in an Address Book





  • Address Book
  • External ID of User

Fields of contact to add or update:

  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Displayname
  • Initials
  • Company
  • Department
  • JobTitle
  • UserPrincipalname (UPN)
  • IM Address
  • EMail Address
  • Business Phones
  • Mobile Phone
  • Home Phome
  • Address Street
  • Address City
  • Address County
  • Address State
  • Address PostalCode
  • + Allows Custom Fields

Add or update a contact in an Address Book


  • The visibility of Nimbus is limited by the Organization Units of the currently signed-in flow-user.
  • Only Tenant Administrators have the possibility to see the available Address Books in the dropdown.
  • If the External ID already exists in the address book, then the current contact will be replaced with the updated data.
  • If the External ID doesn't already exist, a new contact will be created.

☝ Note that address book fields have length limitations that result in errors when exceeded →  see Address Book limitations below.







Empty an Address Book

Address Book

External IDs of Users to remove

Remove selected contacts from an Address Books by providing their external IDs


Removes contacts within Address Books

  • The visibility of Nimbus is limited by the Organization Units of the currently signed-in flow-user.
  • Only Tenant Administrators have the possibility to see the available Address Books in the dropdown.
  • Note that removing contacts will also remove any notes that have already been added for them by your users through the Attendant Console





Empty an Address Book

Parameter: Address Book

Clears all contacts from an Address Book.

💡 To remove a single contact, use "RemoveContacts" action. 


  • The visibility of Nimbus is limited by the Organization Units of the currently signed-in flow-user.
  • Only Tenant Administrators have the possibility to see the available Address Books in the dropdown.
  • ☝ Note that removing contacts will also remove any notes added for them by your users through Attendant Console.





Get all exisitng contacts in an Address Book

Parameter: Address Book

Get all existing contacts in an Address Book.


Retrieves contacts within Address Books

  • The visibility of Nimbus is limited by the Organization Units of the currently signed-in flow-user.
  • Only Tenant Administrators have the possibility to see the available Address Books in the dropdown.
  • Returns an array of contacts with their ExternalID and the fields seen above.

Address Book Limitations

INC Address Book Limitations

Address Book Field Size Limitations

Please note that Address Books fields underly size limitations. When exceeded, the Nimbus Power Automate Connector will return a 400 Bad Request.

Learn more…

Area Field Limitation
Contact ExternalId 128 characters
  Firstname 64 characters 
  Lastname 64 characters
  Displayname 256 characters 
  Initials 16 characters 
  Company 64 characters 
  Department 64 characters
  JobTitle 128 characters
  UPN 128 characters
IMAddresses IMAddress

Maximum of 10 addresses 

128 characters per address

Emails EmailAddresses

maximum of 10 addresses

128 characters per address

PhoneNumbers  Businessphones

Maximum of 10 phone numbers (per type).

32 characters per phone number

Address Adresses Not more than 10 addresses 
  Street: 1024 characters 
  City:  128 characters 
  Country 128 characters 
  State 128 characters 
  Postal code 40 characters 
CustomFields External.CustomField Maximum of 20 custom fields
  name 64 characters 
  value 1024 characters

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