Flow Actions

How to configure Nimbus Flow Actions in Power Automate

Flow Actions can be executed after Nimbus Trigger Events occurred within your Flow, or after any other Power Automate trigger of your choice. Nimbus flow actions are used to creating or manipulate:

A list of possible Flow Actions in the Nimbus Connector     
(Note: Action names are subject to change)

INC Power Automate Preconditions


External licensing costs

A Microsoft Power Automate subscription with "Premium Tier" license is required to set up the necessary connectors in your Flows. Note that the pricing for these accounts is determined by Microsoft and outside of your Luware subscription.

Nimbus Licensing

Licensing: To use the Power Automate integration, at least one of your Nimbus services must be Enterprise Routing or Contact Center licensed. Additional licenses can be assigned via License Management in the Administration UI.

Configuration: Flow interaction requires an existing Nimbus service already provisioned on your tenant. Power Automate Trigger Events react to Workflow Activities in your currently running Nimbus Workflows – as defined in your Modality Service Settings. If your service has no (valid) workflow defined, trigger events will not be recognized.

☝User Roles

You need either Team Owner or Administrator in Nimbus to set up Power Automate Flows. Check that your currently logged-in user account has one of the required Nimbus Power Automate Roles.

💡Tip: To keep impacts and licensing cost to a minimum we recommend setting up flows as a Tenant Administrator as you have full access to all services and their configuration items located within their respective Organization Units. This also reduces the risk that Flow Actions and related Trigger Events suddenly stop working, as Nimbus Configuration entities, permissions or related user roles change.

Learn more about this…

The same user account UPN you use in Microsoft Flow is matched with the according User Role granted via Nimbus User Administration. Nimbus data is filtered via the Organization Unit placement of your logged-in user account. In effect, Services and Users outside of this OU placement are (not) shown in Flow Actions and Trigger Events to prevent accidental manipulation. 

The following table will give you a brief overview on which Nimbus User Role can manage Power Automate flows:

Nimbus User Role Notes on Flow access
Partner Admin ❌ Cannot use triggers for services in the customer tenant with his own account. Also have limited visibility on live-data.
OU Admin

☝ Can access the connector, but is not recommended to manage live call-data with, as the view on services and user data is restricted by Organization Units. If the Admin role is moved or deprecated, flows may cease to function correctly.


💡This role is primarily meant for assisting on configuration tasks, e.g. managing flow-related Address Books and Workflows.

Tenant Admin 

✅ Recommended!

  • Has full access to all Organization Units and their underlying Nimbus data entities.
  • Can see all tasks of service teams on the tenant.
  • Can use Trigger Events for all services on the tenant.
  • Can use flow actions as follow-up on trigger events, e.g. access Address Books / update tasks.
Team / Service Owner

☝ Usable, but limited access to data entities within Organization Unit rules of user account (reading up the path rule):

  • Can use triggers for assigned service teams only.
  • Can see all tasks of service teams only when part of the "Owner" group in MS Teams or where manually assigned as Service Owner.
  • No permissions to access or update connected Address Books .
Supervisor / User ❌ Have no access to the connector itself or any related configuration items and service settings.

🔎 Refer to Power Automate Roles for more details.


INC Power Automate Connector Deprecation Notice

☝ Deprecation notice: With the new (store-certified) Nimbus Power Automate Connector there are changes on Flow Actions, Triggers as well as Field and Event descriptors which require a Connector Migration.

✅ If you are using a deprecated (manually installed) connector you should perform a Connector Migration as soon as possible.

Learn more…

🤔 Why are contents on the Knowledge Base still showing old connector info? As Microsoft still changes the design / naming on Power Automate rather frequently and without notice, we shift our approach to be more “In-App” centric. This means that future connector updates will include guidance and in-app help as far as the Flow UI allows. Legacy Connector Knowledge Base contents will remain online for future reference, e.g. to perform a Connector Migration and comparison.

🤔 Why is the new verified Connector still shown as “Preview”? The Luware Nimbus certified connector and related Flow Actions are ready for productive use. Microsoft will remove this tag once the connector has seen frequent use on Microsoft official clusters, primarily after meeting their “General Availability” criteria.

🤔Why is Use Case XY is not covered in the new Connector (yet)? Our Knowledge Base will gradually move existing Power Automate Use Cases over to the new certified connector. If you require assistance on our existing Power Automate Use Cases, first check the Connector Migration page for hints. You can also contact Customer Success to request updates to Knowledge Base pages.


List of Flow Actions

Update Task

Flow Action: Update Task

Legacy Name: AddorUpdateTask

Allows to update any task (e.g. Outbound, External) from any modality that has previously been created. Updates the Customer Information of a Task.

Field Description

Nimbus Read Only

  • Service UPN, string
  • Service Display Name, string
  • Service Name, string
  • Service Telephone Number, string
  • Caller Phone Number, string
  • CallerId, GUID
  • Caller Is Anonymous, boolean
These fields are stored by Nimbus as system data. They can be used read-only within other fields or directly displayed in the Nimbus UI as further described under System Fields and Parameters.

Nimbus Read/Write Fields

  • Customer First Name, string
  • Customer Last Name, string
  • Customer Display Name, string
  • Customer Company, string
  • Customer Job Title, string
  • Customer Department, string
  • Customer Street Address, string
  • Customer Postcode, string
  • Customer City, string
  • Customer State, string
  • Customer Country, string
  • Customer Primary Phone Number, string
  • Telephone Numbers, ID/value pair 🔎►)
  • Customer IM Address, string
  • Customer UPN, string
  • Customer Email, string

All fields with information on the customer. Refer to System Fields and Parameters for more details on where these fields can be displayed.

🔎Using a Mobile phone number 

To update or add a mobile phone number of a calling customer, specify the “Mobile” field name and apply the according phone number from your directory.

Adding a mobile phone number for a calling customer

Analogous to this you can update other fields too, e.g. Business Phone, Private Phone, Private Line.


Customer.CustomFields (name/value, n-tuple)

  • e.g. $(Customer.CustomFields.<Name>)

Additional fields to add 

💡 To select the specific field in this data object, replace <Name> by a fieldname of your choice.


Custom Context Parameters

Parameters are placeholders for values stored by Nimbus. Custom Parameters can be created via Configuration  > Parameters


💡Parameters created in the Nimbus UI can have default values which can be overwritten with this field, and then further handled within Workflows, e.g. in a “Collect Information” 


👆 Note that in Microsoft Flow these parameter names need to be entered manually. 



Preferred Users (list, n-tuple) (🔎►)

  • <priority>,<user>
  • Priority, Integer
    • Lower Number has higher priority
    • Highest priority if empty
    • Min 1
    • Max 99
  • User
    • User UPN

Contact Center - Requires Contact Center users and service licensing to access preferred routing Nimbus Features


🔎Preferred User Notes

Used to pool users for the "Preferred User Routing" option, enabled within Distribution Policies

  • Allows to select one or several Contact Center users as “preferred”. 
  • The user(s) must not necessarily be members of the called service. Only the licensing requirement must be fulfilled on both.
  • Preferred user lists are returned on Trigger Events.

🔎 Also refer to: Use Case - Set Preferred Agent from CRM 


INC Parameter Size Limitations

Parameter Field Size Limitations

Please note both User Custom-created Parameters and Nimbus System Fields and Parameter fields underly size limitations. When exceeded, the Nimbus Power Automate Connector will return a 400 Bad Request.

Learn more…

Area Field Limitation
Task TaskID 64 characters
Customer Firstname 64 characters 
  Lastname 64 characters
  Displayname 256 characters 
  Company 64 characters 
  Department 64 characters
  Jobtitle 128 characters
  Streetaddress 1024 characters
  Postcode 40 characters
  City 128 characters
  Country 128 characters
  State 128 characters
  PrimaryTelNumber 32 characters
Telnumbers Telnumber Entry not more than 10
  name 64 characters
  value 32 characters
  UPN 128 characters
  IMAddress 128 characters
  Email 128 characters
customFields CustomField Entry Not more than 20
  Name 64 characters
  value 1024 characters
Parameters  customContextParameters Not more than 50
  name 64 characters
  value 5120
Distribution Policies  Preferred Users Entry Not more than 10
  UPN 128 Characters
Outbound Call  SchedulerEntry  Extensions Tenant Settings  > Max scheduled Outbound Tasks per service
  referenceId 128 characters 
  destination:  128 characters
  distributionPriority 16 characters 
  serviceUpn 128 characters
  customCallContextParameters  see above
  customer see above
External Task 


Modalities Tenant Settings > Max concurrent External Tasks per service
  serviceUpn 128 characters
  customerIdentifier 128 characters
  customer see above
  distributionPriority 16 characters
  preferredUsers see above
All IDs

for example: 

  • AddressbookId:
  • SchedulerEntryId
  • serviceSessionId
  • externalTaskId
128 characters
Virtual Assistants Service Settings  dataType 64 characters

Outbound Calls

These actions refer to the Outbound Call feature.

Flow Action: Schedule a new outbound call

Schedules a new Outbound Call task with a given Due Date.

Legacy Name: AddOrUpdateOutboundTask

Contact Center - Outbound flow action will be limited to Contact Center services with "Outbound Conversations" option enabled in their Modality Service Settings



  • Federated outbound calls are not supported, the flow will return an error.
  • Preferred user routing is currently not supported for outbound calls. Preferred users specified will be ignored and the task will be distributed according to the configured Distribution Policy.
  • Note that this Task uses general Nimbus Outbound Call functionality, so the same technical limitations apply.
Field Description

Due Date Time (UTC)    
in a format like:   

  • 2023-02-09T14:40:00.0000000
  • 2023-02-09T14:40:00.0000000Z

Determines when the Outbound Call is put into the task queue.


💡If you want the call to be scheduled immediately, set a date close by to the current time, e.g. expression:


🔎 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-automate/minit/date-and-time-operations


  • O365 UPN
  • O365 ID
  • PSTN


  • O365 UPN (Tenant-internal): johndoe@onmicrosoft.com
  • O365 ID (Tenant-internal): 802e8c50-5726-46d9-915c-e95655fbd2c8
  • (E.164 Standard): +12345678910  


Service UPN    
dropdown filtered by:

Dropdown with Nimbus service 

Only Nimbus services with the Outbound Modality enabled in their Modality Service Settings will be listed here. Also see preconditions above.



Distribution Priority

INC Distribution Priority

Configurable Property Description Behavior
  • Strict*
  • Highest
  • Very High
  • High
  • Normal (Default)
  • Low
  • Very Low
  • Lowest
  • Nothing Else*

* see notes below.

  1. When a new task enters the to the queue, it gets a default priority assigned according to the service's Distribution Service Settings
  2. When the “Distribution Priority” Queue Activities step is reached, the priority can be redefined. 
    💡 For example use “Special” Opening Hours cases to re-define the priority again.
  3. The order of tasks is distributed via round-robin method. Effectively this means: 
    • A new task of higher priority over existing tasks will take precedence and be handled as soon as possible.
    • A new task of equal priority will be sorted in below already existing tasks of the same priority, as it entered the queue at a later point of time.
    • A new task of lower priority will be sorted "in-between" higher priority task rounds, using a weighted round robin method.

When to select "Strict" or "Nothing Else" as priority?

“Strict” tasks will always be put on top of your queue. 
 ⮑Other tasks can get lost due to potentially long queue times as “Strict” tasks always take precedence.  
✅ Use this for emergency services and important VIP hotlines that always should get precedence over anything else in your queue.

"Nothing Else" tasks will only get distributed when your service queue is empty. 
 ⮑These tasks can get lost due to all other tasks taking precedence.  
✅ Use this for non-time-sensitive tasks in when your maximum queue time is long enough for them to get handled.


Priority in other Nimbus areas

  • Whenever certain workflow Trigger Event criteria are met, certain Flow Actions from the Nimbus Power Automate Connector can also be used to set a task priority dynamically. ⮑ This is overriding the default priority set in the Distribution Service Settings.
  • In general, tasks are always distributed according to a service's Distribution Policy (e.g. among "Longest Idle" or "Most qualified" Nimbus users first). 💡 Priority does only affect WHEN a task gets distributed, the policy determins WHO receives it first.
  • In all Nimbus views with a task list (e.g. My Overview or Personal Dashboards with "Task" widgets) "Priority" column indicates how high this task is ranked in the queue. With this setting, tasks may now "displace" existing tasks to a new rank.
A set of Nimbus tasks shown with different priority

Maximum Attempts

  • Retries: 1-10

Attempts to reach the Nimbus user. 

  • Between attempts the call will be rescheduled (removed and re-added to the queue). 
  • Between attempts → Attempt Timeouts are considered.
  • Afterwards the task will be removed and marked with “Destination Not Reached” in the Nimbus Reporting Model. All attempts are combined in a unified session. 



Attempt Timeout (in Seconds)

  • Default: 3600
  • Min: 30
  • Max: 86400 (1day)
Timeout (intervals) between connection retries until → Maximum Attempts number is reached.

Max Queue Time (in Seconds)

  • Default: 300
  • Min: 5
  • Max: 3600

Maximum time allocated looking for a user in the queue. 


Max Queue Time reached? → wait for Attempt Timeout → Check Maximum Attempts left? → Retry or abort.

RONA Timeout (in Seconds)

  • Default 20
  • Min: 5
  • Max: 30

Wait time ringing / until a user 


Reference ID

  • Nullable
  • Can be from an external system (e.g. CRM, Outbound campaign orchestrator, etc.)
  • Used for identification and change of task properties → See Ruleset(1►) in "Notes" column on the right.

Informal ID, not to be mixed up with Nimbus “Scheduler Entry ID” or “Task ID”. 

☝ Flow actions (Update Task,  Scheduling) will always require the internal ID and not take the “Reference ID” 


Nimbus Read/Write Fields

  • Customer FirstName , string
  • Customer Last Name, string
  • Customer Display Name, string
  • Customer Company, string
  • Customer Job Title, string
  • Customer Department, string
  • Customer Street Address, string
  • Customer Postcode, string
  • Customer City, string
  • Customer State, string
  • Customer Country, string
  • Customer Primary Phone Number, string
  • Telephone Numbers, ID/value pair
  • Customer IM Address, string
  • Customer UPN, string
  • Customer Email, string

Outbound Task Data Visibility

🔎 Also refer to: Use Case - Creating Nimbus Outbound Calls from a List of Scheduled Tasks 


Customer.CustomFields (name/value, n-tuple)

  • e.g. $(Customer.CustomFields.<Name>)

Additional fields to add 

💡 To select a the specific field in this data object, replace <Name> by a fieldname of your choice.


Flow Action: Get all scheduler entries

Gets all outbound Tasks filtered by service specified. Returns task object and state.

Legacy Names:  Get all outbound tasks

Field Description
Service UPN

Dropdown filtered by User Roles and Organization Units.

Returned task state can be: 

  • Scheduled
  • In Progress
  • Destination Accepted
  • Max Retries Reached
  • Removed (by Supervisors on their Personal Dashboards or via → Remove a scheduler entry flow action.
  • Failed (e.g. task got removed by Administrator in the Operations view)

Flow Action: Update a scheduler entry

Updates an existing scheduled Outbound Task.

Legacy Names:  Get all outbound tasks

Field Description
Scheduler Entry ID

Updates an existing (meaning: has an ID) Outbound Task.

Outbound Task Update Rules

Task parameters can be updated according to the following ruleset:

  1. IF a Scheduler Entry ID is provided AND matches an existing outbound task AND is not in "In progress" already, the scheduler entry properties can be updated. 
  2. ELSE IF the scheduler is enqueued and therefore a task "In progress" an error is returned. ⮑ Scheduler entry properties are not updated.
  3. ELSE IF the Scheduler Entry ID doesn't match any existing scheduler entry, a "not found" error is returned.
Other fields

Fields are described and behaving identical to the → Update Task action.


Flow Action: Remove a scheduler entry

Removes an existing scheduled Outbound Task.

Legacy Name:  RemoveOutboundTask

Field Description
Scheduler Entry ID

Removes an existing (meaning: has an ID) Outbound Task.

☝ Note: Does only remove a task when not already "In Progress". Stopping such tasks can only be done via an Administrator in the Operations view and should only be done on exception, e.g. a stuck or misconfigured task.




External Task

These actions refer to the External Task feature. The user point of view is described under External Task Handling.

Flow Action: Add a new external task

Allows to add External Tasks and configure Preferred Users for this task.

Legacy Name:  AddExternalTask

Contact Center - This action is only available for Contact Center licensed services and users with the External Task modality activated as part of their Nimbus Features. Users need the modality enabled in their General User Settings.



  • "Last Users" routing is ignored for the External Task modality, even if enabled in the Distribution Policy.
Field Description

Customer Identifier 

  • "Anonymous" when left empty.
  • max 255 characters.

System Field - Not being shown anywhere, neither in the regular Nimbus app nor in the Nimbus Assistant.


Will be saved to CallerIdentifier.<ID> for historical reporting purposes.

Can be used in Workflow Activities (e.g. Voice Message, Announcement, Save to Parameter).


Can be added as a “System Parameter ” via the Extensions Service Settings  > My Sessions > Session Details and shown in the My Sessions page for any External Task. 



PreferredUsers (list, n-tuple)

  • <priority>,<user>
  • Priority, Integer
    • Lower Number has higher priority
    • Highest priority if empty
    • Min 1
    • Max 99


  • Once created, the preferred user list can can be overridden with → "Update Task" action, using the "Task ID" field as task identifier.
  • If necessary preferred user lists can also be updated on “Update Task” Trigger Events.
Other fields

Fields are described and behaving identical to the → Update Task action.


Flow Action: Remove an external task

Legacy Name:  RemoveExternalTask

Field Description
External Task ID

Removes an existing External Task (meaning: has a Task ID).

Can only remove a task before the "Connected" state. "Ongoing" tasks are not removable anymore.


Address Books

These actions handle Address Books which are primarily used for Attendant Console search features.

Flow Action: Add a contact to an address book

Add a contact in an Nimbus Address Book.

Legacy Name:  AddOrUpdateContact

Field Description
Address Book

User Roles: Address Books in Flows

Power Automate Roles precondition: The visibility of Address books is limited by the Organization Units of the currently signed-in flow-user


  • Tenant Administrators have the possibility to see all available Address Books in the dropdown.
  • Organization Unit Admin have limited access to Address Books within their Organization Unit.  
    → If you want to steer Adress Book visibility, you can assign this role in the User Administration.  
    ☝ With this approach however you must keep in mind that access to the Address Book will disappear when the Organization Unit of that User (or the Address Book itself) changes.
Contact External ID

☝External ID of User. Should be a unique ID in an external system to allow to identify the external source record.

  • If the External ID already exists in the address book, then the contact will be replaced with the updated data.
  • If the External ID doesn't already exist, a new contact will be created.

Fields of contact to add or update:

  • Contact First Name
  • Contact Last Name
  • Contact Display Name
  • Contact Initials
  • Contact Company
  • Contact Department
  • Contact Job Title
  • Contact User Principal Name (UPN)
  • Contact IM Address
  • Contact EMail Address
  • Contact Business Phones
  • Contact Mobile Phones
  • Contact Home Phomes
  • Contact Address Street
    • Address City
    • Address County
    • Address State
    • Address PostalCode

All entries are strings unless stated otherwise. 



Contact Custom Fields

You can define own Custom Fields to add to an Address Book contact. To select a specific field in this data object, replace <Name> by a field name of your choice.


INC Address Book Limitations

Address Book Field Size Limitations

Please note that Address Books fields underly size limitations. When exceeded, the Nimbus Power Automate Connector will return a 400 Bad Request.

Learn more…

Area Field Limitation
Contact ExternalId 128 characters
  Firstname 64 characters 
  Lastname 64 characters
  Displayname 256 characters 
  Initials 16 characters 
  Company 64 characters 
  Department 64 characters
  JobTitle 128 characters
  UPN 128 characters
IMAddresses IMAddress

Maximum of 10 addresses 

128 characters per address

Emails EmailAddresses

Maximum of 10 addresses

128 characters per address

PhoneNumbers  Businessphones

Maximum of 10 phone numbers (per type).

32 characters per phone number

Address Adresses Not more than 10 addresses 
  Street: 1024 characters 
  City:  128 characters 
  Country 128 characters 
  State 128 characters 
  Postal code 40 characters 
CustomFields Field array of name / value pairs. Maximum of 20 custom fields
  name 64 characters 
  value 1024 characters

Flow Action: Get contact(s) from an address book

Get all existing contacts in a Nimbus Address Book.

Legacy Name:  GetContacts

Field Description

Selects the target Address Book.

Returns an array of contacts with their External ID. 

Fields are described and behaving identical to the → “Add a contact to an address book” action.

External ID External IDs of Users to retrieve. If no IDs are provided, all contacts are retrieved.

Flow Action: Update a contact in an address book

Update an existing contacts in a Nimbus Address Book.

Legacy Name:  AddOrUpdateContact

Field Description
Addressbook Selects the target Address Book
External ID

External IDs of User to update. 

☝ Cannot be left blank.

Fields of contact to update

All entries are strings unless stated otherwise. 

Fields are described and behaving identical to the → “Add a contact to an address book” action.


Flow Action: Remove a contact from an address book

Update an existing contacts in a Nimbus Address Book.

Legacy Name:  RemoveContacts, ClearContacts

Field Description
Addressbook Selects the target Address Book
External IDs

External IDs of Users to update. 

☝ Cannot be left blank.

Note: Removing contacts will also remove any remaining Notes that have been added by Attendant Console users. This action is irreversible as Nimbus does not create Address Book backups.


Virtual Assistant

This action handles finished “Voice Transcription” data gathered from a concluded service session. Used as follow-up to the Trigger Event “When the virtual user assistant has an update”.

INC Beta Feature

This feature is in BETA status. Functionality, design and scope may still change significantly over time.

INC Upcoming Connector Feature

Upcoming Features / Ongoing Certification

🔜This feature is not yet part of the certified Nimbus Power Automate Connector. To test this functionality, you can manually download and install the latest upcoming (V1) connector as Custom Connector. However – once the functionality becomes officially available – you need to perform a manual Connector Migration of your flows.




Flow Action: Get Data from Virtual User Assistant

Return the complete transcription(s) of the same service session (TaskID as identifier)

  • ServiceSessionId
  • DataType (single list,. dynamic from Nimbus)
    • Add first type: Transcription
  • Return new VirtualUserAssistantData
    • ServiceSessionId
    • TenantId
    • DataType
    • Data*
*(of the same ServiceSession)
  • List<Participant>
    • Id
    • Type
      • Customer
      • User
    • Identifier 
      • Type 
        • PSTN
        • O365Id
        • Upn 
      • Value
  • List<Phrase>
    • Phrase
      • ParticipantId
      • StartedDateTimeUtc
      • Language
        • BCP 47
      • Text

🔎 Related Info: Using this flow action you can parse and write outputs into any target, e.g. into a Teams Message or Email. Refer to Use Case - Analyzing a Transcript to see an example.


Table of Contents