Nimbus Features

Overview of Service Features, User Features, Apps and Addons


Features exclusively available in Enterprise Routing or Contact Center are marked accordingly throughout the pages and chapters in our Knowledge Base.


Overview of Service Types

Nimbus Service Types

Picking your service license

🔍 Service Types (and their relevant license) are selected via the Service Administration. Refer to the table below to learn about the differences between each type of service.


INC Nimbus Service Types

Base Licenses

  Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center
Description By default, Nimbus is provisioned as an "Advanced Routing" service, each with individual Task Queue and Distribution settings. Enterprise Routing offers more workflow flexibility and additional call context support. Contact Center offers skill-based routing outside of single-service constraints with high user flexibility. Prioritize your calls to create VIP- and Emergency hotlines.
Target audience

Collaborative teams and customer services requiring flexibility with minimal setup effort. 


Nimbus Service users and MS Teams members stay in sync automatically.

Extended teams with dedicated support and sales capabilities, tied into external CRM / Service Desk systems.


Nimbus Service users and MS Teams members stay in sync automatically.

Contact Centers or Priority Services handling specialized tasks regardless of customer time zone or service called.


Users and roles are manually assignable, acting independently from MS Teams.

Configurable Nimbus Features

✅ For each of your services, you can freely configure Opening Hours and Workflows.

✅ Each user gets easy access to the Nimbus Personal App and Nimbus Teams Tab, seamlessly integrated into the MS Teams client experience.

✅Each service team has access to its own Dashboard with KPI metrics, impacted by indivdiual Distribution Service Settings.

✅Enables Outbound Service Calls and caller Context.

✅ Adds further Service Configuration options and Workflow Templates to pick from.

✅Extends your users My Sessions view with Codes, Tags and Context, allowing for more detailed call experience that includes task / upselling note taking for your your Power BI historical reporting.

✅ Define dynamic teams based on skills and advanced User Roles instead of relying on fixed MS Teams / Member / Owner structures.

✅Assign users as customizable “Agents” with indivdiual Responsibility Profiles.

✅Access to customizable Dashboards with individual widgets and filters for KPI monitoring.

✅Allows for After-Call-Work (ACW) to shield users from further tasks, configured individually in the Distribution Service Settings.

✅Enables User States tracking for extended Reporting capabilities.

Call distribution

Based on "QueueWorkflow settings and user presence.


💡Tasks are distributed to all users equally (round-robin, longest-idle first).

💡 Workflows allow flexible routing between services, each with their own distribution type, IVR, and set of opening hours.

Adds dynamic task handling to workflows. 


💡Allows checking and reacting to a caller's queue status, e.g. to re-distribute long-waiting tasks to backup services.

💡Optionally, tasks can be handled on a "first-to-pick-up" basis for higher throughput.

Enables skill-based user routing. 


💡Freely allows you to define your Skills and Responsibilities as criteria for call distribution.

💡Calls are distributed based on Distribution Policies in your services which ensure that users with the matching skills are pooled dynamically.

An overview of Nimbus service licenses

Additional Add-ons and Apps

These add-ons and apps can be additionally added to your License Management and distributed among your services and users.

💡 Note that adding add-ons and apps entails additional license costs.

INC Addons and Apps

Attendant Console 

Allows the user to act as a front desk operator


Get access to extended Address Book searches.

Support Call Handling scenarios (e.g. Safe, Blind transfer, Consultation calls).
Customizable contact groups with note-taking capabilities.

🔎 Attendant Console can be activated via User Administration per user.


Allows direct interaction widgets on your website


Remove the need of additional software on customer side.

Optionally avoid service queues if you want customers to directly interact with your users.

🔎 Learn more on our Interact Solution page.
🔎 Interact can be activated per user via User Administration or service via Service Administration.


Assistant runs in your browser as a small UI extension, or as standalone Assistant App1, which offers additional features:


✅ In-Browser, within the Nimbus Portal UI: Allows as RONA or Responsibility Profiles management.

✅ Installed as standalone App1: Removes the need to have Nimbus open in your browser at all times. The App will show automatically show context and and trigger web requests on incoming Nimbus tasks2.

🔎1 Nimbus Assistant comes with your Contact Center license and can be activated individually per user via User Administration

🔎2 Configurable as user-individual Direct Call Templates or service-wide Service Call Templates. Learn more about this by visiting Assistant Configuration and Use Case - Setting Up Assistant.

Individually assignable addon licenses

Features by Service

Nimbus Service Features

✅ These features can be enabled and managed in the respective Service Settings and/or User Administration when your License Management shows sufficient applicable licenses.


INC Nimbus Service Features


Service License

Advanced Routing

Enterprise Routing

Contact Center


Audio/Video Call Handling

Instant Message Chat Handling

Distribution and Handling of External Tasks

Email Handling
User Assignment Type per Service
None (IVR / Front Services)
Microsoft Teams (Team-based)
Skill-Based call distribution with Distribution Policies

Preferred- and Last User Routing with Distribution Policies

Context and Codes
Primary and Secondary Codes
Context URLs
User Custom Parameters
System Fields and Parameters
Service Features
After Call Work (ACW)

Call On Behalf of a service
Outbound Call scheduling / task creation
Persistent RONA State

Service-specific Task Priority 

Service-wide Service Call Template Actions

Multilingual live Transcription and historic captioning
Monitoring and Reporting Features
Nimbus Personal App in MS Teams
Service Team General Dashboard
Service Owner KPI Personal Dashboards

Administrator-managed Non-Personal Dashboards

Service Call Supervision within the Dashboard

Service Team Reporting
Historical Sessions Overview page
Options and Integrations
Power BI Data Connector and Template
Microsoft Power Automate Connector
Interact - embeddable website-to-service widgets.
Display Service Context via Assistant 

Individually assignable service licenses and related features

Service Workflow Activities and Features

Your service license determines which Workflow Activities and related features can be leveraged.

INC Workflow Activity License Matrix


Service License

Advanced Routing

Enterprise Routing

Contact Center

Workflow Activities
Availability Based Routing
Cancel Task
Check Opening Hours
Check Parameter (Parameter-based Routing)
Check Task
Collect Information

Disconnect Conversation
Distribution Priority (set Task Priority)

Get Available Users
Get Queue Position
Input Customer (IVR)
Input Customer Advanced
Mark as Handled


Play Music
Queue Task

Save to Parameter
Standby Duty
Voice Message
Wait for Parameter (e.g. external updates)
Call Distribution modes within “Queue / Queue Task” activity
Features related to Workflows 
Basic Call Templates
IVR Transfer Templates
Configurable Opening Hours
Workflow activities and related feature availability per license

Features by User

Nimbus User Features

✅ These features can be enabled in the respective General User Settings when your License Management shows sufficient applicable licenses.


INC Nimbus User Features

Contact Center

INC Contact Center User Feature Matrix

Contact Center Features

User-individual Skills and Responsibilities(1)

Individually assigned Responsibility Profiles for users(1)

Custom (on / off) Duty States

Access to Personal Dashboards(1)

Service Supervisor Roles for Dashboard Supervision(1)

Access to extended User State Reporting in Power BI (via Supervisor role)

Contact Center Assistant with basic features avaialble in Nimbus Portal

(1) Also requires a Contact Center license on the Service to configure the related features.


INC Interact User Feature Matrix

Interact User Features

Interact - direct website to user interaction without service requirement (AV(1)/IM(2))

(1) The AV modality is always enabled for services and can be routed to users directly via Interact. Unwanted direct AV interaction can be blocked in the Interact Service Settings to prevent service queues being avoided.

(2) When the IM modality is disabled on the service, the user can still handle directly incoming Instant Messages when the Interact license is assigned and IM is enabled in Interact Service Settings.


INC Attendant Feature Matrix

Attendant Features

Personal Attendant Console UI for task handling, contact group management and extended user search
Blind Transfer call scenario support
Consultation Call call scenario support
Safe Transfer call scenario support
Session Hold via Call Park call scenario support


INC Assistant Feature Matrix

Assistant - supported functionality

Assistant in Nimbus Portal UI

Client Assistant (Standalone App)

Call Flow (Incoming / Outgoing caller route)

💡Only via My Sessions and Attendant Console

Click to Call (callto: protocol)

💡Only via My Sessions and Attendant Console

Open Context in Browser (1) 
(see Conversation Context)

💡Only via My Sessions

HTTP Web Requests   
( see Service Call Templates / Direct Call Templates)
Switch Duty States (2) 
(see Responsibility Profiles)

After Call Work (2) 
(see Distribution Service Settings)

💡Only via My Sessions

Codes and Tags (1) 
(see Extension Service Settings)

💡Only via My Sessions

Manage RONA Status

Not Available Reasons (3)

(see User Administration > N/A Reasons)

Call On Behalf (1)
(see Modalities Service Settings > Outbound Conversations)

💡Only via “Call on Behalf” popup in Nimbus UI

💡Only via My Sessions and Attendant Console
Email Tasks (2)
💡Only via My Sessions and Attendant Console
💡Handling in My Sessions
Instant Messaging Tasks (2) or (3)
💡Only via My Sessions and Attendant Console
Blind Transfer

💡Only via Attendant Console

(1) Requires Enterprise or Contact Center service license.
(2) Requires Contact Center service license.
(3) Requires Contact Center user license.


INC Transcription User Feature Matrix


Automatic live captioning of calls and historic Transcription (1) for the user.

(1) Requires Enterprise or Contact Center license on the Service, the configuration is done in Virtual Assistants Service Settings and Extension Service Settings.


Allows a service-based Task Queue and Distribution to this via individual channels of communication (modalities) to this user.

Audio/Video(2) Enables the user to handle Audio/Video tasks from services. 💡Enabled per default, cannot be unassigned.
Instant Messaging(1)(2) Enables the user to handle Instant Messaging tasks from services. 
External Task(1) Enables the user to handle External Tasks from services.
Email(1) Enables the user to handle Email tasks from services.

(1) Requires a Contact Center license on the Service, configured individually per Modalities Service Settings.

(2) When using Interact, a direct website to user contact is possible for this modailty. That way the service queue is bypassed.



Compliance Recording

Compliance Recording

➕ OPTIONAL Solution

Luware Recording is catered to your regulatory compliance requirements and needs. Recording works independently on your tenant and is not restricted to just Nimbus services.

🔍 Learn more on our Luware Solutions page and and the Introduction to Recording in the KB. Get in contact with your Luware sales representative if you require further information or a demonstration of features.


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