Release Note History

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08 Sep 2024 - 1.99 Release Notes

🔖 This is a major feature update, bringing many new changes and options into Nimbus. This update was rolled out sequentially on our clusters:

Cluster Update on
United Kingdom 01 08/09/2024
Switzerland 02 / Germany 02 09/09/2024
Switzerland 01 10/09/2024
Australia 01 11/09/2024
Germany 01 14/09/2024
  • New Clusters available - Two new clusters were deployed and are now available for use:
    • Australian cluster (AU01)
    • US cluster (US01)
    • Note: EU cluster is now also added to the KB listings.
  • Changes for workflow activity "Input Customer (Advanced)"  -  
    • You can now use custom and system parameters in text-to-speech prompts in the Input Customer (Advanced) Workflow Activity. This way, it is easier to guide your customers properly through IVR. To make use of the functionality:
      • Ensure that Add Parameters is enabled in the Input Customer (Advanced) Workflow Activity.
      • Once enabled, you can add custom and system parameters to your prompt text
  • Storing voice input in custom parameters - It is now also possible to save the customer's input (voice input or DTMF) to a custom (text) parameter for further usage in the Input Customer (Advanced) Workflow Activity. We also added a new “Save on No Recognition” toggle. This will store any customer inputs in a custom Parameter even if the No Recognition (NR) exit is taken.
    • Behavior:
      • If the Save on No Recognition toggle is enabled, the input is stored upon leaving the workflow activity through any of the exits.
      • If the Save on No Recognition toggle is disabled, the input is only stored upon leaving the activity through any of the recognized exits (when matching the input with the expectation). 
  • Replacing “Input Customer” with “Input Customer (Advanced)” in your workflows - For this activity, we're testing a new right-click context menu feature in our workflow activities. The goal is to make future transitions between activities of different feature sets easier.
    • Right click on your regular “Input Customer” workflow activity, you can replace it with "Input Customer (Advanced)".
    • ⮑ When replacing “Input Customer” with “Input Customer (Advanced)”, all connections (entries and exits) and all values from all properties are preserved. 
      ☝ This only works in case the workflow doesn't have a Workflow Templates with a workflow or structure lock enabled. 
      ☝ It is currently not possible to downgrade from Input Customer (Advanced) to Input Customer.
  • Changed Filter behavior - We redesigned the filtering option from scratch to provide a cleaner experience. 
    • Filters can now be toggled on and off to be shown in the UI permanently,
    • Adding a new filter brings the user right into the filter text search.
  • New “Presence Activity” indicator for Portal UI and flexible Dashboards
    • Presence Activity can now be added as an additional column and filter to User State Tabular, User State Chart, and User Supervisor Tabular Dashboard Widgets.
    • The Presence Activity is now also shown in a tooltip on all avatars in Nimbus Portal.
    • Notes: If the Presence Activity is not available, only the Presence State is shown.
    • 🔍 Refer to the Microsoft documentation to learn more about the different Presence States and Activities in MS Teams.
  • Power BI From the Nimbus BI Template Release Notes:
    • Session Details and User Session Details pages - fixed the filter that caused latest sessions from randomly not being shown. These pages are now restricted to show top 1000 sessions based on latest StartedAt.
    • Resolved "System Error, type mismatch" when refreshing report in Power BI Services (online) after switching UserStates parameter from false to true.
  • Other Changes and Improvements
    • Attendant Console - Category “Skill-based” available in Attendant Console - The category “Skill-based” on the My Services widget in My Overview is now also available in Attendant Console > Services widget.
    • Workflow Editing  / Dashboard Widgets  - The height of movable popup dialog boxes like “Add Activity”  (Workflows) and “Add Widgets” (Personal Dashboards) is now adjustable. Furthermore, the default max-height should now adapt to the available screen resolution more effectively.
    • Role-based Access Concept (RBAC) OU Admin access in Nimbus Portal - The fields available for read/write for OU Administrators in Nimbus Portal were aligned with those available in Nimbus Admin.
    • Provisioning Script PSTN error handling - Improved the error handling during PSTN number assignment inside the Provisioning Script.
  • Power Automate:

04 Aug 2024 - 1.97 Release Notes

🔖 This is a major update, bringing new changes and options into Nimbus.

Cluster Update on
United Kingdom 01 04/08/2024
Switzerland 02 / Germany 02 05/08/2024
Switzerland 01 06/08/2024
Germany 01 07/08/2024
  • UI Changes:
    • Deprecated “Pickup (through transfer)” Distribution Type - The Distribution Type “Pickup (through transfer)” was removed from the Workflow Activities Queue and Queue Activity. “Pickup” (through transfer) will not be available anymore. In existing Workflows and Workflow Templates, “Pickup” is replaced with the distribution type “Pickup Conference”.
    • Added category “Skill-based” on My Services widget in My Overview.  Introduced a new category “Skill-based” on the My Services widget in My Overview. This category displays the user's skill-based services count. Being on duty / off duty doesn't influence this count.
    • Renamed Areas in Nimbus UI - To improve the usability of Nimbus, the following areas have been renamed in Nimbus Portal:
  • Power BI
    • User States page: Dates and timings are now being converted to local time as per time zone selected in parameters.
    • Fixed the sorting for date objects. Day of the week in Service Overview and User Overview are now sorting chronologically instead of alphabetically.
    • Fixed15Min column in ServiceSessions and UserSessions now set to type time and will sorts chronologically.
  • Other Changes and Improvements
    • Added direction to Service Supervisor Tabular Widget - The Service Supervisor Tabular Widget was extended by direction (Inbound Call, Outbound Call, Call On Behalf). It is now also possible to filter by direction.
    • Adjusted the length limitation of the fields in Configuration > Parameters  to match them with the limitations in Power Automate. The following limits apply:
      • Name: 64 characters
      • Default Value: 5120 characters
      • ID: 64 characters

14 Jul 2024 - 1.96 Release Notes

🔖 This is a major feature update, bringing many new changes and options into Nimbus.

Cluster Update on
United Kingdom 01 14.07.2024
Switzerland 02 / Germany 02 15.07.2024
Switzerland 01 16.07.2024
Germany 01 17.07.2024
  • Outbound Supervision
    • Supervisors can now join scheduled Outbound Calls or Calls On Behalf. The functionality works in a similar fashion as Inbound Call Supervision. The supervisor can join the call in three different modes:
      • Listening - The supervisor can hear all other parties in the call but can't be heard himself by any other party.
      • Whispering - The supervisor can hear all other parties in the call and can speak to the nimbus user(s) but not by the customer (destination/callee in an outbound scenario).
      • Barge In - The supervisor can hear and can be heard by everyone in the call.
  • Call on Behalf on Portal
    • Call On Behalf tasks are now displayed on Portal in the following areas:
    • Dashboards:
      • On the "Connected" widget - Number is increased when a call on behalf is connected to the user
      • On the "Tasks" widget when "ringing" (being connected to the user), "dialing out",  "connect" (destination accepted), etc.
    • Flexible Dashboards:
      • On all widgets displaying "live" service tasks like "Live Service Task Tabular" and "Service Task Supervision"
      • "Ringing" and "Dialing out" were added to the states filter on “Live Service Task Tabular”
  • Different Icon for Outbound Call and Call on Behalf
  • Related improvements:
    • A tooltip shows the call type when hovering over the icon.
    • The call type (instead of the direction) is now displayed in My Sessions.
    • The column “Source” was renamed to “Customer” in My Sessions.
  • OU Administrator role access to Service Settings in Portal
    • Organizational Unit Administrators can now manage Service Settings in Nimbus Portal. The Services Overview page is also accessible, however, if the OU Administrator is not part of any service, only an information message is shown.
    • Refer to Portal Roles for detailed information about access rights. 💡Note that OU Administrators do not have access to any reporting data.
  • Nimbus Power BI Template enabled for Incremental Refresh
    • The latest version of the Nimbus Power BI Template enables users to set up the report so that it can be refreshed incrementally. 
    • By enabling incremental refresh, it is possible to define how much data the user wants to store in the report and incrementally load new data at each subsequent refresh. Refer to the Nimbus BI Template Release Notes for more information on the incremental refresh and other updates included in the Nimbus Power BI template for this release.
  • Other Changes and Improvements
  • The Luware Nimbus Power Automate Connector has been certified by Microsoft and is available in all Microsoft Datacenters. This means that the connector has passed rigorous testing and validation by Microsoft and meets the highest standards of quality, security, and performance.
    • For existing Nimbus users: We recommend switching to the new certified connector. Note that this requires a manual Connector migration as the Flows and Triggers are differently structured/named. If you have already used any version of the connector before it has been certified, you need to carefully plan the migration to the new certified connector. 
      🔎 Refer to Connector Migration for more information.
    • For new Nimbus users: If you are new to Nimbus and haven't yet started with productive flow integrations, you can use the new certified connector directly from Power Automate without any further registration.

23 Jun 2024 - 1.95 Release Notes

🔖 This is a major feature update, bringing many new changes and options into Nimbus.

Cluster Update on
United Kingdom 01 23.06.2024
Switzerland 02 24.06.2024
Switzerland 01 / Germany 02 25.06.2024
Germany 01 26.06.2024
  • New Workflow Activity Input Customer (Advanced) for Audio/Video. Enterprise Contact Center The workflow activity Input Customer (Advanced) with speech to text option for IVR was added to Conversation Handling Workflow Activities. Input Customer (Advanced) is available for Enterprise and Contact Center licensed services and works only with the Audio/Video modality.
    • Input Customer (Advanced) offers the following additional functionalities:
      • An optimized DMTF input
      • DMTF and voice input are allowed alongside each other or separately
      • Multilingual STT (speech to text) support
    • 💡 Supervision Note: Barging in (Supverinput during announcement) is not possible for voice input. This is a limitation from Microsoft and there is currently no workaround.
    • KB changes: I
  • Extended Presence Tracking via Application Permission. Introduced extended presence tracking via application permission. 
  • Dashboards - User Performance Widget. Contact Center - Added the User Performance Tabular Dashboard Widget for both Personal Dashboards and Non-Personal Dashboards
    • This widget shows the user performance information in a tabular view and generally acts like the “User Statistics” widget known from the service Reporting view.💡The "Performance Chart" is rendered on client side, which means that it could slow down your browser or device.  
      Note that:
      • The column "Performance Chart" is therefore not shown per default. Instead, the columns "# Declined", "# RONA", “# Accepted” are shown.
      • For browser performance reasons,  the “Performance Chart” column is only suggested if less than 20 users are shown on the widget.
      • If the “Performance Chart” column is selected, an info message about possible performance degradation is shown.
    • The User Performance Tabular widget shows the following columns (configurable):
      • Avatar (icon)
      • User (name)
      • Organization Unit 
      • Performance Chart of (not) accepted tasks. Shows an average dashed vertical line for all selected users.
  • Historic Reporting
    • OData - The name of the transfer destination is now shown in clear text in Historic Reporting.
      • Added new attribute in TransferSessions entity (type: String): DestinationName.
      • The destination name is
        • the service display name in case the destination is a Nimbus service
        • the display name of the user in case destination is a Nimbus user
        • empty, if no destination name is available.
    • OData - ServiceSessionTagStrings - A new entity is available via the OData interface.
      • This entity enables users to view all the tags associated to a single Service Session ID
      • When multiple tags apply, the tags are shown in a single string, separated by a comma (e.g. Tag1, Tag2, Tag3, ...) 
        💡 Note that this entity starts getting populated with data from the moment of the release and it is not backfilled.
  • Other Changes and Improvements

03 June 2024 - 1.94 Release Notes

🔖 This is a major feature update, bringing many new changes and options into Nimbus. This update will be rolled out sequentially on our clusters: 

Cluster Update on
United Kingdom 01 / Switzerland 02 03.06.2024
Switzerland 01 / Germany 02 04.06.2024
Germany 01 05.06.2024
  • Instant Messaging - Accept via Nimbus UI Deeplinks. 
    • Added the possibility to accept Instant Messaging tasks via deeplink from within Assistant, My Sessions and Attendant Console. This option now works when users are part of a service (queue), which will provide links to directly jump into the chat with the customer.
    • With this update, the Nimbus Chat Bot registration on User Preferences (Portal) – is now an optional requirement. It is only necessary when users are not directly associated with a Nimbus Service. When using Interact for a direct-to-user approach, a Nimbus bot registration is still required so Nimbus can post Adaptive Cards
      Interact itself is still a requirement for customers to interact with either Nimbus services and users from outside.
  • Related KB Changes:
  • More “Off Duty” Responsibility Profiles
    • Added the possibility to create more than one “Off Duty” Responsibility Profile.
    • Additional Off Duty profiles are handled the same way as the system's default Off Duty profile.
    • ☝Note: Once created, it is not possible to convert any existing Duty Profile to On Duty or Off Duty, as this would create mismatches in the Nimbus Reporting Model. → If you want to change an existing profile, you need to replace it with a new entry and assign it to your users.
    • Unchanged behavior: If users have any (new or existing) Off Duty profile assigned, they are not considered for skill-based routing.
  • Elimination of Outbound Call Delay. 
    • In order to avoid having issues with audio delay when establishing an outbound call between agents and customers, the new improved approach of inviting outbound targets can be enabled by Luware Support for tenants.
    • For this, two read-only feature toggles were added to Extensions Tenant Settings:
      • If disabled, the old approach is used (audio delay for participants).
      • If enabled, the improved approach is used (audio delay removed).
    • ✅ This new approach of inviting outbound targets can be enabled per tenant by Luware Support, but requires testing on your Tenant as Microsoft has not yet rolled out dependent functionality globally for all MS Teams tenants.
      • Please contact your customer success representative to discuss enabling and testing this at an opportune time outside your business hours.
      • If this approach is not working on your Tenant, we suggest you to open a request with Microsoft directly to improve the situation in a timely manner.
  • Other Changes and Improvements
    • Attendant Console:
      • Fixed a backend issue that prevented calls from being displayed in Attendant Console.
      • Related: New “Attendant Console”  logging option for users contacting support with technical issues. Slight rewording to User Preferences (Portal) > Logging section.
    • Nimbus Power Automate Connector - Added further field validations for User Custom Parameters as well as Nimbus System Fields and Parameters. When running flows that exceed the field size limitations, the Nimbus backend will show an error.
    • External Task - Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented a new External Task from showing up in Nimbus Assistant after terminating the current one.
    • RONA - Fixed an issue that flagged a user with RONA status even if they couldn't be added to the call due to technical issues.
      • Calls are now terminated with the reason “No Meeting Token” when the escalation fails and
      • The User and Service Session are reported as failed.
    • Opening Hours:
      • Fixed a weekly recurring period issue with periods ranging over a DST (daylight savings time) date.
      • Fixed an issue that caused changes on Opening Hours not being saved when editing them via drag and drop.
    • Workflow Activities - Fixed a length validation issue in the “Input Customer” activity.
    • Workflow Templates - Fixed an issue that prevented adding new activities on a locked workflow template.
    • The Instant Messaging toggle is now only shown for Contact Center licensed services to avoid confusion over the license dependency.
    • Updated the User Role (RBAC) Matrix from scratch, adding separate Reporting Roles and updating all related tables.
    • Tenant Administration - Fixed an issue that prevented showing the License Management page correctly.

13 May 2024 - 1.93 Release Notes

🔖 This is a major feature update, bringing many new changes and options into Nimbus. This update was rolled out sequentially on our clusters: 

Cluster Update on
United Kingdom 01 / Switzerland 02 13.05.2024
Switzerland 01 / Germany 02 14.05.2024
Germany 01 15.05.2024
  • Dashboard Widgets - Service / User Limitation - To keep the performance on huge Dashboard Widgets manageable, query limits of 200 users / 200 services each were introduced on filtering, e.g. when large Organization Units containing many users and services were selected as “Data Source”.
    • A warning and counters are shown when a total user / service count limit is exceeded.
    • The limit applies summed-up across all widgets on the same Dashboard.
  • Assistant - Blind Transfer - 💡Only for incoming calls 
    • Added a “Blind Transfer” button in Assistant for ongoing service calls. Clicking it allows to search for a name or type in a PSTN Number to quickly transfer the call towards.
  • Historical Sessions - Service Session Details
    • Introduced a Service Session Details Popup in the Historical Sessions view.
    • The session details popup shows call metrics, users involved, Codes, Tags, Session Details for a service session.
    • Session details are shown as configured in Extensions Service Settings per service. Historical call details are only stored when the “Store Conversation Context Data” setting was enabled back when a service session was concluded.
  • Power BI Improvements:  
    • DayOfMonth which is used in the Sessions Overview tile "Session Volume by date and Hour, % Handled Rate" has been updated to ensure that it sorts in chronological order.
    • When drilling down to the day of month, the data is now sorted in a meaningful way.
  • GDPR - Historical Data Retention Settings
    • Data Retention Time: New: Added a “Data Retention Time” setting to Tenant Administration > Data Privacy. 💡 This setting was released read only. We plan to make the retention threshold setting user-configurable in the near future (up to 24 months).
    • Unchanged behavior: Historical data exceeding the retention time is purged within the next 24 hours.
  • Service Distribution Settings - Auto Redirect in Emergency Case.
    • Added a new toggle Auto Redirect in Emergency Case in Distribution Service Settings. You can define where to forward calls when they are being blocked by Nimbus.  Currently, there are three options for redirecting calls:
      • PSTN number
      • User UPN
      • Service UPN
    • This feature is meant as a fallback during technical analysis of service degradation/downtime to allow to route incoming calls to a temporary (emergency) number. Calls will be blocked from being handled in regular workflows and distribution, allowing Luware technicians to perform maintenance and analysis. 💡Note that an “Emergency Case” is engaged and managed by Luware System Administrators. When it applies, Luware support blocks the calls on cluster level. In such case you will find more information on
  • Power Automate Connector - Address Books limitation
    • Added character limits per Address Books contact properties within Power Automate Connector > Flow Actions. Specific backend error messages will be shown when these limits are exceeded.
  • Other Changes and Improvements
    • Adaptive Cards “Solved”  status -  Fixed an issue that prevented Adaptive Cards with status “New” from being marked as “Solved”. ☝ Please note that this fix will only work on newly incoming Voicemails and their corresponding Adaptive Cards.
    • Extensions Service Settings "Store Custom Context Data" option
      • Historical Data - Fixed an issue that prevented Custom Parameters from being correctly stored historically, according to the "Store Custom Context Data" setting individually enabled per Service Settings.
      • KB: Updated the "Store Custom Context Data" wording to make its effects more clear, when storing (potentially private) parameter data in a Multi-Service Transfer context.
    • Workflows
      • Workflows > Input Customer Activity (IVR) - Improved internal handling of DTMF inputs to speed up processing.
      • Workflows - Fixed a workflow scenario issue that prevented IVR recognition after previous transfers.
    • Instant Messaging / Interact
      • Added support for emojis within chat.
      • Updated limit of 249 characters for the initial chat topic (service name + customer's name).
    • Other Fixes and Improvements

22.April 2024 - 1.91-4 Release Notes

Feature deployment (Wave 2)

🔖 / 🔥 This is a combined feature toggle and hotfix update. We also enabled Transcription (Beta) capabilities on the remaining tenants. 

UK01 / CH02* 22.04.2024
CH01 / DE02* 23.04.2024
DE01 24.04.2024
1.91-4 Modality and Transcription planned deployment dates

* For this cluster features were already deployed during 1.91-3. For feature descriptions read on further below.


Hotfixes and Improvements - changes on existing functionality:

  • Attendant - Consultation Call - Fixed a UI status delay issue which prevented outright taking a parked call back after a previous consultation call.
  • My Sessions Status updates:
    • Fixed an issue that showed a terminated call still as active on the UI.
    • Fixed an issue where task status updates on “My Sessions” were not immediately  reflected.
  • Non-/Personal Dashboards > Dashboard Widgets  > Service KPI Tabular - Fixed an erroneously long number shown in the “Longest Waiting Task” column of the “Service KPI Tabular ” widget.
  • Workflows > Input Customer Activity (IVR) -  Improved internal handling of DTMF inputs to speed up processing.

15.April 2024 - 1.91-3 Release Notes

Feature deployment (Wave 1)

🔖 This is a feature toggle update. It's finally time to increase the list supported modalities. We also enabled Transcription capabilities.

DE02/CH02 16.04.2024
Other clusters See above, 1.91-4
1.91-3 Modality and Transcription deployment dates
  • Email is now here as new supported modality.
  • Instant Messaging (Chat) was rolled out for a while yet, but was reliant on Microsoft public preview functionality. As this restriction is now removed, handling instant messaging is now supported in production.
    • Instant Messaging is now usable in production.
    • The dependency on Interact remains in place, as native MS Teams Client support is still missing. In the meantime we're using the time to lower the technical requirements and simplify related setup steps for the productive rollout.
    • Instant messages are handled via Adaptive Cards and Assistant App, you can learn more on Instant Message Handling.
  • Transcription Feature (Closed Beta) - Transcription allows to record a customer-to-Nimbus-user interaction in real time and keep written record of the entire content. The main interaction remains in the My Sessions UI and works otherwise in the background without further actions necessary by the end user.
  • General Licensing UI and related KB changes - As the new modalities also brought many changes to the Nimbus UI, restructuring of license display and related settings was necessary. We took the opportunity to redesign some parts of the Knowledge Base to make the transition easier. 
  • Knowledge Base: 
    • Completely reworked the Workflow Activities Overview to allow readers to distinguish modality-specific properties and settings, as well as better see license requirements.
    • Completely reworked the Nimbus Features matrix to match the Nimbus UI and licensing. This should allow users to easier understand what additional features come with each additional license toggle.

25. March 2024 - 1.91 Release Notes

🔖 This last major feature update, was rolled out on all productive clusters already. The update leaned heavily into UX and UI improvements alongside with many, less-visible backend changes.

UK/DE02/CH02 25.03.2024
CH01 26.03.2024
DE01 27.03.2024
1.91 Release Deployment Dates
  • Services Overview UI Adjustments:
    • Adjusted maximum width per service entry so that a FullHD Screen (1920px width minus the browser borders) displays 4 services simultaneously.
    • Reduced "Distribution Level" overall column size (for Contact Center services).
    • Modalities, State and Active toggles will remain visible at all times. Other headers and contents of the user list table (or service table) are allowed to be cut off using (…).
    • If a service user has no modalities configured a dash is shown “-”. This can be changed in the General User Settings.
    • User presence states are now shown as a color only. The textual representation is shown as mouseover tooltip. 
  • Workflow Editor
    • The list of activities (formerly on the left) has now been replaced with “Add Activity” button. 💡 The new button is placed on the top right, following concepts like Opening Hours “Add Period” and Dashboards “Add Widget”.
    • “Add Activity” now opens a popup with a grouped list of activities instead of a fixed sidebar. 
      • The window is freely movable and stores its last postion. 
      • Right-aligns to browser window and resets when “Add Activity” is clicked again.
    • Features both activity search and counter for existing (used) activities in the workflow editor area.
  • Dashboards - “Add Widget” dialogue refresh.
    • Using “Add Widget” (top right) now opens a popup with a grouped list of Dashboard Widgets instead of a fixed sidebar. 
      • The window is freely movable and stores its last postion. 
      • Right-aligns to browser window.
    • Features both widget search and counter for existing (already used) widgets in the Dashboard grid area.
  • Autocomplete controls. Dropdown menus in Nimbus were replaced with a new autocomplete feature. Handling of pulldowns and selection fields should now feel more streamlined and responsive, featuring search-as-you type and logical reactions to user inputs. 
    • The visible UI locations being updated include:
      • Tenant Administration (e.g. in  tabs General, Authorization, Provisioning, "Add User" popup)
      • Service settings (various locations in both Admin and Portal UI)  
      • Configuration (Skills, Workflows)
      • Workflow editor (Audio selection, Dropdowns, Playlists, Text-To-Speech selector)
      • Portal
        • Call-as popup
        • My Session Page (Codes & Tags)
        • User Preferences (Language, Theme, Date/Time)
  • Direct Access to configurable properties
    • Configuration - Added additional properties “cog” icons to various overview pages for the following areas. 💡The same items will also show the properties configuration icon in their header
      • Workflows
      • Workflow templates
      • Opening hours
      • Non personal dashboards
  • Streamlined Configuration header and footer
    • Configuration page headers will now Title, Name and OU where applicable and not already part of the item configuration itself.
    • Further efforts to standardize the position of Save and Cancel buttons.
  • Other Changes and Improvements
    • Minor improvements to the Round-Robin call-distribution algorithm. 
    • My Sessions Fixes:
      • Fixed a wrongfully shown “Unsaved changes” dialog on services that have only primary Codes configured but were actually saved correctly.
      • Fixed a wrong green border color on connected calls. 
      • Fixed an issue that shows My Sessions widgets with empty space on lower resolutions.
    • Interact User Settings - Now shows a warning when user is not registered in the bot and thus not able to receive Instant Messaging modality (chat) conversations.
    • Fixed scaling issue on flexible Dashboard tabular widgets.
    • Opening Hours - Fixed an weekly recurring period issue with periods ranging over a DST (daylight savings time) date.
    • Administration Overview  - Added a pagination for the service overview rendering grid, effectively speeding up rendering on Tenants with a large amount of services (teams).
    • Workflow Activities 
      • “Text To Speech” conversion - Added error pop-up in case of a preview-rendering error on Microsoft side.
      • “Transfer” activity - fixed an issue in the user search.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented removed Nimbus tabs to be re-added to already licensed teams.
    • Adaptive Cards - Fixed a rare “Unable to reach App” error scenario.
    • Responsibility Profiles - Fixed an issue related to profiles, preventing users in Nimbus Admin UI to be listed correctly.
    • Fixed a consultation call related closure issue for of service and user session reporting, effectively preventing the user from becoming selectable again.
    • Nimbus Assistant:
      • Assistant Configuration > “Service/ Direct Templates” > Actions - fixed an layout issue caused by selecting the POST-multipart HTTP method.
      • Assistant Call Context is now correctly opened even if a SignalR connection is in error status (e.g. due to being blocked or an outage).
    • Fixed an issue that prevented saving of PSTN details on General Service Settings.

04 Mar 2024 - 1.90-2 Release Notes

🔥This is a minor hotfix update with changes to existing functionality.

  • Fixed a rare issue that caused stuck tasks in a preferred agent service transfer scenario.
Cluster Update on
United Kingdom / Germany 02 04.03.2024
Europe 01 / Switzerland 01 05.03.2024
Germany 01 / Switzerland 02 06.03.2024

29 Feb 2024 - 1.90-1 Release Notes

🔥This is a minor hotfix update with changes to existing functionality.

  • Fixed an issue in the Provisioning Microsoft PowerShell script that prevented newly provisioned services to become available for calls.       
    💡As usual the script should automatically update upon next execution. You can always retrieve the latest version via Administration Overview.      

27 Feb 2024 - 1.90 Release Notes

🔖 This is a major feature update, bringing many new changes and options into Nimbus. This update will be rolled out sequentially on our clusters: 

Cluster Update on
United Kingdom / Germany 02 26.02.2024
Europe 01 / Switzerland 02 27.02.2024
Switzerland 01 28.02.2024
Germany 01 29.02.2024

Ongoing backend improvements - Learn more

In recent months - especially in our German cluster -  the call volume has increased massively. As Nimbus is growing we want to ensure to offer you the usual high quality in future. To achieve this, we currently focus more development resources on making extensive adjustments to our infrastructure.  In recent and coming weeks we implement backend design changes to better handle the current load, react to future spikes and thus ensure availability at the usual level.

What does this entail for our customers?

  • To unlock the full potential of Microsoft Teams with Luware Nimbus, we continue to work on exciting new features. However, we have decided to hold back some major features for a few more weeks in order to be able to focus on transitioning the infrastructure.
  • In order to alleviate the load on the system that would arise with new customers, we will add additional capacity for the regions of Germany and Switzerland by means of new clusters.
  • As soon as the transition within the infrastructure is complete, we will also make the new features available in our production environment.
  • Assistant Changes
    • Introduced as a new “Appearance” tab in the Settings.
    • Assistant  > Settings > “Appearance” - New “Bring to the foreground” option
      • Default disabled. When enabled, brings Assistant to the foreground upon incoming events (Session, RONA, etc.)
      • Configurable via MSI Switch in the Assistant Installation.
    • Restructured options to “Notifications” and “Appearance” tabs in the Settings.
    • Open Logfolder - Icon replaced, text moved into tooltip. 
      • Moved from the Info page into the menus.
      • Fixed a German translation issue on the Logfiles-Folder description.
  • Other Fixes and Improvements
    • Tenant Settings > Extensions Tab > Presence Tracking: Added a “copy fields to clipboard" so guest users can be easily retrieved for invitation into the Azure Tenant. 
    • Resources > Upload validation  - Introduced an upload limit validation. Prior to upload, individual audio files are checked to have maximum of 10 min lenght or 20 MB size. 💡If you need to chain multiple files, please resort to using multiple “Announcement” activities or use Playlists.
    • Address Books: Now following Organization Units “Read along the path” rule.
      • Previous behavior: Users were formerly just able to find Address Books on root level. 
      • New behavior: Address Books correctly follow the User's Organization Unit level. For example, a user should: 
        • a) have access to OUs on their level and Tenant OU address books (up the tree to the root)
        • b) not have access to Address Books on same-level OU (even if the user could be part of that service). 
    • Workflows > Input Customer Activity: Reduced "Max Input Timeout" to a maximum of 30 min. Existing Workflow items will not be affected.
    • Historical Sessions  - UI Fix: Fixed filter dropdown entries in dark theme showing the wrong font color.
    • Attendant Console - Contact Groups: Fixed cut-off icon shown next to user icons when editing contact groups.
    • Opening Hours - UI Fix and UTC time zone change:
      • Corrected Special pulldown colors for Opening Hours Default Type pulldown to match the periods
      • Editing single exceptions from a series of events will now correctly convert the period to UTC-based timezones based on on the original event, ignoring the users current device timezone. ☝ Existing Opening Hours periods will NOT be migrated to avoid impacts on existing produtive hours. When you create new recurrent series exceptions, the new behavior will apply.
  • Relevant Knowledge Base Changes. 
    • Use Cases Rework - As our Use Cases section has grown significantly over the last years, we aim to rework it in both structure and content.
      • To keep the visual load on our visitors smaller, we will hide Use Cases in most main menu entries, instead listing them in one or several categories such as Power Automate and Nimbus Administration. 
      • You can still find all hidden pages in our Page Index located at the footer of our KB.
    • KB Resource Library - As all our products rely on Microsoft Azure infrastructure, Whitepaper Documents and other technical information will get more and more into focus. To reflect this, we introduced a new Resource Library section prominently in the Knowledge Base root. As a start we list our whitepapers therein, but will continue to expand as more technical or user-data relevant information become available.

02 Feb 2024 - 1.89-3 Release Notes

🔥This is a minor hotfix update, bringing many new changes and options into Nimbus.

  • Attendant Console - Fixed an issue that prevented display names to be shown in contact groups. 
  • Initial improvements to our backend infrastructure were made to ensure a smooth call experience with further growth of the platform. In the coming weeks were are further committed to more adjustments to our infrastructure in order to cover the increasing load more efficiently and ensure ongoing availability at the usual level.

19 Jan 2024 - 1.89-1 Release Notes

🔥This is a minor hotfix update, bringing many new changes and options into Nimbus.

  • Call Handling - Fixed an issue that caused users in After Call Work (ACW) to be selected for calls despite being Off Duty or DND.

18 Jan 2024 - 1.89 Release Notes

🔖 This is a major feature update, bringing many new changes and options into Nimbus.

  • Elimination of audio delay for outbound calls (Postponed due to delayed MSFT deployment) -  Improved delay handling during outbound calls, causing customer and agent to hear each other only after a while. Customer and Agent should now hear each other immediately.
  • Flexible Licensing / User Modalities - This update will introduce more licensing flexibility, adding “Modality” settings for users. This will work in conjunction with the enabled modalities on service level, effectively limiting the channels on which users of that service will receive Nimbus tasks.
    • Introduction of modality addons for individual users. For each user the following modalities can now be configured individually:
      • Instant Messaging (still not enabled on productive tenants) (Chat Handling) - default: disabled
      • External Task - default: disabled. 💡Existing users with a Contact Center license which had this modality enabled already will be migrated.
      • The License Management view has been updated accordingly to reflect the new user modality options.
      • Modalities on Nimbus Portal - As individual modalities can now be toggled per user, the modalities are also now shown in the Nimbus Portal (e.g. Services Overview and Dashboard  views).
    • Design changes to Service Administration and User Administration UIs (Modality tabs) to reflect the new modality selections.
    • Interact is now consolidated as a Service Addon with the according licensing contingency connected to License Management. 
  • Assistant - Status Display: The Luware Nimbus Assistant will now distinguish between the availability status for both Microsoft Teams and Luware Nimbus, allowing users to quickly differentiate between their different availability statuses. The Luware Nimbus availability status is now displayed in a new banner, making it easily visible. The Microsoft Teams status will be moved to the user icon at the top of the Nimbus Assistant. 
  • Assistant App changes and fixes: 
    • The “Notifications” tab in the settings now allows to configure notifications per modality (IM, External Task)
    • Fixed an issue with Extended toast-pop up not being displayed during a call
    • Assistant - Call Templates - Fixed a rare issue where call details from a cancelled call were not cleared correctly and shown on the followup call.
  • Historic Reporting - Aggregated Data, Short Abandons, OpeningHours 
    • Aggregated user an service statistics data is now part of the OData interface. Nimbus now generates 15 minutes timeslots and stores it in the reporting database. Users with WFM (Workforce Management Tools) use this data to get user involvements within service sessions e.g. to plan shifts with accurate data. ☝️ Please note: Reporting data prior to this update is not aggregated / migrated retroactively.
    • Added aggregation support to TiDB (OData interface) in 15' intervals each. Data is aggregated for: 
      • User sessions
      • Service user sessions
      • Service statistics
  • Reporting: Short Abandons - New settings added to General Service Settings  > Reporting section > Short Abandons Threshold
    • Calls below this threshold are considered “Abandoned" and also added to reporting / aggregated data.
    • Added Opening Hours service session data to the ServiceSessions table in the OData interface. 
    • Opening Hours are now also included a BI Template update.
    • KB: Updated the Nimbus Reporting Model to reflect aggregated and Opening Hours data.
  • Chat Handling Improvements (still disabled on productive tenants at this point):
    • Chat Handling  / Use Case - Setting up Instant Messaging  - removed the requirement for an own ACS instance requirement.
    • Modalities Tenant Settings  - Instant Messaging tab.
    • Now allows to invite 2 guest users instead of ACS instance (invited on the tenant level, similar to presence tracking)
    • New account info messages belwo form field inform about the account guest status
    • New Test UPN field to send a test chat message
  • Workflows - New Wait for Parameter Activity: Will wait for any Parameters changes away from the default (e.g. within Flow Actions). This feature allows you to pause your Luware Nimbus workflows for a define period so that Power Automate can update the value of a parameter, for example from your CRM system. The element will wait a defined time and play either a TTS you define or a resource you provide (e.g. music).
  • Nimbus Power Automate Connector (MS Flow): 
    • 💡As a reminder: Future feature updates will only be added to the new (to be certified V1) connector. Existing custom connectors (V0) will only receive minor updates and fixes to ensure ongoing productive use. When a transition or related action is necessary, we will inform about necessary steps via release notes and with according advance notification.
    • As the new Power Automate Connector is still undergoing Microsoft Certification (to be made available in the Microsoft store), we started updating first KB pages. 
    • KB changes:
      • Added a Legacy and Certified Connector Differences page to explain technical differences and prepare all users for the upcoming transition.
      • Reworked Trigger Events and Flow Actions pages mentioning first connector differences.
      • Nimbus Power Automate Connector page split up and reworked to make future updates easier to read.
      • Separated page: Update Nimbus Power Automate Connector
      • New “Integrations” category started in the Knowledge Base.
  • V1 Connector changes:
    • Fix / Change:  only "Enterprise Routing" and "Contact Center" licensed Services are shown in the Action / Trigger pulldowns. This has already been the case according to the Nimbus Features matrix, but was never checked within service / user pulldown entries.
    • Previously - if you call the "Update Task" action multiple times - you had to provide all previous values (e.g. for the customer details). Otherwise set values get overwritten with NULL/null.
    • The new V1 connector now allows to “skip” overwriting values for properties passed with null/NULL to backend by using the function “string(null)”. Also see Stack Overflow source
  • Other Changes and Improvements:
    • Dashboards - All users with rights to edit Non-Personal Dashboards in the Admin UI can now add any widget. This does not impact the filtering approach on the Frontend.
    • General Service Settings  - New GDPR setting Hide on Historical Sessions page - will hide the service and related tasks from the page.
    • Outbound Service Call / Call On Behalf - Now shows alternative phone destinations on existing contacts within search results.

Table of Contents